Do certain ships get scanned more than others?

Its a bit like what your parents always told you: keep your sensible car clean and rust free, keep up to date with servicing and the police won't spot check you as much.

I can still see as well, so there must be some truth in what they told me about playing with it as a child. My car I mean.
Ah I found it, a quote from Sandro (the lead dev at the time):

Interesting. We also know there's a hidden variable for whether you are carrying cargo because the NPCs send you those messages (tasty cargo / big haul etc.) in supercruise before interdicting you. However, it doesn't seem to apply to whether you get scanned at stations from what I can tell.
Re: worn paint: this was how it was supposed to work in the original DDF discussion, but I don't think "paint wear has an effect on anything gameplay-wise" ever made it into the live game. I've certainly never seen anyone complain "I used to just breeze by the cops, but now they scan me every time" and the only changed variable is their ship's paint.

Which paintjob you wear certainly does not have an effect on gameplay, in accordance with the "paintjobs have no effect on gameplay" doctrine. So racing stripes or Reaver costumes don't make you more likely to be scanned - even though they logically should.

There's so much we don't know about the variables that go into the cop-scanning mechanism. For example, we don't know if the cops keep a "memory" of you and your ship, so if they catch you carrying contraband once they'll keep a closer eye on you, specifically, in future encounters than they otherwise would. Or, if they do keep a memory, then how long does that memory last? A day? A week? Forever? Do they share that memory with other cops in other systems? Logically, "yes the cops should remember criminals they've caught before", but it'd take a lot of memory/load time if it had to look up your entire criminal history each time it loaded a system.

Likewise, we don't know if the cops "cheat" and become more likely to scan you if you actually have contraband.
I don't have near the sample size needed for proof, but I seem to recall getting scanned in my Dolphin much less then in the larger two Saud Kruger ships. Might be helpful when transporting criminal passengers or smuggling?
Corvette gets scanned 3 or 4 times before hitting the mail slot if the space filth are in range.

Even bounty hunting around a nav beacon the feds are more prolific than pirates about scanning that 'Vette.

I assume it's pretty irregular for a civvie to be knocking around in the pride of the Fed navy, especially in Empire space. So perhaps that's modelled in game.
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