Dinosaurs Default escapes

Although this might be a nuisance in game, I think it would be more realistic if some dinosaurs were just incompatible with the lighter fences:

Light Steel Fence
  • A Brachiosaurus/Giant Herbivore will just walk straight through the fence, as it's not strong enough
  • Certain carnivores will escape immediately, unless they've had their Social Genes modified to make them calmer
  • Velociraptors WILL try to escape, unless the fence is electrified
It's come up in other threads as well, that certain carnivores should periodically attack the fence for a few seconds, just to test it, and if it is not electrified, they will break out.

Also for your consideration: here is my dear Velociraptor who damaged the fence, got bored, then went to sleep in front of it so that the Rangers couldn't fix it...
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There have been many threads about the escaping mechanics. But I think this has the best ideas so far. These ideas make it interesting and there will be more of a reason to use different fences. Right now there isn't too much difference between them.
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