Discovery Scanner - 26.09.2022

Greetings Commanders.

Monday, Monday. So good to me.
Monday morning, it was all I hoped for the Galaxy.

We're back, with another delivery of Discovery Scanner today with more of a lighter, Community focused feel today.
Naturally if you're looking specifically for game news, we're now gearing up toward the next major update - Update 14 - so do remain as patient with us as ever (thank you!) as we align ourselves with the next objective.

Article now live:

Here's to a bright week ahead for you all o7
Crosses fingers and toes - please please please fix mining/pwa problems and disappearing rings in 14!
It's true, Lyamecron - I have every intent on this being something we address outside of Discovery Scanner however (it feels a bit wrong to include it there...needs more).
I also want us to see how we can incorporate more of a detailed response like we had in previous streams. The main issue with the time it's taking to line up on this kind of this is down to the large releases recently really. We're a bit clearer now on those fronts to focus on getting some of the responses owed on other things between now and Update 14.

As ever, if there's a way the community can step in and help get the ball rolling on these long-standing issues, I'm positive there are many besides myself who would leap at the opportunity.
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