Elite Dangerous in North America

Greetings from The Dirty South. Chattanooga, Tennessee checking in. Rakim is the name (like the rapper) feel free to add me.
In the USA, Jeffersonville, IN with EST zone. Few know this place but it across the Ohio river from Louisville, KY. A few more know that one!

Georgetown Indiana here.

This is a great group of players we have here, teamspeak also has someone to chat with, but I myself don't talk much.

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I'm interested. I hail from Idaho the potato state. I just got into ED still learning the tools etc. can always learn more.
Hi there! Just picked up the game yesterday on the recommendation of my bro-in-law. Love it!. I've played eve online and this has the potential to blow that game out of the water! Eastern Nebraska player here. Would love to hook up for some coop gaming sometime. In game name is Xris.
Welcome to Elite. Nice to see more US people joining the fray. I think you'll enjoy your time here. The game indeed has a great potential. Having a ton of fun currently flying in my upgraded Cobra Mk III. :D
Alberta, Canada.

I'm part of a large casual/profession multi-gaming community called VexX Gaming. Most of the interest is in Star Citizen as even I have bought into it. I'm trying to generate interest for Elite: Dangerous.

Finally a fellow Albertan, greetings Cmdr
This is a good idea here! I'd volunteer but I have my hands full with other duties at the moment, but I will definitely keep tabs on this. A dedicated Americas group would make finding fellow commanders in similar time zones a lot easier.

This was a good idea!!! Will have to +1 the person that started this thread!!!

But let me offer a one up... I am part of a gaming community that is made up of mainly US and Canadian players. And I would like to offer anyone to come join us and fly with us! We have a teamspeak to talk with everyone, or you can group off in to smaller groups for those missions that require and little more concentration. We have been around for several years now with some of us playing games for 10 plus years now... It would be great to add more people from our North American family and give this game a even bigger fan base here. As someone already said in this thread, North America didnt get a lot of the hype...

As a group, we have some big plans and could use a lot more players to join in the fun and make this one of the biggest groups in the game!!!

We dont have any rules other than to treat you other members nice and keep within the rules of the game... Other than that, play as openly and freely as you wish... Just hoping that you invite others to your party!!!

Fly Safe and have fun doing it!!

DeathRaye (Louisville KY)

Website: http://hiddenaggression.enjin.com/
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/HiddenAggression
Steam Page: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HIddenAggression#
Twitter: @HiddenAggro
TeamSpeak: ts3server://HiddenAggression.typefrag.com
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada here...

Roommate and I are recent E:D addicts. He told me that Barnard's Star is where the action is for NA group? Any truth to this? I hope so because he did run out of fuel and had to self-destruct on his last attempt to reach it.

Let me know,

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