Discovery Scanner 7 - Voices of the Void

Ooh I'm glad someone has started a thread. In the "old" days there used to be individual threads for each livestream where people could give feedback afterwards but these days I think we just have the readonly livestream announcements thread which, while terrific, doesn't provide somewhere for discussion afterwards.

fao @Stephen Benedetti

Anyway, yes - another really superb "Discovery Scanner". These are always so informative and enlightening, Didn't really expect to like this one but it turned out to be just as fascinating as the others. Thanks Frontier!

P.S. here's the link for people who missed it!

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have to watch this one, maybe i'll manage to find some time this weekend.
I always found the audio part of ED absolutely marvelous.
I really enjoyed the stream as well and the sound in Elite: Dangerous is fantastic, it's one of the many reasons I enjoy the game.
Good to post! I totally missed this. Converted to mp3 to listen on the drive home. Cheers !

PS...& 10Q for the link
It certainly shone an interesting light on the process but specifically on the Generation Ships, which I’ve been visiting for the first time recently. More of this kind of thing please and more of Dr Kay, she was fascinating on the stream the other week. Let’s have you guys rolling out some of your awesome boffins more regularly!

All that said, my favourite part of the stream last night was when you sprung your impromptu role play on them, watching them desperately trying to read the script before starting with you chatting merrily away was priceless :)
Ooh I'm glad someone has started a thread. In the "old" days there used to be individual threads for each livestream where people could give feedback afterwards but these days I think we just have the readonly livestream announcements thread which, while terrific, doesn't provide somewhere for discussion afterwards.
Agreed !
Managed to see it sooner than I anticipated. Really nice indeed

My favorite parts are also the Burning stations, the CZ and the chatter around the stations.
And now i understand why the audio is so engaging and why it truly ads a new level of immersion.
Kudos to Paola and the rest of the team. She's really passionate about what she's doing and it shows.

Many thanks to Amelia and Jay too, very nice insides about the really marvelous job that is voice acting, which unfortunately i find that, more often than not, goes rather underrated.
And not at last, to Paige for hosting it :)
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