Release EDRefCard - makes a printable reference card of your controller bindings

I recently started setting up my VKB STECS max, is there anything I can do to help get it in the list of supported devices?
Are you any good with an image editor?

It's a fair chunk of work to add new devices to edrefcard... Which is why it's being redone.

Getting the base image built is half the battle. Then a list of which button is which is needed (in the binds file naming style - Joy_1 etc). Finally your binds file to test with.

Are you any good with an image editor?

It's a fair chunk of work to add new devices to edrefcard... Which is why it's being redone.

Getting the base image built is half the battle. Then a list of which button is which is needed (in the binds file naming style - Joy_1 etc). Finally your binds file to test with.

I was able to find a decent image on Reddit, but I couldn't find if there was any restrictions as to use. Otherwise, I am crap with image editors.
Same as me then haha! To be fair, it's a case of time - it's just lines and boxes really.
Pretty sure as no money is changing hands we're ok on "terms of use". They can take 100% of my profit :)
I don't even care that the image I found didn't have the ATEM extension, that is only 7 buttons and rotary. Child's play after all the other buttons.
yvcunm not supported. The unsupported game controller is an X10 branded wireless xbox compatible controller. ref: and this was on edrefcard2
That would be just nuts! I most definitely only have Virpil Gear Fitted. First time I ran this I got nothing....reran it and received a double page print of the CM3 Throttle with control numbers up to 53 but no stick.

Have attached the binds file being worked upon if that helps... (renamed as a text file)


  • HCS Custom.4.0.TXT
    71.4 KB · Views: 29
I tried your file on ... got a stick and two throttle images. Not much bound yet, but I'm guessing a WIP?

Ran the binds file through my "in development" copy as well, it seems to parse the inputs OK ... definitely sees two instances of the throttle in the file - this is probably an artifact of the Virpil Gear software. It must split the device into two to overcome the 32 button limit in Elite?

Without knowing what your intended config is, it's difficult to say, maybe you can take a look at this and give us some hints?

"tyoarm" notsupported..... using Virpil native splitter (not vJoy or JoystickGremlin) doesn't pickup my Alpha Stick 334440CB.

I've added Alpha stick, I've assumed it's in a right hand configuration. Please check and let us know if it's showing correctly.

yvcunm not supported. The unsupported game controller is an X10 branded wireless xbox compatible controller. ref: and this was on edrefcard2

I've added the device as Xbox variant so it should pick up the bindings.

That would be just nuts! I most definitely only have Virpil Gear Fitted. First time I ran this I got nothing....reran it and received a double page print of the CM3 Throttle with control numbers up to 53 but no stick.

Have attached the binds file being worked upon if that helps... (renamed as a text file)

Please could you confirm your CM3 is configured in VIRPIL software so it can be handled correctly?
Similar to

I tried your file on ... got a stick and two throttle images. Not much bound yet, but I'm guessing a WIP?

Ran the binds file through my "in development" copy as well, it seems to parse the inputs OK ... definitely sees two instances of the throttle in the file - this is probably an artifact of the Virpil Gear software. It must split the device into two to overcome the 32 button limit in Elite?

Without knowing what your intended config is, it's difficult to say, maybe you can take a look at this and give us some hints?


I just added in the stick and created some pull requests to bring the repo up to date.
Great work, thanks.

I'll take a look the PRs today or tomorrow and confirm back here once merged.

Thinks working OK now.......Thanks....
On another note, Your site's certificate is being reported as out of date...requires me to override Browser Checks to connect.....just for your info..
Thinks working OK now.......Thanks....
On another note, Your site's certificate is being reported as out of date...requires me to override Browser Checks to connect.....just for your info..
Woops forgot to setup cronjob for the auto renew. Should be showing valid again now.
Interesting note in the patch notes for tomorrow. (

Added support for hardware with up to 128 buttons that is registered as an input device (Issue ID 1763)

Some devices may need revisiting, For example I know for the VIRPIL CM3 buttons over button 32 wasn't added in the default mode as they wouldn't show in the bindings file due to ED's lack of support.
When I get some time I will revert my CM3 throttle from the 32 button split mode, test and update the mapping so all the buttons show up.
Interesting note in the patch notes for tomorrow. (

Some devices may need revisiting, For example I know for the VIRPIL CM3 buttons over button 32 wasn't added in the default mode as they wouldn't show in the bindings file due to ED's lack of support.
When I get some time I will revert my CM3 throttle from the 32 button split mode, test and update the mapping so all the buttons show up.
There was me just getting back to remapping my CM3….ah well, back to reconfiguration after tomorrow, but no complaint as I got what we wished for…no 32 button limit. Well done FD!
Thanks Frontier, limit removed from recognising only 32 button devices.

I managed to manually edit my Binds File and remove the “DeviceIndex =0” entries, thereby removing the 32 item block control identifiers. Everything Working so far, as it was all a WIP I’d not much to do. My CM3 Throttle is all present and correct.
Interesting note in the patch notes for tomorrow. (

Some devices may need revisiting, For example I know for the VIRPIL CM3 buttons over button 32 wasn't added in the default mode as they wouldn't show in the bindings file due to ED's lack of support.
When I get some time I will revert my CM3 throttle from the 32 button split mode, test and update the mapping so all the buttons show up.

I've added bindings for all 80 buttons on the CM3 so it should show them all correctly.
I haven't got around testing it with an actual binding file as I haven't had time yet to redo my own bindings.
Please let me know if works or if there any issues.
Excellent work! I've just added the slider button (Joy_33) on the X56 throttle and that works OK too.

All MRs are merged, feel free to update the server.

I can't believe it... 😅

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