DLCs for Planet Coaster 2

. . . So did they mean they had to Model everything anew?

Something I've found particularly frustrating over pretty much the last decade is how often people inside Frontier mostly seem to think that anybody who wants to play these games can be nothing except consumers and that alone, both ignorant of and incapable of understanding 3D modeling (in general or for games), any aspect of game development, etc. No, they shouldn't have to model everything from PC1 anew to put it into PC2, unless something about their internal processes that they're not revealing requires it. Some minor cleanup/updating per piece, sure, and that'll take artdev-time and resources that they should be appropriately compensated for. But “appropriately compensated for” is not full-price for same-old with a bit of spackle'n'paint. (Which is not to say I object to same-old -- I want everything I'm playing with in PC1 to play with in PC2 with its current features, and I'm willing to pay a fair price for that.)

But there's a limit to how thoroughly anyone can speak in a quick interview -- if what somebody's said sounds like somebody back there's insisted that everything be made from default-cube scratch, that's almost certainly a communication issue rather than what's actually happening behind the scenes.


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What does this mean though. I was under the Impression they made the Models purposely high quality back then so they could reuse them in a potential Sequel. I am pretty sure i heard that on multiple occations from multiple Devs. If it is about the Animations for the Guests for example, you would only need to change the Bones for the new Rigging if you want to make the newly made Animations to be more more detailled. So did they mean they had to Model everything anew?
I guess we can't know for sure, but they said this in answer to sharing content and saves from the original game. It may not mean art but I suspect it does.
Something I've found particularly frustrating over pretty much the last decade is how often people inside Frontier mostly seem to think that anybody who wants to play these games can be nothing except consumers and that alone, both ignorant of and incapable of understanding 3D modeling (in general or for games), any aspect of game development, etc. No, they shouldn't have to model everything from PC1 anew to put it into PC2, unless something about their internal processes that they're not revealing requires it. Some minor cleanup/updating per piece, sure, and that'll take artdev-time and resources that they should be appropriately compensated for. But “appropriately compensated for” is not full-price for same-old with a bit of spackle'n'paint. (Which is not to say I object to same-old -- I want everything I'm playing with in PC1 to play with in PC2 with its current features, and I'm willing to pay a fair price for that.)

But there's a limit to how thoroughly anyone can speak in a quick interview -- if what somebody's said sounds like somebody back there's insisted that everything be made from default-cube scratch, that's almost certainly a communication issue rather than what's actually happening behind the scenes.
Similar was said for zoo though, because engine had improved graphically so it fits with that. Though in the stream they were referring to sharing between games, saves and stuff. But I would take an accurate guess scenery is being remodeled to some extent.
It's not confirmed. I doubt we will get pirate animatronics or cowboys etc.
Definitely agree. It hasn't been turned into a big deal or anything but something was said at the start of all this which indicated the traditional themes such as sci-fi, spooky, adventure etc is getting tired and something new needs to happen.

But could it be the case that old themes are included for the sake of tradition and extra variety in addition to new themes that have been mentioned such as mythology and resort.
Id be willing to pay and unfair price to have what was in PC1 if I must lol, I just need content. Same goes for the theme packs in PZ, this game is going to live and die based on it's level of variety, so in cases like these there is truly no such thing as to much. That goes for rides, attractions, scenery - basically every aspect of the game, I never want to feel like I'm building the same park twice (and I don't wanna have to rely on mods to achieve that).

Granted, the UI can get a bit cluttered, but I think Frontier could fix that with a means of loading and unloading pack per save, so that if a pack or asset is unloaded it wont appear in the interface until selected via a load manager. This would probably also help save on resources to.

As for the whole concept of whether older scenery objects can be reused at all - there's more to it than just the model. The main mesh and texture are done, sure, but things tend to never been that simple. The game will probably use new shaders, and alterations to the model will need to be made to handle other effects like rain. Plus there would need to be alterations in the backend code which tells the game how to store and manage these items, so I can see why it wouldn't be a simple copy and paste even if the main model and texture is done.


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The classic themes seem to be a recurring topic. Personally I think every park needs a Pirates of the Caribbean-ish ride, or at least the possibility to make one. Same for a western area.
I really really hope the classic themes will make a return eventually.
The classic themes seem to be a recurring topic. Personally I think every park needs a Pirates of the Caribbean-ish ride, or at least the possibility to make one. Same for a western area.
I really really hope the classic themes will make a return eventually.
I agree I need to see them back at some point. Theme Parks just use them all the time.
To be honest there's some things from PC1 that I just DON'T want brought over to PC2. There was a wide variety of scaling on too many objects...for instance one door would work for a little person while another was 10 feet tall. It made it sometimes difficult to mix and match. I realize that they said they scaled some things up to 120% just so they looked good, but the actual differences in scaling far exceeded that figure in many cases, and they didn't look good.

Now what I DO want is for those same general themes - fantasy, western, etc.to be included, either at first on in the very near future. Most real theme parks use that type of theming, so it would be really strange not to include them. They don't have to port over the exact same objects but I'm really hoping for similar thingss that use a standardized scaling that works across ALL themes. Some PC1 objects in my opinion were nearly worthless because they were out of scale and not really usable for much else, even the talented creators of blueprints didn't always find a use for everything.

I'm really hoping that the focus isn't just going to be on water-park themes. Water parks are nice, but not everyone was clamoring for them, so please don't focus just on that and not on the rest.


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To be honest there's some things from PC1 that I just DON'T want brought over to PC2. There was a wide variety of scaling on too many objects...for instance one door would work for a little person while another was 10 feet tall. It made it sometimes difficult to mix and match. I realize that they said they scaled some things up to 120% just so they looked good, but the actual differences in scaling far exceeded that figure in many cases, and they didn't look good.

Now what I DO want is for those same general themes - fantasy, western, etc.to be included, either at first on in the very near future. Most real theme parks use that type of theming, so it would be really strange not to include them. They don't have to port over the exact same objects but I'm really hoping for similar thingss that use a standardized scaling that works across ALL themes. Some PC1 objects in my opinion were nearly worthless because they were out of scale and not really usable for much else, even the talented creators of blueprints didn't always find a use for everything.

I'm really hoping that the focus isn't just going to be on water-park themes. Water parks are nice, but not everyone was clamoring for them, so please don't focus just on that and not on the rest.
What can I say? Think you summarised this up pretty nice. I fully agree.
It seems that there are only 5 themes in the base game:

  • Planet Coaster theme
  • Viking theme
  • Mythic theme
  • Resort theme
  • Aquatic theme

This makes us urgently need a DLC with at least 5 more themes!!


Volunteer Moderator
It seems that there are only 5 themes in the base game:

  • Planet Coaster theme
  • Viking theme
  • Mythic theme
  • Resort theme
  • Aquatic theme

This makes us urgently need a DLC with at least 5 more themes!!
In the past DLCs were 1 theme with rides. But maybe they could change it up. Doubt there would be 5 in one go though
I think that we will see alternating scenery packs and ride packs, similar to what we’ve seen with Planet Zoo and what they did towards the end of PlanCo DLC. This is particularly relevant when rides are now much more generic.

I also think theme based packs will be more specific to enable them to release more DLC than PlanCo. The specificity of the Mythological and Viking themes are evidence of this approach. So instead of the Spooky pack, we might have a Haunted pack, a Monsters pack, and a Horror pack, each with a slightly different focus. This would reflect the range of themed lands now coming out with Epic Universe and Disney developments. Another example would be rather than a Fantasy pack there could be a fairytale pack, magical pack (Harry Potter style) and villains pack.

I think this would work well for me as I like as much scenery options as possible, and it would satisfy builders like me and those more focused on rides.
It strikes me that the themes they’ve included are variations of PlanCo’s base themes. Mythological = Fairytale. Viking = Pirates. Aquatic has an aesthetic of SciFi. They also each focus on a different material - mythological being stone and brick, Viking being wood and aquatic being metal.


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Unpopular opinion: I would be totally fine if they didn’t bring over a single theme from PC1 to PC2 and we get 100% all new themes for the new game.
I don't mind if they are different, but I want to be able to build my brand of fantasy so I need certain things 🙌 the pieces from viking and/or mythology are complimentary from what I've seen from the creator that went through every piece but do not allow me to do what I normally like to build. When we get a traditional fantasy and a spooky style pack, I will be covered.
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