Distant Worlds II Event [DW2] Distant Worlds 2: Discovery Submissions

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Living Rings Competition Now On (click here for details)


EDIT: We have found that when we find something interesting in the thread we aren't able to locate it in the spreadsheet. Therefore could we urge everyone to please make sure to give the exact name and/or they wrote in the form, when also sharing the entry here in the thread. Don't just share screenshots!

Distant Worlds 2 is all about discovery (it's in the name), and we are heading out to unravel the mysteries of the codex. As a result, we are creating a database for said discoveries and this thread is to be used to also discuss some of the more epic finds as well. Publish them, show everyone your historic find!

So please use the following form for submitting your Codex finds. It's for codex entries only. This is to be used for anything and everything, don't worry, no matter how small, the data can and will be used by one of our departments. If your find is really special, something worth telling everyone about, do three things:

  • Write a very convincing description about it in the relevant part of the form
  • Add some screenshots
  • Post it here in this thread too to open a discussion!

And in case that is ambiguous, let me make it crystal clear:


  • Make sure to post those here in the thread itself, with screenshots and description and try to ignite a conversation!
  • If it is a codex entry, make sure to submit it on the form as well!


  • Do not post them in the thread itself! No water geysers, standard lagrange clouds, etc.
  • Submit them via the form if you want, we urge especially science and geology roles to do so, but everyone is welcome to
  • It's not obligatory as part of the expedition - just for those that want to really contribute

Direct link: https://goo.gl/forms/mYCA2K0l5kf1w7eu2

You can fill it out right here:

There will also be a way of doing this on discord, coming soon. Watch this space!

Lastly, we would like to ask everyone to be cordial. Mistakes WILL happen. Sometimes someone will discover something and then someone will discover it again and submit it first, and it won't be malicious. We will want to give credit to the original discoverer and will aim to do so always, even if the original discoverer never submits it at all. We will also credit the person who submitted it, and there ain't nuthin' wrong with that.

Please also be aware that by sharing your discoveries publicly without first selling your exploration data, others may visit your system and inadvertently sell their data before you, thereby claiming the discovery and mapping tags there. Please bare that in mind!


Distant Worlds 2 Discoveries - Inner Orion Spur

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Brett C

CM NOTE: Modified DrKaii's post to show up as my own so that the HTML works!

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSdLx89w5t3rPNWFAkS4s_RcCMtaRjSAzl33VuQIaY9z84n0ieWkDK7fOr24K30YlAUPy5mQjrgq5dT/pubhtml?gid=83605396&single=true&widget=true&headers=false" style="width:100%;height:960px;border:0;"></iframe>
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The DW2 Mapping Survey Event


Introduction to the Galactic Mapping Project - a brief synopsis:

The Galactic Mapping Project (GMP) is one of the oldest community projects in Elite Dangerous (founded in February 3301). The GMP works closely with EDSM. Explorers submit their discoveries to the GMP thread and a team of dedicated players vet candidate entries before they're added to the EDSM database and appear on the community-created maps. Entries need to satisfy several criteria before being considered - this is to ensure that the maps only contain the most scientifically or visually interesting points of interest, or POIs of historical significance or that otherwise have something unique, unusual, or appealing about them.

Expeditions like Distant Worlds rely on the Galactic Mapping Project to provide them with the interesting waypoints and points of interest that make up their routes. To expedition organizers the maps are invaluable, as they help us chart interesting paths out into the depths, along which we're guaranteed to have some interesting locations to visit.
Expeditions in a way pay homage to the explorers who have gone out there previously to chart these fantastic locations that others that follow in their footsteps get to enjoy too.

Very little is known about the part of the galaxy we're about to travel through - hence the GMPs desire to map it. The information submitted will prove invaluable for future expeditions destined for this area of the galaxy, and this survey will be one DW2's lasting legacies - long after this particular journey is over. This is your chance to name your discoveries and possibly have them added to EDSM as POIs that many players may visit in the years to come, or future expeditions out here make use of when charting their routes to the far reaches.

Important things to note:
  • The full background of the GMP, and the stipulations it strives to adhere to can be found here : The Galactic Mapping Project.
  • All submissions should be made to that linked thread.
  • If you are taking part in the WP10 to WP11 mapping survey, then please read the information on that linked thread first and foremost.
  • Before submitting an entry, a general rule of thumb to consider is this; “Would another explorer be willing to travel thousands of LYs to visit my discovery?”

The DW2 Mapping Survey Event:

This event makes up our journey from The Morphenniel Nebula (WP10), to Luna's Shadow (WP11), and is the largest stretch of the journey so far - covering around 14,500 LYs between waypoints. The journey (and survey) will therefore last 2 weeks, and commanders taking part are encouraged to head off the beaten path and out toward some of the areas that have been seldom travelled.

For those who want to meet up with other explorers, and create wings or impromptu survey teams, there are two optional landing sites available to meet at;

Optional Rest Stop #1;
  • Aristo - GalMap Ref: PRU AUB DL-P E5-35
  • PRU AUB DL-P E5-35
  • Planet/Moon : ABC 6
  • Recommended meetup point : -48.126 / 128.380
  • Radius (KM) : 4526
  • Surface Gravity : 1.14 Gravity Warning!
  • Geological Activity : Iron Magma
Optional Rest Stop #2;
  • Kalipheron - GalMap Ref: BYUA AUB WO-K B36-0
  • BYUA AUB WO-K B36-0
  • Planet/Moon : 3 A
  • Recommended meetup point : 21.063 / -103.196
  • Radius (KM) : 1730
  • Surface Gravity : 0.10
  • Geological Activity : Ammonia Magma
Please note that there is no official meetup next weekend (April 12th - 14th) as the organisation team will be taking a break. Commanders are therefore encouraged to wing up with friends or use the various comms networks (discord, squad chat, in-game chat) to organise meetups at either of the two optional stopover points.

We'll regroup at Luna's Shadow (Waypoint #11) the weekend beginning April 19th, and prepare for the final leg of the DW2 journey that takes us out of the Aphelion, across the Abyss and to the far rim where Beagle Point is located (the route map announcement for this will be made on Sunday 21st April at 18:00 UTC).

For the mapping survey, of particular interest are the following regions:

The Boreas Expanse




The Bleak Lands


Candidate POIs from these regions will be much appreciated by the GMP team.

The mapping survey begins on April 7th and will remain open indefinitely so that latecomers and stragglers have time to contribute. Please submit your candidate POIs to the GMP thread : Here

The GMP team will work though all submissions throughout Q2 and Q3 3305, and will periodically update EDSM with the successful candidate entries.

Good hunting!
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Direct link: <removed - problem now fixed>

You can fill it out right here:

There will also be a way of doing this on discord, coming soon. Watch this space!

Unfortunately, I think the Direct Link above is to an incorrect form. It's a form titled "Distant Stars - Unfound Origins". Not the same as the one in the screenshot in the spoiler tags.

Edit: Thanks for the update. I removed the bad link now from my quote above.
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c-c-c-Combo Breaker :p

Incidentally, this isn't a Codex entry discovery thing, but an interesting anecdote, one I recalled in the in-game chat this evening.

System: Fine Ring Sector JH-V C2-4, planet A1 - one of the "missing" planets of Fine Ring Sector 3302.

"Three years ago, on the first Distant Worlds, planet A1 was the first waypoint. However, due to the basic infrastructure of wing exploration being incompatible with the unstable nature of Witchspace, there were several unresolvable errors, leading to planets not showing up on star maps and refusing to be recognised by Universal Cartographics. Planet A1 was one such "missing" planet between there and Pallaeni. Today, with the advent of surface mapping probes, these rogue planets have been recaptured again and properly catalogued once more, thus removing the air of mystery they once had. Nevertheless, the story of the missing planets still fills other CMDRs with awe and wonder to this day."

Imgur post link: https://imgur.com/a/qw236Lr


As it was in 3302, pre-mapping.

Twitter thread here too: https://twitter.com/CMDR_Zulu_Romeo/status/1084590674685640711

I guess it's not really a Codex phenomena, but more of a silly tale. :p
Whoops! forgot to post here. Just did the direct link documentation. I started out taking a more direct route towards Omega, but came across a system. Had been scanned, but nothing had been mapped yet. Around the 3rd star. Near a water world were 2 notable stellar phenomena. Col 359 Sector TX-R B47-7. They were in Proto-Lagrange Clouds which did start to eat hull. https://imgur.com/a/wWXrRyk

On my Alt account CMDR PieRat
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BLU THUA JY-I C9-9 (near Hillary Depot)




2 Prasinus and Rubeus crystal formations in lagrange clouds within the system.


Water World Terraform Candidate

Water World and it's companion moon (has an atmosphere)

Ammonia World (first undiscovered one I'd run across.)

PW2010 332 (Previously discovered. It has a Helium Gas Giant which is a rarity and deserved a closer look. Very close to WP2)


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Already submitted a Codex entry on this one, but I found a great place for CMDRs to stock up on Jumponium that's roughly midway between the first two POIs. Planet with high Yttrium and Niobium content, and volcanic POIs.

The world is Praea EUQ AR-D D 12-27: A1



It has 5 geological POIs that seem to drop Yttrium and Niobium just about every time.
I found my first lagrange clouds for the trip already. I'll look into the form later, after I've gotten some rest. ;)
1. Water Giants are rare finds. On route to waypoint 1 I've come across this system with twin water giants. They have beautiful rings!

Blu Thua FS-B d13-7

2. Notable Stellar Phenomena. Including Solid Mineral Spheres, Metallic Crystals and moving&moaning Abullus Mourd Mollusc!

Upon interacting with the Abullus Mourd Mollusc, it seems that it will approach your ship at first contact, but are not sensitive to light sources (ship lights).
It moves at a constant 11m/s speed with a trail of yellow-green emission.
It refuses to take research limpets. Limpet will be destroyed upon impact.
When attacked by beam lasers, it will make a moaning sound and escape from the ship.
If multiple ships are present (even if with SLFs), the mollusc will move bouncing between the ships. Lights do not seem to affect its behaviour.

NGC 6445 Sector PD-S b4-1
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You dont need to reserve your posts. It's not how this works..

I mean, when this thread gets to 100 pages, who do you think reads your old post from 100 pages back?
Just post your findings and next time you find something you deem worth posting, post it again.

I'm reserved to this thread.... ;)

But seriously, what discoveries are we to report? Surely not every planet etc?

If your find is really special, something worth telling everyone about
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