ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Horizons for PS4


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It's great to see that a whole new bunch of commanders will be joining us soon.

So funny to see all the people going on about needing to know when 2.3 is coming, it's only been 6 weeks since 2.2 for pity's sake.

Do all of the people asking about cross platform play really think that it's Frontier who make those decisions?

Microsoft and Sony make the decisions about whether crossplay is allowed, not the companies that design and make the games.
Congratulations Frontier! :D That cross-platform planning really paying off!

Fantastic trailer too - can't wait to see the sales you'll get with that when it's well placed. Now get us cross-platform and the galaxy will really feel alive!
and today you can play with (or against!) friends and our amazing community as you travel the galaxy alone, together in a ‘wing’ or even fly aboard the same ship.



Volunteer Moderator
but with the originally announced schedule for Horizons having slipped quite a lot, perhaps that policy ought to be a bit bended.

Sorry, what originally announced schedule are you talking about. To my recollection there were never any time frames given. People assumed that because 2.0 was launched 1 year after the base game, that 3.0 would be launched a year later too. That's what people do though, jump to conclusions.
We're excited to talk about everything when the time comes! For now! PS4!!!!! Woop?

To be honest: Not the big Whoop you expected.
Your forgot to present the piece of candy to the playerbase waiting for things to come.
Instead there is an additional migration project that consumes resources.

Its nice to have Elite even on PS4, but it would have been a better announcement if
you packed it with some candy for players already playing and waiting for solutions and content.
So the announcement is bringing me to think

Ah, also PS4, nice, and what about me?



Volunteer Moderator
I have personally not come across a molten lava planet with rings, are there any in the bubble?

Don't know of any in the bubble, but there's an amazing one in Celaeno in the Pleiades cluster.

It's obvious why FD are being so cautious about VR. They don't want to get people's hopes up, as it will be quite a technical challenge.

Woo! I'm so happy for you guys! You're getting Elite for your Sony Headsets!
Excellent news, well done guys & girls of Frontier
I'm probably all-in anyway but if you're are able to add/confirm VR game play then I'm DEFINITELY all in.
Awesome trailer music! Grats to the sound guys once again, they lift up this game in ways no other sound team ever did!
Sorry, what originally announced schedule are you talking about. To my recollection there were never any time frames given. People assumed that because 2.0 was launched 1 year after the base game, that 3.0 would be launched a year later too. That's what people do though, jump to conclusions.
The Frontier Store page on Horizons used to say Q3 for 2.3 and Q4 for 2.4, but later was silently edited. (When the schedule slipped, so not days after Horizons was launched.) Also, the developers did imply that they plan to release one major update per quarter. Obviously those are no longer the current plans, but we don't know what they are. Please read my earlier post, my point was that the announcement of the PS4 port taking priority over what the majority of the existing player base is waiting for isn't exactly sending the best message. But that could still be amended with at least some info in tonight's tomorrow's newsletter. (Edit: my bad, I thought today was Friday already!)
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What happens with commander names?
At the moment, cmdr names can be used TWICE on PC and Xbox. Will we have the same cmdr name on 3 different platforms again?
Will there be a shared universe between Xbox and PS4? I can understand why they don't play in the same instance like PC players but what's with the interaction between consoles?
Since the Horizons update, the games are actually in sync. All minor patches are in beta first, before they release globally.
Correction; They have been synced.

What this means is that the game was ready some time (the length of time the M$ verification process takes) before it was actually released and Frontier chose to delay PC release to sync them up. You can understand why, but is this a restriction that Frontier necessarily want? I doubt it. Adding another platform to the equation makes it even more likely for one platform to delay the others.

Because of this, while they could likely technically allow cross-play (even with XBOX) they probably wont. Unfortunately, because we'd all love that.
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