Release EDDI - Windows app for immersion and more

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Yet another "I can't get EDDI to work with VA" posting.

I nuked EDDI 1 from my system and installed EDDI 2 in the proper directory.
I have downloaded the latest BETA version of VA. My current VA build is v1.5.12.31 (prerelease)
I have imported the EDDI.vap into VA.

And I've gone through all 24 pages in this tread looking for something I've missed.
Yet, I still don't get any plugin initialized notification.

Can anyone help?

Did you remove your %APPDATA%\EDDI directory? I suspect that it's hanging on an old configuration value in there (I've had reports of this but haven't managed to track down the issue causing it).

Shut down VoiceAttack, remove the above directory, then start up the EDDI.exe and re-enter your configuration information. When you're done with that close the EDDI UI and start up VoiceAttack. If it still isn't working at that point please send me the contents of your %APPDATA%\EDDI\eddi.log file.
i Ran the link you posted and it version 2.0.6 now. But now VA says "star system report" is unrecognized" same as "system status". EDDI does not say EDDI INITIATED now, but only says Plugin Support ENABLED. It seems the profile is missing something. Before there were 3 sections in VA for EDDI and now there are only 2 - "EDDI" and "EDDI INFORMATION" I can not remember what the other section was in the older version. Sorry I can not provide much more information than that since Im not really familiar with this stuff.

There should only be two sections in the VoiceAttack profile: one for EDDI and one for EDDI debug.

Most of the commands that existed in the old profile have gone, for two reasons. First, most speech response is now handled elsewhere (in the speech responder) and second because EDDI now handles a much wider range of events, and does so dynamically. So, for example, the old 'docking complete' command has gone because there's now an event that triggers this response.
hmm, maybe i had tomatoes on my eyes.. didn't see the events.. but now they are there..

yes, i know this would cause problems. EDSM and EDDN must be offline during such a testing
but, ok, when there is no testrun mode, i will need to write my own ;)
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There should only be two sections in the VoiceAttack profile: one for EDDI and one for EDDI debug.

Most of the commands that existed in the old profile have gone, for two reasons. First, most speech response is now handled elsewhere (in the speech responder) and second because EDDI now handles a much wider range of events, and does so dynamically. So, for example, the old 'docking complete' command has gone because there's now an event that triggers this response.

after reading Padapolis' post, it seems Im having the same issue as he is. I will try what you suggested to @Padapolis!At4HeGIRVJbVidIau3jp6Gc7O1TqKw

OK when I nuked EDDI 1 the first time, I did erase the %appdata% directory shown in the image above.
I've even uninstalled EDDI 2 and reinstalled it before reaching out to the forum for help.

However I went ahead and tried this again.
I uninstalled EDDI 2 (again) and then erased the above %appdata% directory (again).
I then reinstalled EDDI 2 and reentered all the data.

I ran VA and suddenly IT WORKED!?!

I didn't do anything different this time from my previous attempts, but this time it worked.
I'm not complaining, I'm just glad it worked this time.

Now is there some place where I can donate money for this project?
Honestly in VR, I couldn't live without this app. It has become an essential part of my Elite Dangerous experience.
Pin , to the top of this Thread , How to install , How to upgrade from EDDI 1, How to use with VA , How to use as standalone and How to troubleshoot steps
will help in the long run
Thank you. Found it! However it still did not work. I had to provide my commander information for the EDDI Companion App again. I closed that after it was set up and opened up VA and imported the .vap but it still only shows plugin Support enabled and still does not respond to "System Status" or "Star System Report" ... still says "Unrecognized"
I've got a bug that I've been unable to shake. Basically, EDDI's speech responder seems to be reacting twice to each event (two system summaries on jump, two reactions to docking, etc.). The 1st reaction has variables correctly set, the second seems to revert to default / null variables. What could be the source for this issue?

I've tried deleting and reinstalling EDDI (both the VoiceAttack plugin and %APPDATA), but the issue persists.
The only thing that I preserved in the reinstall is the .json file with my custom tweaks to EDDI... I've put a fair amount of work into it already and I'd rather not lose that!

VA version
EDDI version 2.0.6

It seems like none of the variables from EDDB (System & Station info) are being populated in either voice attack or in EDDI standalone.

I can confirm that. I just installed EDDI 2.0.6 yesterday and I always get an "unpopulated" message on jumps, no information about the system/allegiance and when docking there is no landing-pad recognition either.
Although the announced system names are correct and I do get a "this is your 1st/2nd... visit" message. But other than that, there is no information available.
Interesting enough, the full system information from EDDB is displayed in the log, just after the speech has been stopped bei EDDI.

Here is a snip from my verbose eddi.log:
2016-10-30T07:53:37 NetLogMonitor:HandleNetLogLine [D] Returning event EddiEvents.JumpingEvent
2016-10-30T07:53:37 EDDI:eventHandler [D] Handling event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"raw":null,"timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:37.7962509Z","type":"Jumping"}
2016-10-30T07:53:37 EDDI:eventJumping [D] Jumping to Procyon
2016-10-30T07:53:37 EDDI:setSystemDistanceFromHome [I] HomeStarSystem is 
2016-10-30T07:53:37 EDDNResponder:Handle [D] Received event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"raw":null,"timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:37.7962509Z","type":"Jumping"}
2016-10-30T07:53:37 SpeechResponder:Handle [D] Received event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"raw":null,"timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:37.7962509Z","type":"Jumping"}
2016-10-30T07:53:37 ScriptResolver:resolve [D] Resolving script Jumping
2016-10-30T07:53:37 ScriptResolver:resolve [D] Found script
2016-10-30T07:53:37 VoiceAttackResponder:Handle [D] Received event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"raw":null,"timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:37.7962509Z","type":"Jumping"}
2016-10-30T07:53:37 EDSMResponder:Handle [D] Sending jump data to EDSM (jumping)
2016-10-30T07:53:37 ScriptResolver:resolveScript [D] Turned script Destination confirmed in to speech Destination confirmed
2016-10-30T07:53:37 ScriptResolver:resolveScript [D] Turned script on route to in to speech on route to
2016-10-30T07:53:37 StarMapService:sendStarMapLog [D] Sending data to EDSM: RestSharp.RestRequest
2016-10-30T07:53:37 ScriptResolver:resolveScript [D] Turned script Humans have yet to colonise this system in to speech Humans have yet to colonise this system
2016-10-30T07:53:37 ScriptResolver:resolveScript [D] Turned script {OneOf("Destination confirmed","Jump in progress","Telemetry obtained")}.
{ShipName()} is {OneOf("heading to", "on route to", "travelling to", "in transit to")} the {P(} system.
{if =
    Welcome home, {F("Honorific")}
    {if lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != "None" && (!system.allegiance || system.allegiance = "None"):
      You {OneOf("are leaving", "have left", "are no longer in")} {lastsystem.allegiance} space.
    |elif lastsystem.allegiance && lastsystem.allegiance != system.allegiance && system.allegiance != "None":
        You {OneOf("are now in", "have entered", "are entering")} {system.allegiance} space.
        {if cmdr.title != "Commander":
            Welcome back {F("Honorific")}

    {if system.visits = 1:
        This is your first visit to this system
    |elif system.visits = 2:
        This is your second visit to this system
    |elif system.visits = 3:
        This is your third visit to this system
    |elif system.visits = 4:
        This is your fourth visit to this system
        You have visited this system {system.visits} times

    {if !system.population:
        {OneOf("This system is unpopulated","There is no human presence here", "Humans have yet to colonise this system")}.
        {F("System report")}

    {if system.distancefromhome:
        {Occasionally(7, "{OneOf(\"You are\", \"Current location is\", \"You are now\")} {Humanise(system.distancefromhome)} lightyears from {OneOf(\"home\", \"{P(}\")}.")}

    {if system.comment:
        You made a {OneOf("note", "comment", "remark")} {OneOf("about", "for", "on")} this system.  It {OneOf("is as follows", "says", "reads", "is")} {system.comment}.
} in to speech Destination confirmed. your Asp Explorer is on route to the <phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="ˈprəʊˌsɪən">Procyon</phoneme> system.  .  This is your second visit to this system .  Humans have yet to colonise this system.    
2016-10-30T07:53:37 SpeechService:Speak [D] Selecting voice Microsoft Hazel Desktop
2016-10-30T07:53:37 SpeechService:Speak [D] Selected voice Microsoft Hazel Desktop
2016-10-30T07:53:37 SpeechService:Speak [D] SSML speech: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><speak version="1.0" xmlns="" xml:lang="en-GB"><s>Destination confirmed. your Asp Explorer is on route to the <phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="ˈprəʊˌsɪən">Procyon</phoneme> system.  .  This is your second visit to this system .  Humans have yet to colonise this system.</s></speak>
2016-10-30T07:53:37 SpeechService:synth_StateChanged [D] Current state of the synthesizer: Speaking
2016-10-30T07:53:37 SpeechService:synth_StateChanged [D] Current state of the synthesizer: Ready
2016-10-30T07:53:37 SpeechService:Speak [D] Starting speech
2016-10-30T07:53:37 StarMapService:sendStarMapLog [D] Data sent to EDSM
2016-10-30T07:53:52 SpeechService:StopCurrentSpeech [D] Stopped current speech
2016-10-30T07:53:58 Deserializtion:DeserializeData [D] Deserializing { "timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z", "event":"FSDJump", "StarSystem":"Procyon", "StarPos":[6.219,2.656,-9.188], "Allegiance":"Federation", "Economy":"$economy_Agri;", "Economy_Localised":"Agriculture", "Government":"$government_Democracy;", "Government_Localised":"Democracy", "Security":"$SYSTEM_SECURITY_medium;", "Security_Localised":"Medium Security", "JumpDist":1.160, "FuelUsed":0.001857, "FuelLevel":29.710915, "Faction":"People's Procyon Values Party", "FactionState":"Boom" }
2016-10-30T07:53:58 JournalMonitor:ParseJournalEntry [D] Handled event: {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"fuelused":0.001857,"fuelremaining":29.710915,"allegiance":"None","faction":"People's Procyon Values Party","factionstate":"Boom","economy":"Agriculture","government":"Democracy","security":"Medium","raw":"{ \"timestamp\":\"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z\", \"event\":\"FSDJump\", \"StarSystem\":\"Procyon\", \"StarPos\":[6.219,2.656,-9.188], \"Allegiance\":\"Federation\", \"Economy\":\"$economy_Agri;\", \"Economy_Localised\":\"Agriculture\", \"Government\":\"$government_Democracy;\", \"Government_Localised\":\"Democracy\", \"Security\":\"$SYSTEM_SECURITY_medium;\", \"Security_Localised\":\"Medium Security\", \"JumpDist\":1.160, \"FuelUsed\":0.001857, \"FuelLevel\":29.710915, \"Faction\":\"People's Procyon Values Party\", \"FactionState\":\"Boom\" }","timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z","type":"Jumped"}
2016-10-30T07:53:58 EDDI:eventHandler [D] Handling event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"fuelused":0.001857,"fuelremaining":29.710915,"allegiance":"None","faction":"People's Procyon Values Party","factionstate":"Boom","economy":"Agriculture","government":"Democracy","security":"Medium","raw":"{ \"timestamp\":\"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z\", \"event\":\"FSDJump\", \"StarSystem\":\"Procyon\", \"StarPos\":[6.219,2.656,-9.188], \"Allegiance\":\"Federation\", \"Economy\":\"$economy_Agri;\", \"Economy_Localised\":\"Agriculture\", \"Government\":\"$government_Democracy;\", \"Government_Localised\":\"Democracy\", \"Security\":\"$SYSTEM_SECURITY_medium;\", \"Security_Localised\":\"Medium Security\", \"JumpDist\":1.160, \"FuelUsed\":0.001857, \"FuelLevel\":29.710915, \"Faction\":\"People's Procyon Values Party\", \"FactionState\":\"Boom\" }","timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z","type":"Jumped"}
2016-10-30T07:53:58 EDDI:eventJumped [D] Jumped to Procyon
2016-10-30T07:53:58 EDDNResponder:Handle [D] Received event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"fuelused":0.001857,"fuelremaining":29.710915,"allegiance":"None","faction":"People's Procyon Values Party","factionstate":"Boom","economy":"Agriculture","government":"Democracy","security":"Medium","raw":"{ \"timestamp\":\"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z\", \"event\":\"FSDJump\", \"StarSystem\":\"Procyon\", \"StarPos\":[6.219,2.656,-9.188], \"Allegiance\":\"Federation\", \"Economy\":\"$economy_Agri;\", \"Economy_Localised\":\"Agriculture\", \"Government\":\"$government_Democracy;\", \"Government_Localised\":\"Democracy\", \"Security\":\"$SYSTEM_SECURITY_medium;\", \"Security_Localised\":\"Medium Security\", \"JumpDist\":1.160, \"FuelUsed\":0.001857, \"FuelLevel\":29.710915, \"Faction\":\"People's Procyon Values Party\", \"FactionState\":\"Boom\" }","timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z","type":"Jumped"}
2016-10-30T07:53:58 SpeechResponder:Handle [D] Received event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"fuelused":0.001857,"fuelremaining":29.710915,"allegiance":"None","faction":"People's Procyon Values Party","factionstate":"Boom","economy":"Agriculture","government":"Democracy","security":"Medium","raw":"{ \"timestamp\":\"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z\", \"event\":\"FSDJump\", \"StarSystem\":\"Procyon\", \"StarPos\":[6.219,2.656,-9.188], \"Allegiance\":\"Federation\", \"Economy\":\"$economy_Agri;\", \"Economy_Localised\":\"Agriculture\", \"Government\":\"$government_Democracy;\", \"Government_Localised\":\"Democracy\", \"Security\":\"$SYSTEM_SECURITY_medium;\", \"Security_Localised\":\"Medium Security\", \"JumpDist\":1.160, \"FuelUsed\":0.001857, \"FuelLevel\":29.710915, \"Faction\":\"People's Procyon Values Party\", \"FactionState\":\"Boom\" }","timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z","type":"Jumped"}
2016-10-30T07:53:58 ScriptResolver:resolve [D] Resolving script Jumped
2016-10-30T07:53:58 VoiceAttackResponder:Handle [D] Received event {"system":"Procyon","x":6.21875,"y":2.65625,"z":-9.1875,"fuelused":0.001857,"fuelremaining":29.710915,"allegiance":"None","faction":"People's Procyon Values Party","factionstate":"Boom","economy":"Agriculture","government":"Democracy","security":"Medium","raw":"{ \"timestamp\":\"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z\", \"event\":\"FSDJump\", \"StarSystem\":\"Procyon\", \"StarPos\":[6.219,2.656,-9.188], \"Allegiance\":\"Federation\", \"Economy\":\"$economy_Agri;\", \"Economy_Localised\":\"Agriculture\", \"Government\":\"$government_Democracy;\", \"Government_Localised\":\"Democracy\", \"Security\":\"$SYSTEM_SECURITY_medium;\", \"Security_Localised\":\"Medium Security\", \"JumpDist\":1.160, \"FuelUsed\":0.001857, \"FuelLevel\":29.710915, \"Faction\":\"People's Procyon Values Party\", \"FactionState\":\"Boom\" }","timestamp":"2016-10-30T07:53:58Z","type":"Jumped"}
2016-10-30T07:53:58 ScriptResolver:resolve [D] No script
The EDDI API server was misbehaving, I've kicked it so it should be working now. Please let me know if you continue to not hear system information (allegiance, population etc).
Hi all

I love the Standalone and great work here. My immersion relies on communicating requests with EDDI so i want to exclusively use VA to draw responses (with a little event handler interaction). I know its tons of work scripting etc (which i;m happy to do).

I haven't got the foggiest where to start and i am a bit lost....For example the spoken command "Damage report" runs sets a text variable "Damage check". Where on earth is the info which tells EDDI what to report? I seen a previous post where a Script variable seemed to be edited with the called variables within VA, but i cannot see that anywhere?

Any help to a complete buffoon would be most helpful. O7
Hi, sorry to be a pain, but the EDDI app is not being recognised by my VA either, followed your instructions, but no go!

Edit: apparently clicking "check for updates" in VA does not ensure that you are using the most recent Beta, I manually downloaded the beta and now it is recognising EDDI; shame it is 02:34 now so I'll check it out tomorrow!
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I've got!!!! Looking through the EDDI JSON file gives me all i need to go on. Apologies for my ignorance. From this info I can call whatever variables i like...I think. If I'm wrong then please put me straight.
I restarted the game and Voice attack, but it seems it is still not generating station and system information. The station and system variables in voiceattack are set as not set.
I've got!!!! Looking through the EDDI JSON file gives me all i need to go on. Apologies for my ignorance. From this info I can call whatever variables i like...I think. If I'm wrong then please put me straight.

Rather than editing the JSON directly you can use EDDI's UI. Start the EDDI UI, go to the 'Speech Responder' tab and follow the instructions there to copy the default personality and customise as you see fit.
I restarted the game and Voice attack, but it seems it is still not generating station and system information. The station and system variables in voiceattack are set as not set.

Same for me, all systems are unoccupied

Is this still the case after jumping to a new system, or docking at a new station? EDDI doesn't have information on the current system when it starts, you need to move for it to pick up the changed information.
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