Elite Dangerous in the Media thread

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I have Star Citizen as well and the ships are really horrible to control and gives me cramps in my hands as I try to keep them under control. Also trying to hit anything is a pain, out of the two games I prefer Elite Dangerous style of flight and aiming controls over Star Citizen. I just wish i could get on with Star Citizen as much as I do with Elite Dangerous as it looks to be shaping up to be a nice game also.

I think there is room for them both in the market as they both bring something unique to the genre and I wish them both a good launch and prosperous future.

You know I was asked "What do you want for Christmas?" earlier on well all I want is time to play Elite Dangerous without interruptions is that a bad thing ?
what is "star citizen" ?

I' ve got the feeling it is a scam, 52 mill € and nothing on produced, + you buy your ships :eek:

Cheers Cmdr's
Very brief mention of Elite in today's Tech Monthly section of the Observer. In a section on top 10 presents to do with Games and Consoles for Christmas, Elite gets mentioned in the context of the Saitek X52 and Samsung's VR headset. The quote does say the combination is the "most absurdly real gaming experience."
Unfortunately I couldn't find a link.
The articles in France are positive on ED. Already in August, "Journal of the gamer" wrote: "As much to be honest: difficult to speculate on the potential of the game and even its interest as MMO, whether its contents will be renewed enough for us to hang his cockpit. The dogfights, though pleasant (if somewhat amorphous) were not numerous enough to get an idea of their overall record, with more players in the same game. But Frontier has understood one thing: space remains a tank fantasies of conquest and retinal glare that only video games can play for the first time. Assisted virtual reality, Elite Dangerous arises gleaming fairground attraction that transforms its tester kid amazed by a visual fireworks. Just for that, we thank to exist."


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The articles in France are positive on ED. Already in August, "Journal of the gamer" wrote: "As much to be honest: difficult to speculate on the potential of the game and even its interest as MMO, whether its contents will be renewed enough for us to hang his cockpit. The dogfights, though pleasant (if somewhat amorphous) were not numerous enough to get an idea of their overall record, with more players in the same game. But Frontier has understood one thing: space remains a tank fantasies of conquest and retinal glare that only video games can play for the first time. Assisted virtual reality, Elite Dangerous arises gleaming fairground attraction that transforms its tester kid amazed by a visual fireworks. Just for that, we thank to exist."

Thanks! Source link please?

I also thank to exist. :D


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Not so much Elite Dangerous in media, but David Braven in media! Just came across this movie when browsing what's on Leeds International Film Festival this year :)

Behold: From Bedrooms to Billions - documentary movie telling the story of the British Video Games Industry from 1979 to the present day. Featuring the man himself! It's beeing screened in Leeds on the 18th November at Hyde Park Picture House if anyone's interested :)
Remarkably little advertising considering I assume they are launching in Dec to capture the Xmas rush

And when I say "little", I havent seen a single ad, nor is even listed on Amazon as coming soon
Remarkably little advertising considering I assume they are launching in Dec to capture the Xmas rush

And when I say "little", I havent seen a single ad, nor is even listed on Amazon as coming soon

This isn't a big publisher release and there won't be a boxed version. Doing ads campaigns on the level of, let's say Far Cry 4 or the latest COD, would cost many times more than the actual budget for developing the game in the first place. FD quite simply does not have thouse funds. Personally I have never cared about ads anyway for as long as I have played games...word of mouth, twitch streams, Youtube videos, gaming site articles...that is how people learn about games today.

How many ads did you see for Minecraft before it "launched"? ;)

Not saying it's going to get those sales numbers, but that is the way this game is marketed.

The benefit of releasing this themselves is of course that they will be able to keep ALL of the profit in-house.
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Remarkably little advertising considering I assume they are launching in Dec to capture the Xmas rush

And when I say "little", I havent seen a single ad, nor is even listed on Amazon as coming soon

They will capitalize on the hype on gamma reveal, which will have lot of new things, including Sol system.

It is their passion project, without big publisher to cover them. As long as they can do away without ads, they will be very happy.
The mere fact that people think it would be possible to play this game offline .. like wth ..
Because Frontier Development had promised it on kickstarter. There will be an offline mode.
If they don`t, all would be fine. But they promoted this as a clear feature. And then turn 180° and broke their promise on that.
Because Frontier Development had promised it on kickstarter. There will be an offline mode.
If they don`t, all would be fine. But they promoted this as a clear feature. And then turn 180° and broke their promise on that.

which, If you understood he procedural method, makes it impossible to take offline.. It just developed that way and there is nothing evil about it..
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