Design A Holo-Screen Advert

I’m certainly no graphic designer, but I would like to get involved. Are there any stock assets available to use, for us less talented CMDRs? Such as Elite universe Corporation logos e.g. Sirius. I think I have a decent eye for these things (I’ve won a few photography competitions), I just can’t render or design logos and emblems myself.
Belted out a quick entry this arvo... hic! :)

The image is black (to take the game background) and the message in the centre (two lines) is the 3D projection.

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Are there any fonts Frontier already has licenses for, that we can use in this 'Design a Holo-Screen Adverts'?

Hmm, someone could do an advert for the new Jurassic Park opening on Ross 128 B 4 or whatever, that'd be cool. Or a new theme coaster park based on Planet Coaster...

Go meta and advertise for your other games within your game :)
It's really too bad Adobe/Macromedia FLASH! is dead... This platform should not be reduced to static images with 'interference patterns'. Static imagery is so 20th Century... What year is it again, in-game?
This is a great idea.

It's always seemed a little odd seeing the exact same two or three ads at stations everywhere, throwing it open to the community to design more is a lovely plan.

I don't have the talent to participate, but I thoroughly approve.
Would it be a good idea for FD to state the typefaces we can use? It would simplify a lot of potential problems later.

I wouldn't let it stop you entering though; the competition OP reserves the right to redo artwork.
Hopefully if your wording / idea gets used - that should still earn a competiton winner credit?

Anyway, I've been having fun musing on this stuff at coffee times.

Months of hauling, crying blood? ~ might be better.


ps. pinch any of mine and do them better, please!
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