[DSSA] Voyage of Erikson's Gateway!

DSSA Concept 3 cropped.png

Join the Viking Expeditionary Force Today!
A casual expedition that seeks the Outer Arm, to provide a waypoint between the Outer Arm and Erikson's Star, located in the Scutum-Centaurus Arm.
Between these two points lies Mare Desperationis, a desolate and sparse area of the galaxy.
The carrier will sit near the edge of the Outer Arm, providing a "gateway" and respite to weary travelers.
In honor of Leif Erikson's voyage to North America, the carrier has been proudly named Erikson's Gateway!

While the primary members will be Scouts and Miners, Erikson's Gateway also welcomes riders to come along.

The Plan:
After the Perseus Reach expedition ends (June 13) I’ll head back to Colonia to buy the carrier.
It should take a week or less depending on my pace.

Once bought, I’ll set up the carrier and set a buy order for Tritium.
The expedition will fill the carrier to the buy limit (Likely 5,000t).
The carrier will stay in the Colonia area until July 11 to allow for fueling and ship transfers.
The long stay is due to my irl plans during June-Early July.

The carrier will travel roughly 5,000ly per week and will require roughly 2,600t of Tritium for the week.
Refueling should be easy with 26 miners providing 100t per week.

It should take 6 weeks to get the carrier in position.

Route Information:

DSSA Route Erikson's Gateway.png

The last waypoint is a point of reference (Erikson's Star).
The waypoint to the left of Wagar's Reach is the tentative destination.

Each week:
Scouts: Go ahead of the carrier to find Tritium hotspots.
Miners: Mine Tritium at the current waypoint or mining location.
Visitors/ Riders: Enjoy the Journey!

Saturday, Mass Jump and the carrier continues jumping to the next waypoint, then will jump to a scouted system. Carrier jumps may continue on Sunday.

Meet up time: Saturday 20:00 IGT/UTC. Mass Jump an hour after. The carrier will provide the instance required for the jump.
Time may change due to member availability.

Member Expectations:
  • Fleetcomm PG Access.
  • Follow Fleetcomm Rules.
  • Sign up and join the Expedition Discord.
  • Scout for Tritium Hotspots (Overlapping spots preferred).
  • Mine for Tritium.
  • Bring alcohol! 🍻
  • Have fun and don't overstrain yourself. :D
Recommended ships to bring:
  • Explorer/ Scout
  • Miner
  • Fun Ship (Since it's possible now)
  • Throwaway Ship (if you want a quick trip to Colonia/ Bubble).
Note: The carrier will have no ship or module stock, make sure you bring everything you need!
The carrier will have every service except for the Secure Warehouse.

Anyone can join the Discord Server regardless of involvement.
There is a Guest Book on the Discord Server to sign if you've docked on Erikson's Gateway.
The form is for stats and a bit of fun. You'll get the Discord Invite Link after filling it out.

DSSA Official Logo.png
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Current Information:
The carrier is at its permanent location.

Hypoe Bloae KZ-Z c16-6
Currently orbiting a Class IV Gas Giant.

All Services are available except for the Secure Depot.

A Rescue Tender is currently available.
Note: Contact the Fuel Rats or Hull Seals for services.

If you're in the area, you can transfer ships and modules to the carrier.
If you're transferring ships from the bubble, doing so can wipe out your savings and will take close to 5 days, choose wisely.

There is a buy order for Tritium, the price is currently 60k until filled.
Currently, Tritium is not being sold due to a possible carrier swap in the future.

There are sell orders for Alcohol.
This is mostly for roleplaying purposes.

Future Plans:
Fdev has stated that they are working on Fleet Carrier interiors. :D
If they add services such as Vista-Genomics...
It's very likely that I'll do a carrier swap with my alt account, so that I can add more functionality.

Scroll down or click the Link for more details.
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Erikson's Gateway is set to launch on July 11, in about five days.
Unfortunately, only a few commanders signed up so far.
The Gateway needs you to join the effort! Or I'll have to initiate Plan B, which wouldn't be as fun to do.
Plan B: Set a buy order to fill the carrier with Tritium and rush to the Outer Arm, find a good system for the carrier, and call it good.
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Good morning!

Just wanted to say thank you for being out there. You picked a very nice spot to park your carrier! :) Docked with my alt-account yesterday evening and sold a bunch of data, repaired, even polished up the paint on the ship. A very cool experience to find some kind of safe haven out there in the dark. Thanks a lot, o7!
Good morning!

Just wanted to say thank you for being out there. You picked a very nice spot to park your carrier! :) Docked with my alt-account yesterday evening and sold a bunch of data, repaired, even polished up the paint on the ship. A very cool experience to find some kind of safe haven out there in the dark. Thanks a lot, o7!
Thanks! Glad to be of service! 😃
View attachment 189286

Greetings from the DSSA Hope Dempsey crew taking a break at DSSA Erikson's Gateway before completing our deployment to Ísland Depot in the VOID.

View attachment 189287
Sorry for the delayed reply, I was taking a break from Elite and Social Media in general.

I hope you found Erikson's Crew nice and accommodating. They can get a little restless and stir crazy at times.
That's a very nice screenshot, love the choice of ship as well. 🙂
Hello, Everyone
With today's post, Fdev has stated that they are working on Fleet Carrier interiors. :D
If they add services such as Vista-Genomics...
It's very likely that I'll do a carrier swap with my alt account, so that I can add more functionality.

This will be an expensive endeavor, my alt's carrier is located in the bubble. Known currently as BPRV Leaping Sturgeon.

As of right now, I'm not taking any action as there isn't enough information yet.

Discuss here or in Discord if you feel inclined to. 🙂

The signup form has been updated.
Sign up and join the Expedition Discord.

Anyone can join regardless of involvement.
There is a Guest Book on the Discord Server to sign if you've docked on Erikson's Gateway.
The form is for stats and a bit of fun. You'll get the Discord Invite link after filling it out.

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Some stats and info:

On Oct 28, 2021, Erikson's Gateway received its 100th unique visitor! 🎉

Erikson's Gateway has enough credits to run for four years and two months!
5,400,000,000 credits on board.

7,308 units of Tritium.

3 Cmdrs (including myself) have modules/ ships stored.

358 units of alcohol on board.
Here it is, the plan and launch date!

After checking in with the DSSA Council, my DSSA carrier swap has been approved for April 5th!
The only catch is that I need to buy Odyssey for the replacement carrier, I'm currently waiting for a sale.

The Current Plan:
-Upgrade the replacement carrier with new EDO services.
-Fill BPRV Leaping Sturgeon (replacement) up completely with tritium.
-Do final checks and transfers.
-Set off on a ~40kly marathon that will take at least two days (Likely starting on April 5).
-The current route will take the Sturgeon to Colonia,
then to my DSSA location at Hypoe Bloae KZ-Z c16-6.

-Once at the DSSA location, fuel, modules, and ships will be transferred between carriers.
-BPRV Leaping Sturgeon will assume the name of Erikson’s Gateway, with a possibility of a small revision.

-The Original Erikson’s Gateway will be loaded with tritium and will make its way to the bubble.
This portion of the plan hasn’t been fully vetted yet, but I should be able to reach the bubble without refueling.
-The homecoming plan may be a marathon run or a leisurely cruise back home.

This plan is not set in stone, I’m open to suggestions.
Sign up and join the Expedition Discord if you're interested.
All are welcome to board to Catch A Ride ™️ or help out.


Ideally the transit to the Outer Arm (Beagle Point end of the arm) will take two days.

The layover in Colonia will be short, potentially non-existent unless commanders want to stay longer. I shouldn’t need to refuel.

BPRV Leaping Sturgeon is the replacement, the name will be changed to Erikson's Gateway after it's on location.

Homecoming with the Original Erikson’s Gateway may be a marathon run or a leisurely cruise back to the bubble.

Before Update 11, I did calculations on fuel requirements.
Both carriers have enough fuel to fulfill the above plan without fueling mid transit from an outside source.
The replacement should also have enough reserve if it ever needs to head to the bubble.
I will need to recalculate to make sure the plan is good with the new services.
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To clarify:
The BPRV Leaping Sturgeon will be the permanent replacement.
The Original Erikson’s Gateway will be going to the bubble to serve me as needed, honorably discharged from the service. o7
Fuel Calculations have been redone to account for the new modules!

By my estimates there should be enough fuel to (Once loaded in the bubble):
-Get the Sturgeon all the way to its DSSA location.
-Refuel the Original Erikson's Gateway for its trip back to the bubble.
-Leave plenty of fuel on the Sturgeon as an emergency supply.
-I shouldn't need to refuel in Colonia, but I'm going there in case I do need fuel.

It will take at least 4 days to get to the DSSA location, not 2 days.

Due to family events, there may be delays...

Head to Discord for more details...
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