I know that, we've already been through this... see comment #s 692, 693, 698, 699, and 705 for memory jog.
Clearly you're getting the station type from somewhere for the speech responder 'docking granted' event... I made an assumption (to my creaky memory, you've not elaborated on all the functions/responsibilities of the EDDI server), but you did not confirm.
It's not that I'm against using Cottle... I've printed out and studied the official manual and one scripted language is as easy as any other... I find the limited scope of the event variables within the speech responder, for example the inability to call out the landing pad location after the event has passed and variables are no longer valid, to not meet my needs/goals.
My previous request to have VA accessibility to EDDB data was with the intent to minimize/short circuit the need to make individual requests for you to incorporate/hard code niche bits of data.