Design A Holo-Screen Advert

Seems to me, that putting real ads would be a better option. Considering how many times a player enters and exits a station, suggesting a coke or particular brand of pizza, could make fdev a bit of coin. Not to be confused with bitcoins. Product placement has become a big thing in a number of formats to generate revenue. Why not the video gaming industry?
Quick little welcome sign. Could be easily tweaked to a general welcome sign for any power.

Nice use of the logo .... as you say .. adaptable

since black is transparent, it'll always look much busier than this flat image does. So i'm not worried in that sense.

And since i can't draw for crap, well... i'm sure there will be much better quality signs put out there. I'd just like to see more visual evidence of powerplay in the game. Since the few players who still play it are the only ones who seem to care that it exists at all. The game sure doesn't.
Seems to me, that putting real ads would be a better option. Considering how many times a player enters and exits a station, suggesting a coke or particular brand of pizza, could make fdev a bit of coin. Not to be confused with bitcoins. Product placement has become a big thing in a number of formats to generate revenue. Why not the video gaming industry?

No thanks, I don't want to see real ads in games.

That's a good one. +1


This idea of advertising Rare commodities would be great as I am not aware of any in-game reference to the majority of them. Keeping an eye out for these type of "clues" would have the secondary benefit of getting players to look at all the adverts....
Here's my first submission. I hope it's not too contentious. Buckyball Racing has been around since before player factions were even a thing and people regularly use "to buckyball" as a verb (hell there are NPC crew members who's CV's mention the races plus it's mentioned in Elite Premonition) so I figure it's become kinda ubiquitous but I don't want a horrific backlash so if people strongly object then I'll retract it.



My collection so far (b-i-i-g image!):

Game over man, GAME OVER! These are AMAZING.
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