Release 30-06-24
For EDDI v4.0.4 (also see changes for unreleased version below, after this releases notes)
((EDDI ship fsd))
- Updated to better use the available variables. However, it seems that 'Status fsd hyperdrive charging' isn't working at the moment, so I have reported it on GitHub #2627.
- T'Kael kindly suggested a different variable to check to serve the same purpose, so I have updated it to make use of it, and now it all works perfectly.
- Added an 11 second pause before the check, and while the drive is charging. If the jump is cancelled, then speech can continue.
((EDDI ship targeted))
- Updated to use new 'eddi_context_target_scanstage' State variable. This allowed the removal of some condition checks.
- Changed subsystem cycle direction from 'next' to 'previous'. Weapons are frequently the ones at the start of a cycle and it would go through them all again before finding a unique module. By going in reverse, this should shorten cycles in most cases.
Bluprint make report
- Updated instances of 'inventory' to 'materialInventory' to prevent EDDI overwriting the 'inventory' object.
Body materials report
- Cosmetic change to comment, 'Start speaking', making it 'Begin speaking', to match all other instances in other scripts.
Bond awarded
- Updated Play() to use new 'relative paths'. This is relative to the EDDI install folder. If you installed the UT kills sounds to the EDDI directory as per the ReadMe file, then it will work as normal. This update removes the need to change the file path to add your own username.
See the updated ReadMe file for UT sounds for more information
- Changed quote marks for the file name string from single ' to double ".
- Added speech for Anti-Xeno operations.
Bounty awarded
- Added a report section for the new 'Pilot' event property.
Cargo transfer
- Added this script in preparation for a future EDDI version that will include this event.
- Initial version simply reports the amount of each commodity transferred, and where it has been transferred to (ship, carrier, SRV).
- Updated to include reporting corrosive commodities.
Carrier jump engaged
- Updated with v4.0.4-b1 changes.
Commander promotion
- Updated use of \ escape sequences to new format.
Commodity collected
- Added call to new 'Corrosive Cargo' script.
- Updated to report collecting corrosive Thargoid items.
Commodity purchased
- Added call to new 'Corrosive Cargo' script.
- Updated to report purchasing corrosive Thargoid items.
Corrosive Cargo
- New script to report on the status of corrosive Thargoid cargo.
Mostly by CMDR Yianniv, with modifications and updates by myself.
This is called from the following scripts:
Cargo transfer (future EDDI event, not currently in v4.0.4)
Commodity collected
Commodity purchased
Destination arrived
Ship swapped
The main aim of this script is to report when you have a problem, like no corrosion resistant cargo racks, or if you have more corrosive cargo than available resistant racks. It will also tell you when you are approaching max capacity of your corrosion resistant racks, and takes into consideration if you have normal cargo racks too.
I also wanted it to report when transferring cargo to/from your ship, but there is no event in EDDI for this at the present time, hence it being called in the Liftoff and Undocked events. If a transfer event is added in the future, then I may be able to remove the calls from those events. (Apparently a transfer event has been added to v4.1.0-alpha, so I should be able to make this change when that gets released).
I added the 'Destination arrived' check, to see if you arrive at a Spire Site or a Titan, as your corrosive cargo status will be important there.
Corrosive Commodities
- A list of corrosive Thargoid commodities, for use in other scripts.
Destination arrived
- New in v4.0.4-b1.
- Merged my 'pirate activity' code from obsolete 'Entered signal source', into the new default at the end, making it a mix of both.
- Updated \\ escape sequences used in the 'pirate activity' code, to be a single slash \. While double slash used to work in v4.0.3 and before, it seems it shouldn't have, and v4.0.4-b1 now works as intended. (GitHub #2614) This also needed the quote marks used, to be swapped between ' and " for the escaped sections.
- Updated 'pirate activity' section to provide better pluralisation when necessary, by changing where the space between words is.
- Added 'comms' as a replacement for the 'chatter' variable, and added more variations.
- Updated |else: check for the 'Arriving at' section, to be a check for a station. If it is, don't speak. This stops the repeat announcement between this script and the 'Entered normal space' event (which provides greater information).
- Added code to 'your carrier' section at the start, to report if your carrier is in a debt state, or is pending decommissioning.
- Added check for a Spire Site or Titan location, and call 'Corrosive Cargo' script if it is.
Discovery scan
- Added a check for 'Multipurpose' ship role at the end, so you can run the 'System Exploration Report' by doing a 'honk' now.
- Updated the check for 'state.eddi_context_shipswapped' to a check for 'last_subject'.
- Removed setting State 'eddi_context_shipswapped' to false, as no longer needed.
Entered normal space
- No change required for v4.0.4-b1, as rendering error already mitigated.
- Reported typo in default script to the Forums.
Entered signal source
- Obsolete. Removed by EDDI during upgrade.
FSD engaged
- Updated with v4.0.4-b1 changes.
- Moved my Thargoid Hyperdiction code from the Music event script to here.
- Updated to specify taxi, multicrew, or your own ship, and added speech variations.
- Updated the 'distance to' speech to correctly round the reported distance to match the in-game displayed distance.
- Updated to call the 'Corrosive Cargo' script at the end.
- Updated docked at a Fleet Carrier section to specify if it's your own carrier.
Material collected
Material discard report
Material inventory report
Material required report
- Updated instances of 'inventory' to 'materialInventory' to prevent EDDI overwriting the 'inventory' object.
Message received
- Updated with v4.0.4-b1 changes.
Mission complete
- Updated instances of 'inventory' to 'materialInventory' to prevent EDDI overwriting the 'inventory' object.
Mission Route Report
- Updated \\ escape sequence used in the last code section, to be a single slash \. While double slash used to work in v4.0.3 and before, it seems it shouldn't have, and v4.0.4-b1 now works as intended. (GitHub #2614) This also needed the quote marks used, to be swapped between " and ' throughout that code block.
Mission faction state
- Updated setting 'state' to the faction state. Changed the variable name to 'factionState', as 'state' was overwriting EDDI's State() function. Fixed in v4.0.4-b3 (GitHub #2607).
Module arrived
Module retrieved
Module sold
Module sold from storage
Module stored
Module swapped
Module transfer
Modules stored
- Removed code for 'loaned' modules, as this was incorrectly reporting some modules as loaned ones. Mostly affecting modules obtained through tech-broker unlocks or Community Goal rewards. The checks used to determine 'loaned' status could not guarantee a module was loaned, or if it had been obtained some other way.
- Removed the Thargoid Hyperdiction code, and moved it to the new Hyperdiction event script.
- Removed 'destination from supercruise' code, as my original code is now in new Destination arrived event.
- Added a section for Thargoid Spire Site music, and speech to warn of the danger.
Nav route
- Updated the 'reportDistance' speech to correctly round the reported distance to match the in-game displayed distance.
Route details
- Updated with v4.0.4-b1 changes.
- Updated the instances that report distance, to round the reported distance to match the in-game displayed distance.
- Added setting 'decimal' at the top, for rounding distances.
- Added the decimal places for the round() function in the 'First destination...' distance, in 'carrier' and 'neutron' sections.
Settlement approached
- Added some basic code to announce arrival at a Thargoid Spire Site, and then call 'Corrosive Cargo' to report on the corrosive cargo status.
Ship delivered
- No v4.0.4-b1 change. This script was already default, so should be automatically updated.
Ship repaired
- No v4.0.4-b1 changes required, as rendering error already mitigated.
Ship shutdown
- No v4.0.4-b1 change. This script was already default, so should be automatically updated.
Ship swapped
- Added call to new 'Corrosive Cargo' script.
- Updated setting State 'eddi_context_shipswapped' to a setting of 'last_subject'.
Ship targeted
- Updated with v4.0.4-b1 changes.
- Fixed v4.0.4-b1 typo in 'environment = "Normal Space"' check. Seems b1 'environment' now uses a capital S for Space. It used to be a lower case letter. Reported on the Forums.
- Added a basic scan section for Supercruise, as you can still scan and get data there.
- Removed code for identifying AX Pilots, as this has been updated in v4.0.4-b1. Although, it doesn't identify AX pilots at all now. They are just considered as 'normal pilots'.
- Removed State variable 'eddi_context_subsystem_targeting' as no longer used.
- Added State variable 'eddi_context_target_scanstage' which is used in VoiceAttack.
Signal detected
- Added an array for the new variable 'signaltype'. I'm not sure if I want to do anything with it yet, but it may be useful to someone else, so I've added it for now. I'm also not sure if it's a complete list yet, as these are just the ones I've found myself so far.
Fleet Carrier
Nav Beacon
Resource Extraction
Tourist Beacon
Unidentified Signal Source
Star report
- Updated the star class code to use Spacialise() instead of P(), to match v4.0.4-b1.
- … but that doesn't work correctly, so I've removed the quote marks and { }, and the '-class' which is not needed anymore. Reported on GitHub #2625. Now fixed in release v4.0.4.
- Added check for 'browndwarfs' near the top, similar to the default (using 'dwarfs' instead of 'dwarves' as I found that is the correct astrological term). However, this isn't actually used anywhere in the default script for some reason. I assume it should have been used under section "Report notable stars", instead of the find() stellar class check. So I have updated this initial check to set 'shortdescription', like the check under report notable stars did, and then removed that check as it's no longer required.
System Exploration Report
- Added a count to the FOR loop that checks the system bodies at the start, to count the number of bodies. I've found that 'reportSystem.totalbodies' seems to be blank as soon as you jump to a system, and is then populated afterwards. This should help to fix that for now...
- Added speech to the 'jumping first visit' section, to tell you if the system is already in your Pilots Federation database or not.
- Updated IF check for reporting physical characteristics of the system, so it's not spoken if starting a game in a populated system.
- Cosmetic change to comment, 'Start speaking', making it 'Begin speaking', to match all other instances in other scripts.
System material report
- Updated '{set inventory(materialName) to:' to '{set materialInventory(materialName) to'. This was overwriting EDDI's 'inventory' object, and causing problems in other scripts that use this one. Thanks to T'kael for pointing me in the right direction to trace this bug!
System scan complete
- No v4.0.4-b1 changes required, as rendering error already mitigated.
Target Module
- Updated module names, as they appear to have changed in v4.0.4:
AFM Unit -> Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
AX Missile Rack -> Anti-Xeno Missile Rack
Bi-Weave Shield -> Bi-Weave Shield Generator
Chaff -> Chaff Launcher
Collector -> Collector Limpet Controller
Docking Computer -> Standard Docking Computer
Drives -> Thrusters
ECM -> Electronic Countermeasure
Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon -> Enhanced Anti-Xeno Multi-Cannon
Fuel Transfer -> Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller
Frag Cannon -> Fragment Cannon
Hatch Breaker -> Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller
Heatsink -> Heat Sink Launcher
Nanite Torpedo Pylon -> Guardian Nanite Torpedo Pylon
Pack-Hound -> Pack-Hound Missile Rack
Plasma Acc -> Plasma Accelerator
Point Defence Turret -> Point Defence
Prismatic Shield -> Prismatic Shield Generator
Surface Scanner -> Detailed Surface Scanner
The Hammer -> Imperial Hammer
Wake Scanner -> Frame Shift Wake Scanner
I'm guessing at these changes, as I've not found them on a target yet:
Prospector -> Prospector Limpet Controller
Recon -> Recon Limpet Controller
- Added modules not previously listed:
Abrasion Blaster
Advanced Docking Computer
Advanced Multi-Cannon
AX Multi-Cannon
Caustic Sink Launcher
Decontamination Limpet Controller
Enforcer Cannon
Enhanced Anti-Xeno Missile Rack
Flechette Launcher
Frame Shift Drive with Supercruise Overcharge
Mining Multi Limpet Controller
Operations Multi Limpet Controller
Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner
Remote Release Flak Launcher
Repair Limpet Controller (apparently not the same as 'Repair')
Rescue Limpet Controller
Research Limpet Controller
Seismic Charge Launcher
Shard Cannon
Sub-surface Displacement Missile
Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser
Universal Multi Limpet Controller
Xeno Multi Limpet Controller
- Updated the list of unique modules.
(There are probably other modules not in these lists, but I've not found them installed on other ships; NPC or Player)
Release XX-06-24
Last version for EDDI v4.0.3. Unreleased because v4.0.4 came out.
- Updated the autorouting system. This should be complete now, barring any bug fixes, and has had changes in both EDDI and VoiceAttack.
The following variables have been removed as no longer needed:
missions_accepted (not the same as 'eddi_context_missions_accepted' which has now been updated, see below)
The following variables have had their name slightly changed (removed the 's' from 'missions'):
eddi_context_missions_accepted (now '...mission_accepted)
These have been removed/updated in the following scripts where necessary:
Carrier jumped
Commander continued
Entered normal space
Entered supercruise
Missions... scripts
- Changed all function calls of 'Missions Route Update' to the new 'Missions Autoroute'.
- The updated routing now fully includes surface salvage missions (called 'Rescue' in the Journal). For these missions only, the game seems to have a problem writing a Journal event when collecting the required cargo. Sometimes it will write one as soon as you collect (but I find this very rare), mostly it will write one after you enter supercruise, or make a jump or two. Sometimes it will not write one at all. This means that EDDI cannot progress the mission in the Mission monitor, and routing would break. My updated routing now uses a State variable to store the actual current state of these missions, and create/update the route accordingly.
- I've done a full pass over all scripts to comply with my 'Standardisation' (see ReadMe file), with regards to using single quote marks for SetState() functions. It seems I've not been following my own 'rules'!
** NOTE **
In re-working my routing system to include surface salvage missions, I ran into a problem with State variables. For some reason many of them seem to only be valid at the start and end of a script, but 'void' in the middle, making them useless if I needed them during a script. This has been reported on GitHub #2607, so should be fixed at some point. To mitigate this problem, I had to put the State variables I was using, at the very start of the scripts that use them.
Voice Attack
- Removed check for 'EDDI state eddi_context_mission_route_useauto' as this is no longer used.
- Added copying 'EDDI state routedetails_destination' to the clipboard, in case it had been overwritten by the user for whatever reason.
- Updated mouse action to move to the centre of the Elite window/screen and press+hold the left button to set the route destination. This eliminates the need for the subsequent keypresses to move to and select the route icon, greatly increasing the speed of this command.
- Removed the 1 second pause to further increase speed.
System Startup
- Removed the setup for 'EDDI state eddi_context_mission_route_useauto' as this is no longer used.
- Added code to check if Elite is running or not. If not, set a state variable to prevent some of the 'VA initialised' EDDI script from running.
((EDDI cleared save))
((EDDI commander started))
((EDDI npc interdiction commenced))
- Removed calls to 'Update Mission Route' as no longer needed.
((EDDI ship fsd))
- New command. Used to silence EDDI speech if it's still talking when a hyperspace jump is initiated.
((EDDI undocked))
- Removed, as no longer needed with upgrade to the EDDI Undocked script (see below).
Update Mission Route
- Removed this command as it's no longer needed.
Plot missions route
- Updated the condition checks for the section creating a route.
- Added setting (and clearing) a State variable to indicate that 'Missions Autoroute' has been called from VoiceAttack.
Bodies mapped
- Corrected comment to say 'mapped' instead of 'scanned'.
Body mapped
- Updated setting 'eddi_context_last_action' to be 'map'.
Body scanned
- Updated IF to start speech to check that 'eddi_context_last_action' is not 'map'. Prevents the body report being spoken twice.
Bond redeemed
- Added reporting of on-foot conflict zone deaths (critical injuries). This will only work if you use a Dropship to travel to and from the conflict zone, as there are no events to detect/report joining a CZ by going yourself and choosing a side when you arrive.
- Added another level for number of kills speech, for 15 to 29 kills.
Book transport
- Added 'Context' heading.
- Added setting State variable 'eddi_context_cz_died' to record conflict zone deaths (critical injuries).
Carrier jump request
- Updated jump distance calculation with carrier current location, rather than your current system. Fixes report if you're not onboard your carrier when requesting the jump.
Commander continued
- Rearranged the loaded missions variables after removing some that are no longer needed.
- Added a State variable to reset the last time you exited from hyperspace (completed a jump). Used in the Music event.
Commodity collected
- Updated to inform you to enter supercruise to recalculate your missions route when necessary.
- Added a check section to see if you have all the mission cargo for salvage/recovery missions.
- ...then updated the whole script as the above check didn't work as I expected.
There is no variable available to check if you have all the cargo for a specific mission.
There is only a variable to check you have that cargo type for all missions combined.
So, I've rearranged the speech sections to specifically say if you've picked up a mission commodity, and which mission type it was for.
Commodity purchased
- Updated the reporting speech for mission commodities to sound a little better.
- Updated purchase speech to remove the 'You have just...' part, and added some variation.
Commodity sold
- Updated the speech to be in a similar format to the Commodity purchased script.
Commodity refined
- Added code to check if you have enough refined commodity for your missions.
- Updated to inform you to enter supercruise to recalculate your missions route when necessary.
- Simple cosmetic change of moving the 'by' in the killers section, to the end.
- Updated to correct speech when getting destroyed by gankers and 'equipment' is blank. (I'm not bitter. Honest!
- Renamed 'eddi_context_missions_completed' to '...mission_completed' (removed the 's').
- ... and then removed 'eddi_context_mission_completed' as not needed after rebuild of 'Mission completed' last section (see below).
Dropship deployment
- Added 'Context' heading.
- Added updating of 'eddi_context_cz_died' variable used to track CZ deaths.
Entered normal space
- Updated to not say the station type if 'Ship' is in its name. This prevents instance of "... Megaship, Rescue Ship..."
- Added a State variable to reset the last time you exited from hyperspace (completed a jump). Used in the Music event.
- Updated the 'station' section to check for a valid station model before saying "the" and the model.
Entered supercruise
- Updated IF check for Autoroute to use '...recalc' instead of '...redirected'.
- Removed section that recalculated your route, as no longer needed here.
- Updated check for reporting distance from your carrier, to make sure you're not in the same system.
- Updated IF check for Autoroute to use '...recalc' instead of '...redirected'.
- Added setting 'eddi_context_mission_accepted' to false.
- Updated IF check for Autoroute to be the same as the code in Undocked. This should prevent any speech when there are no missions.
Limpet check
- Put code into a check for being in a Taxi, to prevent warnings when you're not in your ship.
- Updated the 'carrying limpets but no controller' speech to sound better.
- Changed routing function call from 'Missions Route Update' to new 'Missions Autoroute'.
- Rewritten the routing section at the end.
- Added an additional criteria to the IF check to report 'System Exploration Report', so it's not spoken if you are on-foot in a station. This should reduce the amount of speech when loading a game. If you're at a station, you probably already know about the bodies in the system.
- Updated location code to account for being in an SRV on a planet.
- Updated to not say the station type if 'Ship' is in its name. This prevents instance of "... Megaship, Rescue Ship..."
Market information updated
- Updated check to start speaking, to also check for last transport being a Dropship. Should help to prevent speaking if the Market info is triggered before the Disembark event when leaving a dropship.
- Updated the timer check to be 2 minutes.
Material collected
- Removed section reporting maximum amount reached, as this is handled in 'Material threshold'.
Material threshold
- Added context to the 'maximum' section, and an additiona check for it in the 'desired' section, to prevent redundant speech.
Mission scripts (abandoned/accepted/completed/expired/failed/redirected)
- Changed routing function call from 'Missions Route Update' to new 'Missions Autoroute'.
Mission accepted
- Renamed 'eddi_context_missions_accepted' to '...mission_accepted' (removed the 's').
- Renamed 'eddi_context_missions_completed' to '...mission_completed' (removed the 's').
- Removed setting State variable 'eddi_context_mission_cargo' as no longer used.
- Updated the IF check for reporting 'Undock to...' speech, if this is your first mission.
Mission check galaxy
- Updated to report Community Goals separately from other missions.
Mission check station
- Removed redundant check to add a comma after the words 'mission/missions' during the report.
Mission check system
- Updated to report Community Goals separately from 'Pending' missions.
Mission completed
- Renamed 'eddi_context_missions_completed' to '...mission_completed' (removed the 's').
- ... and then removed it, as it's no longer used.
- Added a call to 'Missions Route Clear' after completing your last mission, to ensure all mission route data is reset.
- Removed setting 'miss_comp' as no longer needed.
- Removed the 'environment != Docked' section as no longer needed.
- Rebuilt last part of the routing section at the end, to be shorter and more efficient.
- Removed 'eddi_context_mission_completed' as not needed after rebuild of last section. Also removed from 'Docked' script.
- Removed setting 'routedetails_destination' to void. Not sure why I set this, but it's not needed and was making the route report not work correctly.
Missions Autoroute
- New shorter and more efficient script to replace 'Missions Route Update'.
Missions Route Fast
- Removed old testing code that was commented out.
- Moved setup of mission IDs array from the route setup, to the mission check loop.
- Updated the section for Delivery missions in setting up the destination array code. It will now consider if you have the actual mission cargo in you ships hold, rather than a general commodity with the same name (bought from the market). You also no longer have to fill your cargo bay with the commodity for it to select the destination system, having just 1 tonne will work. If you have none of the cargo onboard, then it will select the origin system instead. This should be a faster, more accurate, and more efficient method of doing this now.
- Updated to better report when you have missions with no destination system. Like those you have to locate (supply xy commodity), or those that Elite just doesn't report a destination for in the Journal.
- Added variation to the 'no destination' report at the end.
Missions Route Get Distance
- Removed as no longer needed.
Missions Route Update
- Removed this script as it's obsolete now.
Module arrived
- Updated arrival location to use 'your carrier' if that's the destination.
- Tidied up code indentation.
- Added section for Thargoid hyperdictions.
- Updated Thargoid section to include "Thargoids in the area" notifications around Titans.
- Added a new State variable 'eddi_context_music_track'. Mainly for use in the Undocked event (see below).
Next destination
- Added state variable for 'last_subject', then updated to use this, to change speech when selecting different in-system targets.
- Updated Fleet Carrier section to specify your own carrier.
- Updated speaking section to provide better selections for your carrier.
Repair drone
- Moved period up into the speech section, so it's not spoken if there was nothing to repair.
Ship interdicted
- Moved the 'event.iscommander' code section into the '!event.isthargoid' IF check, to prevent this being spoken when interdicted by a Thargoid.
- Re-arranged some comma punctuation to improve speech flow.
- Added code to account for $Name_AX_Military; pilots around Titans, until this is addressed in EDDI.
- Removed redundant SetState for 'eddi_context_interdicted' as this is no longer used.
- Added SetState for 'eddi_context_last_subject', mainly to be used in the Music event for the Thargoid section.
Ship repaired
- Rebuilt script to detail individual repairs when single items repaired, and to report a general category for each main type (core internals, optional internals, weapons, utilities) when a whole category is repaired.
*Note: The game lists every module in a category ('External' & 'Internal'), even if it didn't need repairing. For example, if only one weapon needs repairing, it will list all weapons and all utilities. If they ever change this functionality, then this script should still work OK.
Ship targeted
- Updated the 'clean' report section to add a little more variety.
- Fixed missing 'is' for system authority/security vessels.
- Moved the 'is' out of the options for the Lawless section, and placed it before them.
SRV turret deployable
- Removed use of 'event.srvType' as this doesn't appear to be available in this event (strange, I thought it was...)
Surface signals detected
- Fixed speaking '... in range' when a body had just been mapped. It shouldn't have been doing that.
System Exploration Report
- Moved the 'mapping targets' and 'materials' sections from the end, up into the 'physical characteristics' section. This prevents them being spoken when there are no characteristics being reported.
- Added checks for 'totalBodies > 0' to the two main speech IF checks. This should prevent incorrect reports that you have not scanned a system when loading a game.
Target Module
- Added "AX Missile Rack" and "Nanite Torpedo Pylon".
- Fixed typo's in the following entries (wrong array element separator was used):
"Enhanced Xeno Scanner"
"Shutdown Field Neutraliser"
"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon"
"Plasma Repeater"
- Added the following modules:
"FSD (SCO)" (not sure if this is exactly what it will be called when added)
"Guardian Power Distributor"
"Guardian Hull Reinforcement"
"Guardian Module Reinforcement"
"Guardian Gauss Cannon"
"Guardian Plasma Charger"
"Guardian Shard Cannon"
- Moved "Guardian Shield Reinforcement" from 'Utility' section to 'Optional' section.
- Changed routing function call from 'Missions Route Update' to new 'Missions Autoroute'.
- Removed {set undocking to "yes"} as this is no longer used anywhere.
- Upgraded the Docking Computer section to use the music track 'DockingComputer' set in the Music event. This is a simpler method of detecting if you have an advanced docking computer (ADC). It also means the VA command 'Undocked' is no longer needed, nor is the Docking computer FOR loop at the start of this script.
*Note: The FOR loop method wasn't perfect, as the ADC enabled/disable state doesn't change in EDDI immediately (only after takeoff or jump?), so could easily be wrong. Likewise, the music isn't 100% perfect either. If you are in the system map (for example) when you undock, the music does not change to 'DockingComputer' and so will say the 'manual launch' speech.
VA Initialised
- Rewritten the routing section at the end.
- Rearranged the loaded missions variables after removing some that are no longer needed.
- Added a check for the new state variable 'eddi_skip_va_startup' set in VA if Elite was not running when VA was started. This will skip the mission data setup if Elite is not running.