Tutorial & Guide Writer
Incase it helps anyone get a leg up, I've pushed a very small and quick vagrant+ansible project to github.com/theangryangel/elite-dangerous-eddn-elasticsearch-kibana-vagrant that will setup a provision a VM to collect data from EDDN, shove it into Elasticsearch, provide a Kibana 4 frontend and automatic culling of data older than 30 days.
Although I have put minimal instructions in the repo, consider it sold and seen with no support, I'm afraid.
Couple of caveats;
I'm a sysadmin, not a programmer. Code quality may vary.
I would *not* run this on any public facing without modifying the ansible playbook. There are serious issues, such as it pulling a module or two directly from source, a lack of log rotation for a couple of components.
I rarely visit the forums, but I just want to thank everyone involved. I've had some great fun with this the last evening or two, pulling in data and analysing it.
If the EDDN does continue, and grows past it's current in carnation, please get in touch - I may be able to provide some resources through work - depending on what's required
Commanders I need HELP. I said from the start that I wanted to have an ELK-stack on the EDDN server. As I'm new to ELK I thought it would be a good idea NOT to install it directly on the server but to experiment with it on my own windows machine. The above setup does exactly that. Problem is that ansible is NOT officially support for windows but I found this excellent article of how to set it up. Works like a charm. Doesn't take long to set it up. Note: Iirc for the ansible stuff it looks as if you must NOT use a path with a space in it.
Everything went smooth till it was time that ansible should do its thing. As in installing the ELK stack. The problem is NOT related to ansible but to SSH it seems, which borks ansible.
The error I get:
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
fatal: [default] => private_key_file (C:/Data/vagrant/kibana/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key) is group-readable or world-readable and thus insecure - you will probably get an SSH failure
TASK: [Add wheezy-backports repo] *********************************************
FATAL: no hosts matched or all hosts have already failed -- aborting
The solution seems simple enough. Just use chmod -c 600 to remove the read flags for group and other (Linux). The problem is just that cygwin (babun actually) under windows does not do that. Also tried with gitbash - some problem.
Either I must find a way to remove the read flags for group and other OR somehow I must convince openssh that read permission for group and other is OK. I've been at it the whole day but can't get past that openssh error.
If someone has experience with vagrant and the ansible UNDER windows I would really appreciate some help. Like I said it boils down to openssh. Perhaps someone is willing to try to setup the ELK stack under windows. If not I can understand.
When all fails I'm gonna set it up directly on the EDDN server using the normal ELK stack instructions and use the json ELK template and collector.py from the_angry_angel setup. BUT I thought the ELK stack under windows would be great for other commanders as well. Fingers crossed.
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