Elite Dangerous : Crash To Desktop/Console Crash Instances (Over Coffee?)

CMDR Rat Catcher

Yesterday in Odyssey, 2 CTD:
First transit between SC (orbital) to glide
Second trying to reload immediately after the crash (crashed while loading game)

I reloaded from Horizons (no issue) then exited back to the proper game (Odyssey) and was able to proceed and be killed by the additional 18 Scavs who dropped in while I was chasing the first 6... It was brilliant!
Cmdr Jupeter
CTD in Odyssey on PC
Ground night CZ High intensity
Frontier launcher (report sent)

Just got Yellow Adder error dropping into Haz Res site and had to force quit

Now getting Orange Sidewinder trying to login

Another CTD in night side High GCZ
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Cmdr Martind Forlon
CTD in Odyssey playing on GeforceNOW (PC)
High intenzity Ground CZ

crashed on the end of battle when fired missile from hand missile launcher
Cmdr angusmadmac1
EDH Xbox series X
Last night about 2000hrs
Loaded in planned journey
Got kicked off ( taupe adder?)
Try to load up again no connection to servers
Loaded back up planned route
Long tunnel
Jumped into a binary lost connection

After that it was pretty stable

I've had a couple during the weekend normally after jumping , again 2 lost connections and then it worked .

It wasn't the stupid quick resume
Cmdr LifesAJourney
Odyssey directly from Frontier
Issues with disembarking from ship/SRV (on exploration trip now, so no busy planets, just me, my ship, my SRV and some space cabbage), sometimes I get a neverending black screen (have to exit to menu and log in again), sometimes the game crashes. If the latter happens I send a crash report so Fdev should be provided with relevant info.
I hardly ever CTD but have done so 4 times in the last 2 days.

All CTDs were at Holthausen Military Base in Carcosa system directly after killing an NPC.

This place is bugged and needs looking at.
New crashes. Yesterday I was in the galaxy map (not the system map). I zoomed in to a system with the mouse wheel (quite fast) and the screen freezed for a second and then crashed. The crashes always were the same everywhere: freeze for a couple of seconds, a strange sound (like the game sound colapsed in a buzz) and then crash to desktop. I reported it with the Frontier crash report window. I hope this helps :)
How do haven't been on in a while last time I was on was 07/11/21 Approx 21:00hrs onwards

Cmdr name: iDazeDreamer
Horizons (Console) Series S

Repeated Stalls when entering supercruise (when count down hits zero) from either carriers or stations. Either hangs in blue tunnel indefinitely until you restart game, Hangs for about 30-60 seconds then black screens or hangs for an undefined amount of time then recovers

Plus a new one for me carrier was in three pieces happened at two different carriers a total of three times in a two hour ish play session

The above issues also reported by all in wing varying in the amount of occurrence's, their unable to report no longer on forums.

Hope that helps, will add more if this continues when/if I go on again

Cheers o7
Cannot connect to the server has happened several times today.

Also some materials in signal sources (Horizons) are not showing up on the radar even though I can see them visually.
Every time I try to log-in I get the message "Error 403 from the webserver. Your client is too old."

All of my Horizon/Odyssey game files are kept up to date through Steam.
On Saturday and Sunday (6th & 7th) November I had multiple crashes only a few minutes apart while mining, I would mine a few asteroids (mining lasers) maybe get 10 or so materials and then crash to desktop, log back in, run to my carrier, unload and journey back to the mining site. I raised it with support and they suggested it was a 'corrupt refinery' (but I haven't been out mining again to confirm that). It is also notablewhile waiting for support response, I dropped Graphics from Ultra to High and I resumed mining for another 4 hours without any crashes at all. Whether the crashes were refinery or graphics related is unknown to be honest - i don't understand why a corrupt refinery would cause crashes but only with Ultra graphics.
This is a super delay, but I just came across this post and have been having HUGE CTD issues since Update 8 and barely any before update... say.. 3 or 4 range
  • Sanctusice
  • Both Horizons and Ody, Ody is much worse though
  • I'm getting CTD almost immediately upon login, it's fine until I hit continue - this is consistent throughout solo & open
  • VR & pancake have both been issues, but today I tried changing my res from something tiny up to 1080p windowed and insta CTD
  • When I've been able to get it running I've had CTD going into maps & also carrier admin panel.
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