Ships DE FSD Causes Asp, but not Python to heat up 10% more jumping into hyperspace

I got twp of the double engineered FSD's and added the mass manager special effect to each. When jumping into hyperspace from supercruise my Asp heats up 10% more (61% to 71%) than it did with the old FSD, but my Python does not get any hotter than the 61% the old FSD did. Yes the thermal load went up 20%, but why would it only affect the Asp since the thremal load went up on both?

In Outfitting when you look at the FSD modifications they are the exact same for both the Asp and the Python. Below are the Coriolis links to the different builds.

Asp original that would only heat to 61% when jumping into hyperspace

Asp DE FSD that heats to 71% when jumping into hyperspace

Python original that would only heat to 61% when jumping into hyperspace

Python DE FSD that heats to 61% when jumping into hyperspace
Because the asp is a hot ship:

Personally, I think the asp thermals need a buff. It's an older ship model, not made for the FSD booster / double engineered FSD environment of today.
Stay cool, fly Dolphin. ;)
It should also be said that your overcharged power plants certainly do not help with your thermals. Never overcharge a powerplant unless it is absolutely necessary to power the build you are making and if so only to the grade that is absolutely necessary to power it.

In fact, I would do this to your AspX build:

This runs a g3 low emissions + monstered power plant with some creative use of power priorities. Always keep the planetary vehicle hangar at lowest priority and you will never have to care about having enough power for it. It will turn off automatically when you fly and when you land your thrusters will turn off, meaning more than enough power will be available and the SRV bay will come online automatically. The A-rated shield boosters are very power hungry too, exchanged them for B-rated which still leaves you with 272MJ shields.
This runs a g3 low emissions + monstered power plant with some creative use of power priorities.
This is very sound advice (I mean the whole post, I just picked a line). Cool ships make scooping that much easier.

Alternatively, for simplicity and to have power reserves, use any grade Reinforced with Thermal Spread. The (in-)efficiency increases from 0.22 to 0.38 (G1) to 0.32 (G5), whereas the original G3 overcharged had 0.46. With higher grade you get more power, less heat from power consumption and higher integrity, but also more mass.
However, the extra mass for G5 reinforced is still lower than the extra mass for G3 low emissions, nibbling a bit less at the jump range.
Yup, simply altering your Power Plant's modifications will save you some heat there with a very minor loss in jump range.

This is your ship currently (exported to EDSY)

This is your current configuration with G5 Armoured/Thermal PP

You're not losing much jump range and your ship is still warm, but not cooking quite as much.

You can also lose 3 of the Boosters and run a singular G5 HD/SuperCap A-class for very similar Shield Strength and a fraction cooler yet, and the exact same jump range as your current 4x setup, or two C-Class with G3 HD/SuperCap (assuming you've only got access to Lei Cheung) for slightly more Shields and fractionally more range.
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