ED is missing out on play time from occasional gaming


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You could also have bought a small ship, equip it with what is available in the station for a million or so, and go bountyhunting in it. What is the worst thing that could happen? a 50k rebuy? Unless you play IronMan of course.

Or slap weapons and armor on the AspX ... it is not the best combat ship, but for shooting fish in a barrel ships in a HAZ-Res you don't need the best. You can choose your engagements, if you don't feel safe in the current ship, take smaller prey. Or not, and try something bigger, expand your horizon, test your limits.

Or just refuel once or twice on your way there ... they do sell fuel at the stations, and some are just next to the star.

My main combat ship has a fuel scoop in its biggest internal, undersized HRP in its military slot, cargo racks for 2t. It is an Eagle. I can still manage to make top 10% in a combat CG, if I want to (admittedly it is easier in a bigger ship, but due to time to kill, not due to fear of death). I do change its FSD to a smaller one once I arrive at my target, if it is available, or transfer one - and play with slightly lower performance until it arrives (~50 m/s slower)

My big combat Corvette has a fuel scoop in its biggest internal, HRP and MRP only in its military slots, cargo racks for 64t, collector limpet controller and repair limpet controller. Up to the FSD Booster it also had a Fuel Transfer limpet, because what else to put there? more hull reinforcement? NPCs usually don't get the (Bi-Weave) shields down unless it is a solo wing assassination (or Thargoid). Shield Cells? I don't use shield cells, don't like the mechanic, they just prolong the inevitable. Admittedly the ship is more Multi-Role, but nobody dies on my watch (huge healing beams). It is also extremely easy and fast to kill ships. And unsatisfying.

Ask yourself - are you losing shields all the time in a RES? Ignore this if you are playing a hull tank for obvious reasons
If the answer is yes (i doubt it), you should go to a lower level RES until you feel comfortable.
If the answer is no, you don't need the HRP. You will even improve your combat by becoming faster and more agile by losing weight.
If the answer is sometimes, you can survive for a while until the HRP arrives by using and improving your risk assessment skills - don't engage if you are not comfortable. RES sites are very safe, since you can choose your engagements. Don't attack that wing of 7 clippers (no idea if they still exist) then. Or just buy an unmodded one, since they sell them nearly everywhere - 348 points of hull difference are probably 15% or something (guessing ~2k hull on your krait) ... if you don't finish sub 20% you won't feel the difference.
What's quite sad is that this should be the perfect scenario for CQC. Fly your bubble jumper, call in your combat ship, switch to CQC for half an hour then back to the main game for the CG. Even if CQC isn't your favourite aspect of ED, you'd still be playing ED for that 30 minutes.

But CQC is just so badly implemented as to be chronically unappealing to the bulk of players. How tragic that the OP (a combat-oriented pilot!), along with many other players myself included, would sooner switch to another game or activity for half an hour than use the one aspect of ED that's supposed to provide a quick fix of action when the main game is not an option. CQC should be absolutely alive with players whose main game ships are in transit. A massive missed opportunity by FD.

Make CQC Great Again.
To be fair i only had two options. They offered two CGs, one trading and one combat. I opted for the combat but if i chose the trading one instead, it would have taken an even longer playing time. I just wanted a quick combat session. What’s the other choice? Exploration? So i am faced with 3 options that all take longer than 30 minutes. I switched to a different game and played that instead. If i had the option to do some combat in ED in a reasonable amount of time, i would have stayed. Now, making some changes so to make it possible to enjoy the game in shorter gaming sessions, doesn’t affect those who want to play longer. But By not making those changes instead, the shorter sessions players are affected and leave and the only ones left are The longer sessions players. So who is limiting who here really?

If you just wanted a quick combat session, why did you travel halfway across the bubble to take part in the CG, particularly if you knew you were limited on time? Why didn't you simply bite the bullet and just fight in a local RES or find a nearby war within a couple of jumps?

Yeah, I voted for instant transfer. :) But I'm cool with the implementation process.

Further possible adjustment to transfers seems reasonable to consider however.

Granted there are factors involved in scaling shifts, of which I likely am not fully aware.

I wasn't sure if hamstringing instant player arsenals was part of the idea with the current implementation. But even in such a world where instant transfer was a reality, I thought this would only allow more flexibility. In the end, I expected to see a greater swarm of medium and small ships.

Quite aside from speaking to the costs; if the times were potentially halved or something... that well may be a big plus for alot of Cmdrs.

With respect to your particular loadout, I wonder about module reinforcement. It seems to me that a locally purchased Module Reinforcement Package might have swapped into whatever spot you chose for the temporary Fuel Scoop without severe detrimental effects to your combat ship capability. This, for as long as the shipping time on the displaced module might actually have taken. I could be wrong, though.

Ideas focused on greater player engagement are well worth considering, I agree.
And should your focus be Wild West gameplay with hollow squares, CGs are certainly on the list of most lively spots. Or even just to log-in to find such a goal to pursue for a half an hour, it's still on the list of good targets.

At this point I am a little hazy on how we arrived at the half-hour constraint, since it seems you might have played longer than that if things were rolling for you. However, it's a masterfully concise time-frame which fully encapsulated the challenges of player engagement.

Gosh, CQC was lively today... but I'm not going into that now.

At any rate.. cheers on the good questions. Time will tell.
All the best on your flights!

YT~M o7
You could have just flown your Kait to the CG...

Any ship can get anywhere in the bubble in a few minutes these days.

If you want play ED with limited time you will need to plan ahead. Just having a range of ships ready to go at a central bubble location should allow you to jump into anything within a few minutes.
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From what I have read so far the OP has a point.

The current mechanic of requesting a ship involves downtime, as you wait for transfer. Which means that for this player - who is ‘playing the game his own way’ involves not playing the game.

A possible workaround is being able to send ships to a destination, from where you are.

There is still a delay, based on distance, and a cost, but the ship/ships are travelling as the player then travels to the destination. So a short period of time after the player arrives the ship they want to use is there.

I struggle to see what game breaking exploit could be performed by sending ships to a destination, rather than summoning them, as in both cases the player has had to use a ship to get there, and in both cases a delay timer and cost is incurred for this QoL improvement.

Or have I missed something??


I think the time is worth the wait. We don't need an I win Button. Let say you been trading at point A point B and a Player kills you. You get mad and press a button and have the Most killer ship in seconds. To seek your revenge.
The "my immurshion" crowd did ruin the ship transfer feature.)

you mean the 70% of the people who actually play the game........ yep the vast majority wanted a feature which made sense and could be built on with future gaming mechanics instead of space magic.

ship transfer could be improved with a push system as well as a pull one but the day ED gets fast travel i am out.
From what I have read so far the OP has a point.

The current mechanic of requesting a ship involves downtime, as you wait for transfer. Which means that for this player - who is ‘playing the game his own way’ involves not playing the game.
How can he be playing the game his own way when not playing. The player has decided to play in a way which makes himself logout of the game. That is all on him and not the game at all. Maybe he needs to adapt the way he plays so that he doesn't need to log out, but that is his choice.

A possible workaround is being able to send ships to a destination, from where you are.

There is still a delay, based on distance, and a cost, but the ship/ships are travelling as the player then travels to the destination. So a short period of time after the player arrives the ship they want to use is there.
I have nothing against that, but it could still generate a lot of salt.

I struggle to see what game breaking exploit could be performed by sending ships to a destination, rather than summoning them, as in both cases the player has had to use a ship to get there, and in both cases a delay timer and cost is incurred for this QoL improvement.

Or have I missed something??
Not missed anything. But don't call it delay timer, call it transit time as that is what it is. There is no delay.
Why can't this game be made so that it's possible to play it for half an hour at a time?

Why did you decide to fly in your AspX and then put yourself in the position to wait for your Krait, when you could have just taken the Krait from the start and enjoy an uninterrupted play session?

No, really, if the OP is going to ask silly questions like the one quoted above, then this is the answer he deserves.
Oh no!!!
Some games are less suited than Doom/CoD for quick pick up and blast for 5 minutes while the kettles on...
who'd believed it...
I have the same problem with Flight Sims and Strategy Games...
Think they ought to get rid of those genres completely...
Fruit Cut Ninja for teh win!
The "my immurshion" crowd did ruin the ship transfer feature... I'm okay with wait times (particularly if it's going someplace like the Pleiades or Colonia), but a transfer shouldn't take longer than it takes to just do it myself. At the very least there should be options (slow transfer, cheap price or fast and expensive)

Some of the crowd didn't want to see the following:

Stealth adder breaks blockade and docks,
instaports battlevette with posershields and goes on a killing spree.
That would be such an immersive and dynamic event creating content everywhere.....
Surely the ship-transfer time is a bit of a red herring here?

The problem is that he was in the wrong place to leap directly into the CG.

Space is BIG. So don't expect to be in the right place at the right time, all the time. Accept that it will take time to move the ship you want to the place you want to be - regardless of what method you use.

My base is right in the middle of the bubble. I can get to anywhere in the bubble, in any of my ships, in a few minutes. If I'm outside the bubble (exploring maybe), or an event happens that is outside the bubble, then I accept that I can't get there anytime soon. If I really want to get there fast anyhow, then I have special ships for that.
Surely the ship-transfer time is a bit of a red herring here?

The problem is that he was in the wrong place to leap directly into the CG.

Space is BIG. So don't expect to be in the right place at the right time, all the time. Accept that it will take time to move the ship you want to the place you want to be - regardless of what method you use.

My base is right in the middle of the bubble. I can get to anywhere in the bubble, in any of my ships, in a few minutes. If I'm outside the bubble (exploring maybe), or an event happens that is outside the bubble, then I accept that I can't get there anytime soon. If I really want to get there fast anyhow, then I have special ships for that.

For space being big and the bubble densely populated,
there is hardly any stuff ever happening.
The scale didn't do Elite good, except for those into exploration.
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If OP used his Asp/DBX as a taxi before transferring his ship (as I confess I frequently do) why didn't OP play for half an hour in his"taxi" doing missions/gathering mats/building influence/ doing some surface stuff in an SRV etc...whilst waiting for his ship to transfer...
I wasn't aware that "play your own way" was a straight jacket for "play ONLY ONE WAY...EVER"
From what I have read so far the OP has a point.

The current mechanic of requesting a ship involves downtime, as you wait for transfer. Which means that for this player - who is ‘playing the game his own way’ involves not playing the game.

A possible workaround is being able to send ships to a destination, from where you are.

There is still a delay, based on distance, and a cost, but the ship/ships are travelling as the player then travels to the destination. So a short period of time after the player arrives the ship they want to use is there.

I struggle to see what game breaking exploit could be performed by sending ships to a destination, rather than summoning them, as in both cases the player has had to use a ship to get there, and in both cases a delay timer and cost is incurred for this QoL improvement.

Or have I missed something??

Nothing against transferring ships ahead at all.
But yes you missed something.
You missed that the OP had forgotten all about ED when the ship he wanted was where he wanted it, that's how bad he wanted to play.
I don't feel immersed when I end up closing the game out realizing how long I'd have to wait, then I don't bother reopening the game at all because that whole scenario threw off my mood for the game. I'd be OK with an "Express Delivery" option that costs a percentage more to make it ~10 minutes instead of an hour for example. I could make a cup of coffee, or take my dog outside real quick, then come back and have my ship ready to go instead of feeling a sense of "why the hell am I even playing this?" and closing it.
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