DK2 Video Request - Walking around Bridge...

Thanks for the video! Looks great - and is just what I was hoping to see. :)

You're welcome - but I disagree - it looks horrible - it's nothing like that when just playing with the rift without a second window and recording. Managed to optimise it to some extent until beta 3 update hit (the moment is actually in the video), but it's still terrible (and still not worth cropping):


Not interested in becoming a youtuber myself, but I hope the raw files encourage actual youtubers and streamers to experiment :).

You're welcome - but I disagree - it looks horrible

But it shows roughly how it looks a that it is possible and that is important bit :) Tried myself this morning and didn't get anywhere near your quality, so you can imagine how horrible _my_ effort was :) Anyway again an awsome experience.
But it shows roughly how it looks a that it is possible and that is important bit :) Tried myself this morning and didn't get anywhere near your quality, so you can imagine how horrible _my_ effort was :) Anyway again an awsome experience.

Actually I managed to optimize it quite a bit - I wasn't familiar with OBS to start with and Beta 3 seems to have improved on performance. Second window mode still works:


Please let me know if you have any questions :).
...that saves me (and everyone else...) having to hear my dulcet tones ;)

Not quite - at least if you have an Imperial Clipper - I'd really appreciate if someone did something with the clippers interior - planned to get one myself, but after seeing the cost and reading about the necessary upgrades, I doubt I'll make it until the next wipe.

So if someone could do that, I'd be really grateful :)
The reason for the conflicting earlier posts, is that while it is possible to walk around your cockpit, subject to the limitations of cables, cunningly placed windows for you to bang into etc, your avatar stays firmly rooting in the chair.

Nice to finally see a VR section of the fora. :)
Here you go - the terrible judder and shakiness (no - I don't have Parkinsons, but thanks for asking ;)) only occur when I have the second window enabled and start recording - usually it's smooth as butter. Didn't bother cropping it, as it's terrible quality either way and just a proof of concept:



Ah - so you have a DK2 - (thought you only had a DK1 for some reason) - anyway - judging from the beautiful screenshots you uploaded, I assume your hardware is way more capable than mine, so you could do one that's actually watchable. Considering looking through the canopy - I can do that quite easily if I fully stand up (for reference: I'm 188 cm), but you could just recalibrate at a crouched position and stand up from there...

Nice video - have some rep mate.
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