Modes Don't snub player preference by incentivizing modes

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I agree with everything in the OP. But I wonder, what was the point? Why just now?
I read the desire from Frontier to promote cooperative and adversarial play some time ago. I gave it some thought just before I created this thread.

And the gist of it is, don't second guess player preference.
You seem to refer to these 'other' thread that I guess is one of those that I meanwhile avoid like the plague.
You're a smarter man than I am :)
I know that at some point Sandy has mentioned an idea in this direction which later has been discarded (IIRC). Is there any possible change (announced from the devs, don't care much about random player nagging) in the air again that I must have missed?
That said, my personal opinion about the matter is very weak and almost opportunistic. Any change would be welcomed as a possible challenge, otherwise I'm quite happy with the modes as they are. Doesn't help against the curiosity though...
Lets hope Beyond does a lot of satisfying of curiousity.


I think you make a lot of sense, and it's a shame seeing other forum users try to employ cheap tactics to have your contributions removed from this thread instead of just debating you fair and square.

Personally, I operate under the idea that someone can play in solo/private and still effect Open players as just ridiculous game design, and people are going to have to do better than post screen grabs of the game's Steam page showing that among other things it advertises a solo mode to convince me otherwise. Bad design and one of the many reasons I no longer play the game.

Et tu Bruté? [sad]

Guess we're only allowed to discuss one thing in this whole section and a 1000+ post thread isn't sufficient to contain it.
You hit on something that was rolling about in my head for days but i was unable to articulate it fully.....well done. It seems a lot of the posts lately about "fixing" the open/solo issue is all about pushing people into Open rather than giving them a reason to go there. The more pirate/pvp/hobo players push the more it feels like they just want more targets to harass, not more players to collaborate with.

Give me a reason to want to be in Open more, not more reasons to stay out.

I want to play in Open to enjoy a sense of community. Talk to, banter with, team with, collaborate with other humans. The best games have strong communities....we have.....this.
Report me.

And jockey brought it up. Not me.

But you want me to say something about your thread? Okay.

I agree people should have have their choices to make. And when you pick solo mode. Or private mode. You are choosing to play for yourself, or your friends.

You are not choosing to play with the rest of the player base. So you shouldnt be able to effect the rest of the player base within them. Thats why OPEN needs incentive.
Must admit I think this is entirely valid. You don’t want to play with others, or only with your select group of friends? Fine. Have at it, but then you should have no influence over anyone else’s game either. No Powerplay influence beyond personal rank, no bugs beyond personal rep. This should extend to CGs as well. Right now there is a serious incentive and massive advantage to doing CGs in Private or solo. In these instances, equal could hardly be any less equitable.
That's not up to you. That's up to the human being that spent money to play your game.

this is not a frigin democracy, ziggy. you will submit!

(btw there is so much wrong with your post i wouldn't know where to start, and it would be a lot of time. for a banal and trivial issue, anyway ... only upon request)
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this is not a frigin democracy, ziggy. you will submit!

(btw there is so much wrong with your post i wouldn't know where to start, and it would be a lot of time. for a banal and trivial issue, anyway ... only upon request)
Don't worry about it. I've all but given up on this thread.

Would have been good though, maybe next time :)


I think you make a lot of sense, and it's a shame seeing other forum users try to employ cheap tactics to have your contributions removed from this thread instead of just debating you fair and square.

Personally, I operate under the idea that someone can play in solo/private and still effect Open players as just ridiculous game design, and people are going to have to do better than post screen grabs of the game's Steam page showing that among other things it advertises a solo mode to convince me otherwise. Bad design and one of the many reasons I no longer play the game.

Well said. Theres a big spectrum of what the term Solo Mode can mean to people based on what theyre expecting from the term.
Et tu Bruté? [sad]

Guess we're only allowed to discuss one thing in this whole section and a 1000+ post thread isn't sufficient to contain it.

We are in the modes discussion part of the forum after all.

5 years of hotel california?

And to continue with this, If we Merged the BGS and Direct PVP together, only available in OPEN play. Then the game would grow.

Because right now. Its not. People may buy the game, get bored and leave. Yes, And if people want to explore and find cool stuff! AWESOME. If people want to engineer their ships, grind some credits or maybe even some role play with NPC's AWESOME. They can do that all in solo mode or private mode with their friends.

But when you start getting into the multiplayer part of this game. And objective control. You should have to do it with everyone else.

This would being people closer together. People may get into wings for help at community goals. Powerplay would kick off with no major adjustments needed to make it work. And The new guilds with player factions would be kicking off in the right direction.

Speaking of, its pretty awesome all these new crime and punishment changes stemmed from open play. And im glad the solo and private mode dudes get the same punishment from the cops. But its still not the players. A healing wing can circumvent any of the cops. Furthermore, you think those cops are going to be stronger and better than the Thargoids? Their main selling point of this expansion?

So yeah, its obvious to see where they are going with the direction of this game. And im glad they are finally pulling the trigger to make the features of this game work.

The next few months are going to be shall I say EXCITING!!!

And people will the chance to make the choice whether they participate or not. Just like you said. I am a firm believer in making choices. Just like people can opt out of "direct pvp". But wheres my choice to opt out of a BGS attack from someone else? It seems I dont have a choice here. I think you're right. I should have that choice.
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