Nice to see an update and some patch notes... But it would be even nicer if someone could take the trouble to put it in plain English...
Added where? To the scenarios list outside of the open world? Or active scenarios in the actual open world?
- Phase transition timing telemetry added
Uhm... what phase? Telemetry? Is this a HUD addition? Something to do with frame shift drive and disengaging at proper times?
- When a wake times out, don't release the (already released earlier) island hook, and so don't lose your current island and drop out of your session
What is an island in this case? Something to do with servers? What is the practical implication of this?
- When sending a naked SEQ, remember it incase we need to resend - fixes some random disconnections
Naked? I don't think this means that the game just became R-rated? At least this seems to have some sort of explanation; it's a bug fix for random disconnections, right?
- Fix a bug in LetterSchedulingRecord - was not taking Level into account if Urgency was 1.0
- Fix calculation of available space for fragmenting letters
Uh... What is a letter? I'm assuming it's not the letter 'A' and not a letter to the president... And I didn't know we had levels in this game?
- When forking authority use the 'object appears in new session' mechanism to broadcast forkage.
Something to do with multiplying objects in space that belong to a faction?
- Adding a new set of mirrored hardpoint doors to fix UV issues WRT to paintjobs
UV = ultraviolet? WRT = wear and tare? Will our paintjobs start to get worn if we fly too close to a sun/star?
- Removing a random bunch of emmissive polys in one of the hardpoint openings
I had this bug where I saw random objects appear to the bottom right outside my cockpit window. Is this a fix for that?
- Cobra Mk III art updates
As in updates to the original model, making it prettier? Or updates as in more skins?
- Ensure that m_lettersReservedForLater is cleared when a machine disconnects
- When counting repeated ACKs, count the ACKs actually sent in response to a repeated SEQ number
- Verify coordinates before sending a ClaimIsland or UpdateIsland call
- Protect server against invalid data in UpdateIsland
I don't understand any of this...
Here's an example of how I would expect patch updates to look:
New additions
...yada yada, same format as below...
Bug fixes
Corrected hardpoint visuals
Some players experienced a bug where random polygons appeared at the openings of a hardpoint. This is now fixed.
- Removed a random bunch of emmissive polys in one of the hardpoint openings