
No-one should feel like an outsider here, or feel unwelcome (unless they be of trollish nature, of course).
Old-timers, new members, curmudgeons, jesters - one goal!
I'm not entirely sure what the original poster was trying to say. Was he expecting the community to figuratively mass outside Frontier's building waving flaming torches and pitchforks demanding new content?

Sure we'd like to see more content, but what we are getting is significant. Frontier may appear relatively taciturn, but that might partly be explained by them being British and not feeling the need to share every passing thought with the general population. I'd rather have a relatively sparse amount of updates that made me go 'Wow' than a constant stream of 'meh'.

He did manage to completely undermine his argument by saying he didn't open threads.

As to Alien's initial comment in this thread, I can understand how all of us newcomers from the kickstarter must have appeared like an invading army. Things were somewhat intense just after the kickstarter. I admit that not all of us had kept the faith, hell, I didn't even pay for the original (see confession somewhere in the forums). We thank you and the other believers for keeping the dream alive and not letting Frontier forget. Change can be a positive thing even when it doesn't always feel like it. The important thing is that the game is now being made. As the project gets closer to release, I would expect a further influx of people, I hope that they will keep the general air of positivity going.

Bruce, I'm not sure why you feel that you've been 'blanked' but I doubt it was intentional. If you have a comment to make on a subject, then post it. I can't promise to read everything, let alone acknowledge it and sometimes there is no further comment to add. You have as much right to be here as anyone else and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise.
Bulletin board

After reading the Thargoid and Fer the Lance thread, I now imagine all of these threads are taking part in a space station somewhere. This is one where they serve the heavier drinks. Cheers though! :D
He is just trying to create controversy when there is none. The information Frontier has given out is awesome. They are doing an excellent job so far. This guy is just trolling.

Tend to agree with that. I think you'll find that the people that actually care about the place and the game are still here commenting. Really, people need to take this thread like a bit of "water off a ducks a..." There will be plenty of characters like Titan passing through dropping comments like first his post, just smile and move on.

As for not feeling "wanted" here, lol don't make me laugh. Come on now. how many people walk into a pub or a bar and instantly start talking to everyone? It takes time to merge into any group or forum, that just the way of it. Anyway, this thread needs to move on.

Personally, I'd ask Titan to give us all an example of a forum that has been done to his liking? I'm curious to know where he or others have found these kinds of perfect merging places. :)
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Re: Alien stuff. I am very happy to see that what I originally saw as a post that could have been attacked (well it could have!) just got the guy a whole lot of support from the community. That to me, speaks volumes about the type of community we have here on these forums, oldbies and newbies alike.
The Star Citizen videos were mostly fake....well they were designed using the ingame engine as specific demo pieces to be representative of what the final product will be.

They are still showing the first pieces of concept art in their updates. They aren't at Beta stage ....and their release date is almost a full year after Elite: Dangerous just for the single player campaign portion.

If all goes well we'll be playing Elite: Dangerous in March 2014 and Star Citizen's wider online universe in March 2015.

Oh right. From what I've seen of Elite they weren't even THAT far along that when KS started, just a couple of basic ship designs and weapons. Plus it looks like SC already had a load of funding and had already at least set out basic designs of what they wanted to do. Frontier are still working out what Elite is going to be.
Actually, I've been 'blanked' by a few people already and feel somewhat like an outsider. not sure what I wanted or expected. So I won't be hanging around any longer. I'll follow the Dev threats.

I think your posts are quite good. I have the same thing, replies to my posts are a bit random (possibly because I can be a bit off-beat some times) but I am not too worried about that.
I think your posts are quite good. I have the same thing, replies to my posts are a bit random (possibly because I can be a bit off-beat some times) but I am not too worried about that.

Strange, I've found myself well integrated very quickly. I don't always get responses, but I don't expect always to get responses either.
Strange, I've found myself well integrated very quickly. I don't always get responses, but I don't expect always to get responses either.

I'm not worried about it either and consider myself fully engaged. I think this forum is really good, the people are very friendly.
Because we're talking to each other only with text we are missing out on a lot of what it is to communicate. I think it's best not to get insulted by what seems like ignoring posts. Most people seem to be decent enough!
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