Buildings & Attractions Disneyland buildings

This may sound crazy but I want there to be Disneyland buildings and stuff so park builders can create Disneyland parks but with real life dinosaurs in them.
Certainly sounds a bit odd, what elements of the disney parks are you referring to? Pictures might help, especially considering most people outside of North America probably haven't been to one (only ones outside of North America are in France & Japan)
If you are interested, you could try out planet coaster.

Frontier has worked on Planet Coaster, and even though it is not tied to the Disney company, creative players have done wonderful parks with that game's modular system.

And there are some dinosaur-based rides made as well.

Though the dinosaurs are not alive like in JWE, the possibility to merge ideas like this together is more possible with that game than with JWE, as this game is very limited by brand guidelines and approval process.
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