Newcomer / Intro Downloaded, installed the full game but the Single Player trainer won't install

The launcher downloaded and installed, the game downloaded and installed from the launcher but when I try and install the single player training I get:

Exception processing server response:

The given key was not present in the dictionary.

I pre-ordered the Merc pack but I know nothing about how to play the game so I wanted to take time to learn it using that trainer (without tying up a sever slot or what not).

If you downloaded the game, you dont need the stand-alone single player training.

When you launch the game proper, in the menu on the starting screen there will be an option to play the tutorial missions.

Cheers and enjoy!,
I can't remember exactly, but there may be a code you receive in email to activate. It's been so long I cannot recall. You may want to check that, I seem to remember having to do something like that to start.
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