Release ED-MMA Elite Dangerous Massacre Mission Assistant

ED-MMA aka Elite Money​

What is ED-MMA​

ED-MMA as the title says is a massacre mission assistant. It shows important information about:
  • The factions you picked up quests from (In which station they are and the stack height).
  • If the mission is shareable or not.
  • Two copy buttons that help you in sharing your session with other commanders in LFG chats. It copies a markdown formatted text.
  • Which completed missions you picked up at your currently docked station.
  • A table that shows where you have the most number of completed and shareable missions.
It also has an in-game overlay that you can position with the help of sliders and your mouse wheel.

For best positioning I recommend you to set ED to borderless full screen.
The overlay shows 2 information:

  • Kills left to be made to complete all of the missions
  • Current payout from missions in k credits (not only shareable)


I have had a massacre mission assistant project about a year ago, which was finished and released.
In the last week I have revisited that project and I decided to reimplement the tool with more optimized features and an overlay and a better ui.

Current state​

In the current state the app is released and is in need of users and testers so it can evolve into something bigger.

You can find more info about the project on it's Github page.​

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