DLC18 discussion and predictions

Well no I'm sorry but the mats are from the previous version of the zookeeper hut, the one from before the release 😅 They just used a very old picture, which is a bit of a misstep 😬
When everyone got excited about the different keeper hut, that's what I thought. Was too lazy to check though. It just confirms my feeling of it being a rushed last minute tweet the moment it finally clicked with someone that we got World Zookeeper day.

I'm not a fan of substitution of real jobs, but at this point they should ask the volunteer moderators if they can give them a weekly summary of what people are talking about in the forums if there is no staff at Frontier left to do so. This could have been so easily avoided by just realising earlier what day i s comming up. It's embarrassing, in my opinion. That's what you get from saving money for community management positions...Guess there is no one left to actually monitor what the community (aka paying customers) are talking about your game.

On a side note: I hope they at least got the memo of a lot of people not liking the new UI of Planco 2 :rolleyes:
I think at this point we can probably rule out a zookeeper's collection pack, because if they had other 'key arts' to show us featuring 3 other animals from different biomes I think we would have seen another one by now.
The fact nothing relevant happened with Zookeeper/Animal Day is a pretty good indication it's something else. Last year it was called Zookeeper's day over Animal day too, so that's not special either.

Here's the Facebook posts from previous World Animal/Zookeeper days, they seemingly skipped every second year apart from this one, so I guess there's that (though there were still regular posts on the day):



Yikes. That’s a big goof on Frontier’s part… I get wanting to be efficient but this is such a bad look. Curious to see if this creates confusion at release.

I think at this point we can probably rule out a zookeeper's collection pack, because if they had other 'key arts' to show us featuring 3 other animals from different biomes I think we would have seen another one by now.
I think it’s still possible. Remember that people didn’t really even realize that it was World Zookeeper Day until like, a week ago. And the different “key art” thing was purely speculation on our part.

Neither are requirements. Just makes it a bit less likely, but definitely doesn’t rule it out IMHO.
To be honest, I've had far worse experiences, so this isn't anything more than an inconvenience for myself. It's not like they promised anything and then lied, they just had a mix-up or goof.
I can't tell you the experiences I've had. One example was a game called Natural Instincts. It was early access, but it was making regular progress. Then, outta the blue the project was dropped. A lotta people lost money, including me. Now it wasn't even that much, but still it felt like it was a scam in the end.

So, to make a long story short, this pack of communication is something we should be used to by now, but it feels like people are expecting things that weren't always guaranteed either, so when things don't go as expected there's a sour taste
I personally don't believe Planet Zoo is a real game. It was government-induced psychosis all along.
Me waking up from the nightmare of a zoo game without ducks in it:
Don't blame laziness, blame corporate crap cutting the staff, and an upcoming game being focused on.

I swear people project their daily routine into actual jobs.
Not sure if you meant me, but if you do, I recommend re-reading. The lazy part was ME being too lazy to check on my own if my assumption was right.
I keep calling out Frontiers financial management when it comes to CMs, very much blaming corporate and cutting staff.

I also saw no one suggesting otherwise. Most of us do have actual jobs and know what cut resources can do - but also what's not a good job done.
I don’t actually care about them recognising world animal/zookeeper’s day but in the context of us all awaiting news it was a particularly clumsy mistake.

My current feeling is that in the last livestream they should have just revealed - or teased - the anniversary animal and left it there.

They clearly stated that the update and animal pack were coming in a couple of weeks - a couple of weeks would be next Wednesday and unless it is suddenly released without any advance announcement I can’t see that happening.

Once again I just feel we are being ignored and messed about despite the consistent support many of us have given since well before the game even launched.
They clearly stated that the update and animal pack were coming in a couple of weeks - a couple of weeks would be next Wednesday and unless it is suddenly released without any advance announcement I can’t see that happening.
I mean I knew the pack is coming in the next couple weeks, I just expected more news, announcements, or teasers. Just something!

The haven’t talked about the new pack in over a week, but they did show off one of the PC2 mascots today.
I don’t actually care about them recognising world animal/zookeeper’s day but in the context of us all awaiting news it was a particularly clumsy mistake.

My current feeling is that in the last livestream they should have just revealed - or teased - the anniversary animal and left it there.

They clearly stated that the update and animal pack were coming in a couple of weeks - a couple of weeks would be next Wednesday and unless it is suddenly released without any advance announcement I can’t see that happening.

Once again I just feel we are being ignored and messed about despite the consistent support many of us have given since well before the game even launched.
They only ever said to keep an eye on the socials over the next couple of weeks, which means we should hear something by next Wednesday, in terms of a release date all we know is it will be before the anniversary
They only ever said to keep an eye on the socials over the next couple of weeks, which means we should hear something by next Wednesday, in terms of a release date all we know is it will be before the anniversary

My interpretation was that the content itself was coming. Just shows how important clarity of communication is because you interpreted it one way and I interpreted it another way.
My interpretation was that the content itself was coming. Just shows how important clarity of communication is because you interpreted it one way and I interpreted it another way.
In addition to the wording, they just urually don't tease something that much in advance unless a propper DLC anouncement is imminent.

THEN forgetting International Zookeeper day after the community openly talked about the day is what bugs me. They are having a blind eye on us and are tone deaf (nothing new on the last part).

We certainly put expectations on them all by our own, but on THAT one day expectation management from their side was just called for.
This reminds me very much of the first anniversary problematic communication, even though there we knew before the date that we won't receive a major update - other than Planet Coaster on its first year.

Imagine being customer of their most succesful own IP game (afaik) and being brushed aside twice.

I really hope they get their c together soon with community management and communication. Then again, the laid offs CMs deserve to watch what happens when corporate thinks their positions are disposable...
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