Community Event / Creation Drabble Poll 15: The Federation

Choose your 3 favourite drabbles:

  • Darkoba - A Ticklish Trade

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Phoenix_Dfire - Untitled

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Darren Grey - Toying with Death

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Frank - Breathing More Easy

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Musashi - Friends Like These

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Gavthomas - Join the Fight

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Listeri69 - Federation Advert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • insanephoton - Shadows

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bikky - The home of the Federation

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • el_tel - Freedom

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cathy - We are the Federation

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • psykokow - In a Tin

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • STABB666 - Military Intelligence

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Ian Phillips - Inspiration Needed

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Alien - Untitled

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • The Lone Gunman - The Reptile House

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Some stats from previous polls:

voters/drabbles = voters per drabble

1 Combat - 16/6 = 2.66
2 Maintenance - 15/6 = 2.5
3 Cyborg - 10/6 = 1.66
4 Weightless - 21/9 = 2.33
5 Distress - 16/19 = 0.84
6 Contraband - 17/15 = 1.13
7 Mining - 17/15 = 1.13
8 Accidents - 17/15 = 1.13
9 Explorer1 - 18/12 = 1.5
10 Explorer2 - 17/12 = 1.41
11 Thargoid1 - 15/12 = 1.25
12 Thargoid2 - 16/11 = 1.45
13 Alliance - 22/17 = 1.29
14 Federation - 18/16 = 1.12 (not yet over)

and a few charts:

Drabbles in each poll over time


Voters in each poll over time


Voters per drabble over time


I try to vote even if I haven't entered a drabble, but ever since the 5th poll, the ratio look close to 1.
Is everyone who enters a drabble voting?
Yes I'm voting if I enter a drabble. There was one contest in which I ended up using only three of the six votes I had (before we went back to three max) but that's the only anomaly from me.

btw, there should be a Empire drabble in there somewhere :)


Deadly, But very fluffy...
B*gger! That messes up the graphs. :D

lol thats certain more detailed then mine!...very nice even if you missed two out!
wheres the Onesie one i won as well! lol

You doubled up on the double polls i think? hurting my head now! :D
The first Space Station one is missing too. And the split Exploration/Thargoid ones really mess up the stats.

In general it's a bit messy though because for many of the contests there have been multiple drabbles per author, so it will look like there's fewer voters per drabbles.
OK. I fixed it. I joined the Explorer and Thargoid polls and took the average number of voters (as everyone got to vote 'twice'). I also found the other polls. And I added the winners of each poll (for the glory).

voters/drabbles = voters per drabble

1 Space station 7/20 = 0.35
2 Combat - 16/6 = 2.66
3 Maintenaince - 15/6 = 2.5
4 Cyborg - 10/6 = 1.66
5 Weightless - 21/9 = 2.33
6 Onsies - 15/10 = 1.5
7 Distress - 16/19 = 0.84
8 Contraband - 17/15 = 1.13
9 Empire - 15/14 = 1.07
10 Mining - 17/15 = 1.13
11 Accidents - 17/15 = 1.13
12 Explorer - 17.5/24 = 1.5
13 Thargoid - 15.5/23 = 1.25
14 Alliance - 22/17 = 1.29
15 Federation - 19/16 = 1.12


Cathy's doing well!
Oh and I assumed psykokow is gonna win this one
Ooh, pretty graph! But I'd personally prefer to see number of authors rather than number of drabbles, as otherwise it's not a fair comparison.

Cathy, I'd say stop writing such great drabbles to give the rest of us a chance, but I do so love reading them :p Would be great to see a bigger piece from you some time!


Deadly, But very fluffy...
@el_tel..,,,,,,dont mean to mess your lovely looking charts but on
"The Glory for the Empire" i think it was Corinthian:Unimportant drabble that won and not Franks.

You may have missed Corinthians drabble as it was on the second poll!

Anyway it was just fun looking at the poll data and no big deal.......unless you missed my winning drabble! :mad::p


I changed it to drabbles rather than authors as it was drabbles on which we were voting, rather than authors.
I've got the figures on a spreadsheet, so it's easy to update the chart.
Voting ain't over yet. Surely there's a lurker out there who hasn't cast his vote yet. You could give him an unlucky score of 13 votes.

I'm going to take a copy of the first graph to stick on the wall. It's nice to pretend I've won one of these Drabble polls.<theatrical sigh>


Deadly, But very fluffy...
Well done psykokow, a very good win! great drabble.

Now we wait in fear of what loony Theme you will think up! :eek: :p
wow Thank you

Thank you everyone who took the time and made the effort to vote for me, it means a lot to me and you have touched me not only on a metaphysical level but actually physically too.

I love each and everyone of you, *cries*

I'd like to thank the team of punist's that work with me, my authors and team of monkeys on typewriters... I'd like to thank my Agent, useless **** but thanks anyway. Also I'd like to thank my parents for having the foresight to create a life like me leading up to this point where my words have made the world a better place... thank you.

Also thank you TJ for giving me access to the Poll..

I hope one day everyone can win a drabble...
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