Declaration of War against Ronin of Amarak

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Too much talking! Not enough shooting!

Kill 'em all, RoA! Leave none alive!

Too much talking! Not enough shooting!

Kill 'em all, RoA! Leave none alive!

even the most godlike of commanders are useless if you can't see your enemy......
no, Phisto, I am not going the unlawful path....
actually I forgot how fun CQC is..... You may join me in CQC anytime and improve your KDR..... colonia is no excuse o7
even the most godlike of commanders are useless if you can't see your enemy......
no, Phisto, I am not going the unlawful path....
actually I forgot how fun CQC is..... You may join me in CQC anytime and improve your KDR..... colonia is no excuse o7

Ooo! I keep forgetting about CQC. Add me in game. We can make that happen some time.



Deleted member 192138

Y'all are upset that there's an agreement to not shoot people in the neutral zone, so you're shooting people in the neutral zone and roleplaying this as being the self-appointed space police? This is some classy levels of mental gymnastics.
Isn't that kind of the German thing to do?
Only the old germans, the younger germans generally behave.
Y'all are upset that there's an agreement to not shoot people in the neutral zone, so you're shooting people in the neutral zone and roleplaying this as being the self-appointed space police? This is some classy levels of mental gymnastics.
Who cares, as long as everyone has a reason for pew pew 😂

Sorry for double posting :cautious:
Lol, made my day.

The truth is, that this PvP Hub was never established from lawfulls and awfulls, but only from CMDR ‚The Engineer‘ who is PvP Mod in the German Forum

The truth is, that the Discord server is meant as a non-RP server, where clan-tags shall be left outside. This place is meant to be a place you can have a chilled chat and -most important- help noobies interested in PvP. Fitting tips, tacticts and training.

As home respectively training system LHS 3006 was chosen.

This Place was and is not driven by RoA. And Akuma as well Bhard do know that very well.

Some of the PvP instructors are RoA, thats it and thus RoA, as nearly any other PvP group, committed to regard the system as a neutral place and not to attack any other Players without consence. So a gank-free PvP community spot.

The only issue very few people of the SPEAR network have is that they got banned from the Discord, as well as from the German Forums and also from the international PvP event discord, because of continuos unappropriate behaviour.

Now they declare ‚war‘. Not versus RoA. Not RP driven. Thats all rubbish. But vs the PvP Event community, because of personal reasons and jealousy.

Sadly this few war-mongers soiling the reputation of the whole SPEAR network.

Finally, just a short impression about day one of this stupid war. The defenders of the neutral PvP place achieved 12 kills. The war-mongers 1. Not considering countless highwakes.

Instead of attacking a training Spot for PvP behinners, impudently disguised as a ‚fight for good‘, you should concentrate on ... gitting gud.
What is being spread here by the representatives of Spear permanently for half-truths and ideological sentimentalism is almost unbearable. one tries to exploit the fact that we as a German-speaking community are little or not active in the English forum and thus no contradiction is to be expected. That's why I give this time the opportunity not only to talk about RoA or space pub but with a genuine roA itself.

It can not be accepted that just a peaceful neutral and excellently functioning community here without contradiction as a place of evil is vilified.

The actual facts have been completely misrepresented. The "Weltraumkneipe" is a neutral place where many Commander mainly German-speaking come together and harmonize wonderfully with each other. the team of administrators consists of both law-abiding and criminals.

The only reason for this hate is the fact that a representative of the other side was kicked out of the community by a large majority. because he was constantly trying to intervene in decisions and wanted to exert some kind of influence that was not wanted. since this incident, he uses every opportunity to portray the pub in a bad light. and his archenemies RoA same with. it is pathetic to do something where you do not have to expect a contradiction, but that's just how it is done. I think everyone can decide for themselves which is more likely. the vendetta of an offended ego or a galaxy-wide conspiracy by RoA?

Ps: i am not a native speaker but I try my best so please ..... no offence if the grammar is wrong.......
3305-09-06 - Day 000 of the War

The galaxy is at the brink of turmoil again!

The self-proclaimed avengers of all underdogs – united in the so called SPEAR organisation – declare war to the RoA clan and want to smoke out the pirates’ nest Weltraumkneipe in LHS 3006.

It seems the leaders of SPEAR haven’t heard about the fact, that there are almost no pirates there at all although SPEAR’s propaganda wants to tell a different story. On the other hand almost everyone who has been part of such a skirmish know that truth is the first to die.

We may be curious how the situation will evolve. The ones who will for sure suffer will be the innocent bystanders - namely civilians and the peace-loving pilots of the Lost Legion.

We will keep our readers informed. The galaxy has a right to know, what is going on – even more as the criminal activities of SPEAR-pilots - holovideos are available on the interstellar network - have increased more and more during the last months.
It is my belief that everyone in the Eliteverse has animal-level intelligence. They are incapable of pattern recognition, object permanence, or simple arithmetic, which is the reason they don't see that pretty much everything is almost exactly identical. Their lack of morality isn't indicative of some kind of dystopian universe, but the fact they are intellectually incapable of it.

Prove me wrong.
It is my belief that everyone in the Eliteverse has animal-level intelligence. They are incapable of pattern recognition, object permanence, or simple arithmetic, which is the reason they don't see that pretty much everything is almost exactly identical. Their lack of morality isn't indicative of some kind of dystopian universe, but the fact they are intellectually incapable of it.

Prove me wrong.

3305-09-07 - Day 001 of the War

On the 6th of September 3305 the RoA had received a Declaration of War. The declarers weren’t even able to wait until a reasonable daytime so they handed this madness in at 00:19. Maybe they were still handicaped by too much alcohol from their amusements on Thursday’s night ...

The first fights should then happen on the 7th of September 3305 – well, that was at least what everybody had expected and be glad of – even the apprentices of the Lost Legion. The whole thing lived up to a few skirmishes in which the club of the war-declaring parties (1st Galacrtiv Line of Defense, Retaliation Platoon, Turkish Galactic Power and Escuadron Castigator) had to experience several defeats. 12 ships of the attackers have been destroyed by only one loss on the side of LHS 3006.

Meanwhile the pilots of the Lost legion have outgrown their usually small ships and fly also hardcore fighting vessels like FDL, Chieftain, Anaconda etc. The really tough training methods from their masters coming from almost every clan must have gotten around in the bubble, because there were no serious battles at that time – at least not from the viewpoint of the Lost Legion and the galaxy-wide known PvP-Kneipe in LHS 3006. They trained the newbies very well.

Blue Shadow - also a signing party of the declaration of war – had withdrawn from the whole conflict. Their fleet had been urged into the whole chaos by wrong intel from SPEAR’s fleet intel service. When the truth was finally brought to Aisling D. by her own intel service, she set up a diplomatic cable to the administration of LHS 3006 and the RoA clan and brought it to Leonard Nimoy Station in LHS 3006 on her own. Her bravery is to admire to fly into a possibly hot warzone with her cutter only to directly serve such a document. On the other hand there were no fights worth to talk about – nevertheless this lady has nerves of steel.
The Declaration of War is not an official SPEAR event. Although many pilots who have agreed to declare war on RoA are indeed SPEAR pilots, at least half of, if not most of, SPEAR enforcers have chosen not to participate; and their decisions are respected and honored.

In addition, the ranks of pilots declaring war are not only lawful but unlawful as well. EDTR is a well known Turkish outlaw group and is fighting with the lawfuls against RoA. And it is an honor to fight alongside them.

When the truth was finally brought to Aisling D. by her own intel service, she set up a diplomatic cable to the administration of LHS 3006 and the RoA clan and brought it to Leonard Nimoy Station in LHS 3006 on her own.
I call false. Let's ask the REAL Aisling Duval her opinion!
It‘s not a SPEAR event, but it affects SPEARs reputation anyway. But to avoid any misunderdtandings the war declaring parties shall be known as 12 1/2 th.
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