DLC18 discussion and predictions

It is kinda sad how little respect PZ gets anymore. Elite Dangerous and the host is extremely hyped to talk about some balance updates. Guest comes on to discuss and they have tables of stats.

Planet Zoo Console new DLC. Firstly they state ‘was announced yesterday, oh wait no sorry it was released actually’. Followed by: ‘I think we have a trailer, apparently’. plays trailer, ‘right we have our guest for Elite Dangerous!’.

I miss the old streams/would just like them to pretend they cared about anything beyond ED. I don’t think that is too much to wish for?
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I’ll get PC2 for sure as it really looks promising. I have and enjoy the first game but imo and it’s only my personal opinion it doesn’t generate the excitement of a zoo franchise. I admit to being somewhat bias though. I am starting to see an unsettling trend with frontiers games though. Whether done purposely or due to engine limitations it seems sequels always have what was generally requested in the first place. I have no doubt that PZ could’ve made birds and a manatee work to a certain degree. Definitely not as polished as an updated sequel obviously but still! Now from a business perspective it’s great the consumer on the other hand not so much. Don’t get me wrong frontier does great work and I’ll definitely buy a sequel as I really enjoy the first implementation but now we’re talking 6-8 years to get what we generally asked for in the first place.
It is kinda sad how little respect PZ gets anymore. Elite Dangerous and the host is extremely hyped to talk about some balance updates. Guest comes on to discuss and they have tables of stats.

Planet Zoo Console new DLC ‘I think we have a trailer, apparently’. plays trailer, ‘right we have our guest for Elite Dangerous!’.

I miss the old streams/would just like them to pretend they cared about anything beyond ED. I don’t think that is too much to wish for?
I agree and this is why I don’t care for the Unlocked streams. But I think we need to take some things consideration:
  1. Planet Zoo is 5 years old, and has possibly gone on longer than most people planned for. Part of me is wondering if PZ being a consistent money maker is what kept the company going through the rough patch.
  2. Elite dangerous is a passion project for Frontier, with a very dedicated fan base. It is also not part of a series and is probably easier to update than an intense building game like PZ. I wouldn’t know though, I have no interest in it.
  3. A new member of the “Planet” series is coming, and Planet Zoo is old news.
  4. The current face of Unlocked probably doesn’t care about PZ too much. May not reflect the company. Or it may, and everyone is sick of this game. I don’t know.
Maybe but they already mentioned the changes to engineering. It’s probably something more mundane. Like new Warhammer news, F1, or maybe something about JWE

Here is how I’m betting it will go:
  1. Talk about PC2 for 10-20 minutes. Which makes sense it’s kind of a big deal and what a lot of people will tune into.
  2. The new PZ bundle for about a minute if we are lucky.
  3. Elite dangerous news for about 10 minutes.
  4. Any of the three games mentioned above to finish off the stream.
So was I any close to my prediction?
I agree and this is why I don’t care for the Unlocked streams. But I think we need to take some things consideration:
  1. Planet Zoo is 5 years old, and has possibly gone on longer than most people planned for. Part of me is wondering if PZ being a consistent money maker is what kept the company going through the rough patch.
  2. Elite dangerous is a passion project for Frontier, with a very dedicated fan base. It is also not part of a series and is probably easier to update than an intense building game like PZ. I wouldn’t know though, I have no interest in it.
  3. A new member of the “Planet” series is coming, and Planet Zoo is old news.
  4. The current face of Unlocked probably doesn’t care about PZ too much. May not reflect the company. Or it may, and everyone is sick of this game. I don’t know.

I do agree on some points but:

A) Elite Dangerous is Considerably Older than Planet Zoo.

B) This seems to be pretty much every stream. We’ve had 1/7? Streams this year with more than a few sentences to discuss PZ PC.

C) Planet Zoo has a considerably larger player base than ED. In the last 7 days average no of PZ players have been triple that of ED…

I do agree the host clearly has an interest for ED whereas he doesn’t for other Frontier games. But there’s solutions to that. Either get a new host, or have other hosts for sections of games the host isn’t interested it to generate so enthusiasm. PZ definitely isn’t the only victim here.

And I think that is where these streams fail. Players of each game tend to be so far apart they do not care about the other games, even the host…
Like now compared to my old comment and they’re still talking about Elite Dangerous (and it’s not big stuff just some details on a single space ship lol - this may have been longer than the PC2 part…)
1-3 spot on so far 😂
Man I hate when I am right
I do agree on some points but:

A) Elite Dangerous is Considerably Older than Planet Zoo.

B) This seems to be pretty much every stream. We’ve had 1/7? Streams this year with more than a few sentences to discuss PZ PC.

C) Planet Zoo has a considerably larger player base than ED. In the last 7 days average no of PZ players have been triple that of ED…

I do agree the host clearly has an interest for ED whereas he doesn’t for other Frontier games. But there’s solutions to that. Either get a new host, or have other hosts for sections of games the host isn’t interested it to generate so enthusiasm. PZ definitely isn’t the only victim here.

And I think that is where these streams fail. Players of each game tend to be so far apart they do not care about the other games, even the host…
Like now compared to my old comment and they’re still talking about Elite Dangerous (and it’s not big stuff just some details on a single space ship lol - this may have been longer than the PC2 part…)
Yeah I agree overall, you would think they could have some of the team show up to talk about the animals. Or even a “the fennec fox is so cute. I love the penguin”
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