DK2 images a doubled when i move my head "fast"

elite dangerous is really cool with a DK2 except the text size but nevermind.
the point that bother me is that for example when in super cruise i lock a destination and if i turn my head more or less faster the circle reticle around my target is represented twice, juste like if my eyes were not sync correctly.
the faster i move my head the further are the 2 images one frome the other.

can some dev confirm my thought: this problem is due to the fact taht elite dangerous receive 2 different head position, one predicted and one real and taht elite is receiving a predicted and a real (or old position) and a predicted and a real....
and so the retinian persistence do the rest of the job
This is a side effect of the low-persistence mode of the display combined with your frame rates dropping below the vsync of 75hz.

I can't explain to you exactly why this happens, but it seems to do something where it blends a previous frame with the new frame, creating that odd double image effect.

I'm guessing it might be an artifact of some unfinished upcoming features, namely the 'asynchronous warp' type of stuff where they try to use the old image, and distort it with new tracking data, in the case of the next frame not being ready yet but that's pure conjecture.

Drop your settings maybe? or just pick yourself up a GTX 970 or 980 :)
Can I check if your DK2 is in Direct or Extended mode?

I believe it's a known bug with Direct mode.

If Extended mode have you set the in game res to 1980*1080 and 75 Hz?
Can I check if your DK2 is in Direct or Extended mode?

I believe it's a known bug with Direct mode.

If Extended mode have you set the in game res to 1980*1080 and 75 Hz?

in fact i made some tests since, with the gamma 1.04,
and i have the same problem on both direct or extended mode
i was also vsync and not in windowed mode (which il will try tonight)

and last point this happens only in the game, on the start menu where the menu is in 3d i do not have this problem.
Yes i am having this issue too.
I just received my DK2 yesterday, so i don't quite know exactly how to identify known issues, but i suspected my framerate was the issue.
Just like you in the game menu, everything is fine, but when i'm in the hangar, i start seeing double frames when moving my head.
I used fraps to check my framerate and in the menu, predictably i have a steady 75fps, but in the hangar i am around 37fps (graphic settings set to low).

I though i had an ok rig, but it seems it's not enough for ED + DK2 :
I7 960 OC'd at 3.9 Ghz
R9 290x
12 GB Ram

EDIT : I tried Mark D's suggestion and it works A LOT better, no more double images in hangar. I still get in in space when a lot of orbit lines are drawn, but it's still a lot better. I guess my framerate is lower in these situations, i l'll have to check. Thanks Mark !
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most of the time this is caused by the game making your display 60mhz which is most likely your normal monitors refresh rate.
It has to be a bug as direct hmd is a much better way of rendering. also it should auto detect the 75mhz setting but it doesnt.

I have a strong pc and this still happens to me.
Im using high settings on extended desktop for time being.

Please open a ticket for this issue, would be great to finnaly have it sorted out

most of the time this is caused by the game making your display 60mhz which is most likely your normal monitors refresh rate.
It has to be a bug as direct hmd is a much better way of rendering. also it should auto detect the 75mhz setting but it doesnt.

Damn you have a 60,000,000hz monitor? Where did you manage to find such a thing, my graphics card will never keep up with that.

refresh rates are in hz or cycles a second not, mhz or million cycles a second.
ok i made some tests and in facts it jsut a matter of framerate...
you got double images when you're not able to hold the 75 fps.
to acheive that i change my resolution to 1680*1050 and removed the anti aliasing and shadow to medium.
and it's far far better...
so i think i'll check if i can find any other card for cheap to make an SLI

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Install FRAPS or take the left lens out.
Or other software

yes i saw that on the left corner without the lens, that's how i figured the FPS was responsible for that...
I got this in extended mode when my frame rates were rubbish. As soon as I moved to a GTX980, the problem disapeared.

yep i got myself a gtx 970 and works fine on shared screen mode, other game that support direct display run even smoother tho. im an Iracer also and this game rocks with g27 steering and oculus :)
most of the time this is caused by the game making your display 60mhz which is most likely your normal monitors refresh rate.
It has to be a bug as direct hmd is a much better way of rendering. also it should auto detect the 75mhz setting but it doesnt.

I have a strong pc and this still happens to me.
Im using high settings on extended desktop for time being.

Please open a ticket for this issue, would be great to finnaly have it sorted out

I believe you mean kHz not mHz?
Anyway I had this in directmode as well, but not in extended. I could live with 30 fps in direct mode if it wasn't for the double image since the quality is so much better.
...and imagine what's gonna happen when we get CV with 1440p and 90Hz... What GPU will pull off that?

Theres gonna be optimalization to that. And by that time we will have more powerful GPUs also. So after all it's gonna be probably same effort to make it run smooth as it is now with DK2.
At the asteroids field I`m getting insane frame drops and I`m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the Oculus cause I`m getting the same frame drop in my normal display with an AMD R9 290x. Game just need a little more graphic and network optimisation to keep a stady frame rate.
At the asteroids field I`m getting insane frame drops and I`m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the Oculus cause I`m getting the same frame drop in my normal display with an AMD R9 290x. Game just need a little more graphic and network optimisation to keep a stady frame rate.

Well if you're gonna be mining a lot (meaning spending a lot of time in asteroid fields) than lowering draw distance helps a lot.
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