I have had this issue as well, fix for me was to invert the controls, save, then toggle inversion again, save, and then set the inversion to whatever feels natural for you. Looks like the settings are not properly initialized when not set once.Can we get a fix for the bug that is affecting the pitch controls for the SRV?
When using a controller, trying to set the pitch for the SRV always stays in the default position for the left stick. It dioes not matter if you invert the axis or if you pre-set the sticks to work the pitch as you want it. It always stays with push up to lift the nose of the buggy and pull back to dip the nose of the buggy - the default setting.
It does not feel natural. Please fix this bug as it makes contolling the buggy very difficult when using the thrusters.
Actually sir it was a free issue. I found mine on Founders when I logged in this morning. All I had to do was outfit it to suit my needs and it was nice to fly around in and I went to SOL system for a spin. Ran the buggy around on IO and CALISTO and then flew it home.AFAIK it's not a 'free ship' just means that it is unlocked for you, you still have to pay credits for it.
Is anyone else still having an issue with the data link scanner? I haven't been able to get it to work, not even in beta. I target the data link, switch to turret, hit the button and nothing happens. I've tried swapping fire groups (i.e. making it primary fire, secondary fire, creating a whole new firegroup). I have it mapped - in fact, I have it mapped to two separate buttons (one on keyboard and the other on controller). I just can't get the darn thing to work.... What's it supposed to do?
Awesome! good work FD
Any news on these free vipers for us Pre-Beta backers though? Still haven't got mine yet :/
Don't know if it's a bug or not, but I was approaching a hazardous RES last night and the rings of the gas giant were blindingly bright, will this be fixed? or at least dimmed a bit?
No fix to allow deploy hardpoint key to deploy data scanner on srv?Hello Commanders,
This morning we have a quick update going out. The servers will go offline at 3PM UTC and will return within the hour. Below is the changes for this update...
- Fix a render crash with schematics
- Remove debug version string
- Cannot target anything when in ship vicinity fixed
- The following controls should now work when near a ship.
- All other targeting buttons (cycling, next hostile, sub target, wings etc)
- Cargo scoop lowering
- Shield toggle and stabilize
- Poll the state of module perks to notice when they go from No Effect to Available, and refresh the synthesis UI page
- Allow Mac users to use Micro Resources that were previously gathered using their Horizons-enabled commander on Windows
- Fixed some mission string substitution errors
Is anyone else still having an issue with the data link scanner? I haven't been able to get it to work, not even in beta. I target the data link, switch to turret, hit the button and nothing happens. I've tried swapping fire groups (i.e. making it primary fire, secondary fire, creating a whole new firegroup). I have it mapped - in fact, I have it mapped to two separate buttons (one on keyboard and the other on controller). I just can't get the darn thing to work.... What's it supposed to do?
Is anyone else still having an issue with the data link scanner? I haven't been able to get it to work, not even in beta. I target the data link, switch to turret, hit the button and nothing happens. I've tried swapping fire groups (i.e. making it primary fire, secondary fire, creating a whole new firegroup). I have it mapped - in fact, I have it mapped to two separate buttons (one on keyboard and the other on controller). I just can't get the darn thing to work.... What's it supposed to do?
I'm having this issue too, I target the correct datalink and in turret the secondary fire (which is set to the correct thing, Data scanner) does absolutely nothing. I had tried it once in the beta and it did the same thing but I just assumed I had my controls mis-set but now it seems I can't interface with these datalink things.
Are the rank progression bars working correctly? I've done a few hours of charity donation missions for the federation and I'm still at 0% - My current rank is Post Commander.
AFAIK it's not a 'free ship' just means that it is unlocked for you, you still have to pay credits for it.