Elite Dangerous | Ascendancy Update 1 - Thursday 21st November

I seriously can't play until this stupid trade system is fixed.

If I trade Power Generators 1 at a time, I get 8 merits per ton. If I sell my entire 300 ton capacity, I get 80 merits. I'm literally giving up 97% of my merits if I trade the way I SHOULD be trading.

This is so dumb.

I think it’ll feel better if you regard this as a supplemental source of merits, and diversify your cargo, rather than as a primary source. Especially if you intend to work strategically, rather than simply grind merits for modules or rewards. During my experiment last night, in a 240 ton Python, I doubled my bulk sale earnings via diversification, and it was competitive with one-ton trading in the long term.

Not to mention, it’s a lot more fun, and there’s other opportunities while flying in Supercruise you can take advantage of to fill in the gap.

Going forward, I’ll probably use this method to fill empty cargo space not occupied by Power Commodities or mission cargo.
I think it’ll feel better if you regard this as a supplemental source of merits, and diversify your cargo, rather than as a primary source. Especially if you intend to work strategically, rather than simply grind merits for modules or rewards. During my experiment last night, in a 240 ton Python, I doubled my bulk sale earnings via diversification, and it was competitive with one-ton trading in the long term.

Not to mention, it’s a lot more fun, and there’s other opportunities while flying in Supercruise you can take advantage of to fill in the gap.

Going forward, I’ll probably use this method to fill empty cargo space not occupied by Power Commodities or mission cargo.
Unfortunately, in many cases there IS no way to diversify. In the system I'm pushing for example, only Power Generators have the necessary price and profitability to generate merits via trading.

It's not really been possible since Odyssey to tell what states missions affect without a lot of experimentation, but my pre-Odyssey notes suggest that donations of things other than medicines and weapons should be +Econ and get a Boom going.
Is it just me, or are boom states way rarer nowadays? Maybe I've just never been paying close enough attention, but it seems to me there didn't used to be so many systems with no states at all.
I've just spent far too long trying to work out where to take Power Research Data, but apparently it is useless as I got it from one of my own systems. Now I need to go and check if the UI told me it was useless, or was supposed to look it up on the Handbook before I download every bit of data ...
AFAIK you need to take them to a Fortified or Stronghold system controlled by your Power, and the system you deliver them to needs to be in control range of the system where you got the data from.
AFAIK you need to take them to a Fortified or Stronghold system controlled by your Power, and the system you deliver them to needs to be in control range of the system where you got the data from.
For Acquisition, yes. Undermining is less picky - any friendly system will take those.

Is it just me, or are boom states way rarer nowadays?
That I don't know - I certainly have seen a lot of "everyone in State:None" systems as I go around the bubble, but then a lot of those are systems which even with Powerplay aren't necessarily getting a lot of traffic, and I've been away too long to have a good instinct for what it "should" look like.

Doing a quick check of the system owners out at Colonia where I'm more familiar with what it "should" look like, certainly a good bunch of those are in Boom and a lot of the ones which aren't at least have something else going on instead, so that all looks normal ... but those are, of course, all low-population systems which might be easier to get states to stick to.
Oh, wait... so there's different conditions for delivery locations of "power reserach data" depending on if the data was acquired in acquisition or undermining system? :eek:
Yes - though they are at least, in this case, consistent with the general rules for each state for anything involving transportation of something from A to B

Acquisition: between the target system and its supporting Fortified/Stronghold system
Reinforcement: hand in locally
Undermining: for things collected in the target system, return them to any friendly system
there's different conditions for delivery locations of "power reserach data" depending on if the data was acquired in acquisition or undermining system? :eek:

Reinforcement: hand in locally

Specifically for "research" data from reinforcement systems, there's no valid hand-in option though you can still collect it. The other two data types are collect and hand in in the same system. At least according to the codex, where it's conspicuous by it's absence:

Specifically for "research" data from reinforcement systems, there's no valid hand-in option though you can still collect it. The other two data types are collect and hand in in the same system. At least according to the codex, where it's conspicuous by it's absence:

Salvage/S&R has the same sort of weirdness to it - Acquisition systems have S&R as an activity, but not Salvage, so the Black Box/Wreckage Components don't do anything there, and it's really unclear why even though it's documented correctly.

I need to go over those data sections more closely again...
Specifically for "research" data from reinforcement systems, there's no valid hand-in option though you can still collect it. The other two data types are collect and hand in in the same system. At least according to the codex, where it's conspicuous by it's absence:

View attachment 409458

Right, okay, I can't verify one way or another since I don't have Odyssey; I'd like to take the Codex as gospel, buuut...

This is what I've found though:
Transfer Power Research and Industrial DataDownload data from data ports at settlements and return them to a Fortified or Stronghold system controlled by your Power that is in control range of the system.5 merits per data

And now that I knew to look for it...
Transfer Power Research and Industrial DataDownload data from data ports at settlements in systems controlled by Powers that you are not pledged to and return them to a Power contact in a system your Power controls.78 merits per data

Again, I can't personally verify these are accurate or if someone pulled them out of their behind and added them to the table. /shrug
I'd like to take the Codex as gospel, buuut...

Yeah, there's a bunch of inaccuracies in the "Activities" section there. Escape pods will be awarded merits for scooping in Undermining systems? Nope - not even before they suspended escape pods merits.. Hand in your exobiology data to your Power Contact?! Nope! ...

I recommend @Ian Doncaster 's reference spreadsheet, and I have collected some information, based on the Codex and in-game sources, in the Powerplay section of the forum, that I try and keep updated with what players have worked out.
I re-pledged today before doing the weekly tasks and maybe an hour in a HazRES. Between task completions, scans and kills I got 19800 merits - just shy of half what I lost for switching powers.

Escape pods and rares were still giving nothing but were part of the weekly’s so thankfully didn’t lose any time finding that out!

So progression is definitely better but discounting the weekly list I think I probably hit 4000 merits/hour in the HazRES? I shoulda been paying more attention … but that still seems like it will take a long time to get anywhere useful.

First module is 247k merits. Assuming weeklies at 15k and then say three hours over that at 4K/hour that’s about 27k/week so maybe 2 months to hit that first module?

But there also might be times I want to do something else (other games / non-PP stuff) with my gaming time which would slow that down.

Personally, I’d rather be in a position where it were possible to earn a module per weekly cycle - that would motivate me to play for one power and unlock everything over 12 weeks or so.

Part of me wishes I stayed with my original pledge but in theory this should get me Pack Hounds quicker, which is the main module I’m interested in.

Once I have those unlocked I’ll buy a bunch and then either choose a new power that makes sense for a more long term allegiance or just bail from PP entirely, depending on how much of a slog it’s looking at that point.
Been playing for a few hours today and agree progression is better now.

But I'm still in two minds whether to stick with it or not. I previously tried all PP modules so know what I'm missing out on (or not). So the modules are not a huge draw anymore. Looking at the rest of PP then, I'm starting to think I'm just not the target audience here.

PP limits you to specific gameplay in a very small sub-bubble of the bubble (funnily enough, same could be said about the Thargoid war), with various activities still not earning sufficient or any merits at all.

2 out of my 5 weeklies can't be completed, similar to last week. It all still feels pretty sloppy, buggy and unfinished, and on top of that the biggest issue for me as a non group player is lack of purpose beyond going through the motions of progressing through an arbitrary and meta-gamey rank grind. My playstyle is more like the lone vagabond mercenary type, and PP requires the kind of focus and dedication (at least if you want to make any sort of difference) I'm simply not prepared to invest.

PP ultimately still feels like endless hamster wheel busywork; the associated lore and visual flavour is so paper thin that that's not motivating me to stick with it for RP purposes even. It's better than PP1, but it's still PP I guess.

So it might just be a mix of "it's not you it's me", and vice versa in the end. Might even just install 3.8 again for some occasional flying around until colonisation arrives, as the general jankiness that only seems to be getting worse is really off-putting now.
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Been playing for a few hours today and agree progression is better now.

But I'm still in two minds whether to stick with it or not. I previously tried all PP modules so know what I'm missing out on (or not). So the modules are not a huge draw anymore. Looking at the rest of PP then, I'm starting to think I'm just not the target audience here.

PP limits you to specific gameplay in a very small sub-bubble of the bubble (funnily enough, same could be said about the Thargoid war), with various activities still not earning sufficient or any merits at all.

2 out of my 5 weeklies can't be completed, similar to last week. It all still feels pretty sloppy, buggy and unfinished, and on top of that the biggest issue for me as a non group player is lack of purpose beyond going through the motions of progressing through an arbitrary and meta-gamey rank grind. My playstyle is more like the lone vagabond mercenary type, and PP requires the kind of focus and dedication (at least if you want to make any sort of difference) I'm simply not prepared to invest.

PP ultimately still feels like endless hamster wheel busywork; the associated lore and visual flavour is so paper thin that that's not motivating me to stick with it for RP purposes even. It's better than PP1, but it's still PP I guess.

So it might just be a mix of "it's not you it's me", and vice versa in the end. Might even just install 3.8 again for some occasional flying around until colonisation arrives, as the general jankiness that only seems to be getting worse is really off-putting now.
I kinda like the idea of PP but I would have to agree with you that - as a mostly solo player - it's difficult to be engaged when meaningful rewards beyond "one number bigger" on a rank list are so very slow to aquire even if you dedicate your entire Elite gaming to PP ...

There's a specific module I'm after. And a couple of others that would be nice but I'm not sure I have the stomach for the grind so I can probably live without 'em. Once I have the one I definitely want - and in all liklihood that will probably be (1) in 2025 and (2) a huge disappointment! - I may well end up bailing on PP entirely unless I can make peace with pledging to either Archer (wants to spy on his own citizens) or Grom (questionable inclusion in PP) to get the Bounty payout perks.
Yeah, that's what I did for a while, but I don't think donation missions can cause a Boom state, which is what's kinda needed for mining to be viable.

The last thing I want to do is spend a bunch of time grinding just so I have more grinding. I want to create places where I can do what I enjoy(mining) AND be reasonably rewarded for it.
I thought it was pretty good. I core mined 37M worth of minerals like Musgravite and Alexandrite in the course of a little more than an hour and got I think 29k merits out of that.

Someone more experienced could do a lot better, I prospected pretty much every glowing asteroid because for the life of me I can't consistently figure out what a core rock looks like in a rocky ring.

Also if someone has a carrier and is lucky enough to spot a power salvage or power weapons fire or any other kind of power signal while doing their mining, it's probably a good idea just to check it out. It probably has a high number of escape pods and other valuable salvage which you can collect and dump to your carrier. I have a bunch waiting on fdev to reactivate pod turnins
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