Elite Dangerous Livestreams - 28.04.2022

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There's a 2 week long community goal running right now (unprecedented IINM), connect the dots. ;)
That may have been their intention, but the AX community doesn't let that happen. They are tearing through the CGs one by one. The first will likely finish before FDEV even come into the office today. And they'll be fried alive if they then prolong the other two, or even all three. So the second domino falls by tomorrow, the third on Sunday, and then there's only the miserable hauling CG left.


Volunteer Moderator
My comment wasn't actually about responses to the OP, but the ones directed at Obsidian Ant (both in this thread and another). Though I should probably have mentioned that. :)
Personally I don’t have any major issues by OA using click bait etc to help views in some of his Elite videos. It is his business to manage after all. But it shouldn’t be too hard for us all to just acknowledge that and move on.

It is just a bit of a shame that those who defend so adamantly OA click bait and critiques to FDEV feel obligated to stop any critiques directed at him. You can’t have your cake and eat it. Fair is fair no? Those critiques to OA also have their place and I am even sure they are a valuable source of feedback for OA too. Pretty sure he can take it (weather he agrees or not, although I can obviously understand he does not). Up to us then to decide if we want to watch his content or not anyways. In my case I just prefer to watch other Elite content 🤷‍♂️
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Personally I don’t have any major issues by OA using click bait etc to help views in some of his Elite videos. It is his business to manage after all. But it shouldn’t be too hard for us all to just acknowledge that and move on.

It is just a bit of a shame that those who defend so adamantly OA click bait and critiques to FDEV feel obligated to stop any critiques directed at him. You can’t have your cake and eat it. Fair is fair no? Those critiques to OA also have their place and I am even sure they are a valuable source of feedback for OA too. Pretty sure he can take it (weather he agrees or not, although I can obviously understand he does not). Up to us then to decide if we want to watch his content or not anyways. In my case I just prefer to watch other Elite content 🤷‍♂️
I think criticism is absolutely fine and nobody should be ashamed of saying it, but is it really the place to talk about what a youtuber does with his videos?
Did I see something about them soon to be releasing a F1 management game? Holy cripes, take all the time you need to get that right! Need testers? :)
Nobody who cares about a game should become a spokesperson for the company. Its a job, and a job that is best done by people who do not care too much about the product.
Fortunately for us as a community, I can tell you that the current Elite CM team care about Elite very, very much. Way more so than most of us realise.

The issue isn't about the CM (they are great), it's not about the devs (they are also good), it's about the policy set by Frontier as a company. That policy is to "not talk" about development.

Now I'm 100% certain Frontier will release news at some point - maybe soon, maybe not so soon. But even if they do release news and updates, that doesn't fully address the problem. It all comes down to whether or not Frontier can consistantly release information and engage with the community over a period of years at a time without going radio silent on a regular basis.

Bottom line: The CM do care (a lot), news will come. Those two things aren't even in question. The question is how long will it be until Frontier go radio silent again, and stop engaging with the community. It's this last part which is doing a lot of harm to the Elite community.
Personally I don’t have any major issues by OA using click bait etc to help views in some of his Elite videos. It is his business to manage after all. But it shouldn’t be too hard for us all to just acknowledge that and move on.

It is just a bit of a shame that those who defend so adamantly OA click bait and critiques to FDEV feel obligated to stop any critiques directed at him. You can’t have your cake and eat it. Fair is fair no? Those critiques to OA also have their place and I am even sure they are a valuable source of feedback for OA too. Pretty sure he can take it (weather he agrees or not, although I can obviously understand he does not). Up to us then to decide if we want to watch his content or not anyways. In my case I just prefer to watch other Elite content 🤷‍♂️
Of course it's up to you to decide what you want to watch. Just as it's up to you who/what you want to criticise. And others can point out that they disagree with your criticisms.
I never really believed in the fairy tale that ARX is a major pillar of their revenue. If that were the case, they would use significantly more talented artists for it and offer high quality skins. Also, the rather generous way of earning ARX through gaming and its completely optional nature don't really fit into this picture. Of course, without concrete figures, no one can say for sure. On the other hand, if ARX were really that important to them, that would tell a very different tale - one of hair-raising incompetence.
Well there are plenty of free to play games such as Eve Online and Path of Exile that rely on cosmetics. Maybe optional subscription could be a revenue source, and selling early access to ship models (it could upset some people, but they wouldn't pay anyway).
it's about the policy set by Frontier as a company. That policy is to "not talk" about development.

Guess that comes with the PLC status
Even tho their other franchises might do wonderfully, the last year's failed EDO launch affected the entire company

So i would assume they have a news_master that validates whatever they can share (and how they can share it) to minimize the impact on the shareholders
Fortunately for us as a community, I can tell you that the current Elite CM team care about Elite very, very much. Way more so than most of us realise.

The issue isn't about the CM (they are great), it's not about the devs (they are also good), it's about the policy set by Frontier as a company. That policy is to "not talk" about development.

Now I'm 100% certain Frontier will release news at some point - maybe soon, maybe not so soon. But even if they do release news and updates, that doesn't fully address the problem. It all comes down to whether or not Frontier can consistantly release information and engage with the community over a period of years at a time without going radio silent on a regular basis.

Bottom line: The CM do care (a lot), news will come. Those two things aren't even in question. The question is how long will it be until Frontier go radio silent again, and stop engaging with the community. It's this last part which is doing a lot of harm to the Elite community.
Dont get me wrong, I am not saying they dont care, I am saying that a job like this can get very frustrating if you do. Precisely because your hands are tied and you dont get to do and say what you personally might think is best. Its easier to deal with if you can see it as 'just a job', rather than their #1 passion as it is for some fans.
Personally I don’t have any major issues by OA using click bait etc to help views in some of his Elite videos. It is his business to manage after all. But it shouldn’t be too hard for us all to just acknowledge that and move on.

It is just a bit of a shame that those who defend so adamantly OA click bait and critiques to FDEV feel obligated to stop any critiques directed at him. You can’t have your cake and eat it. Fair is fair no? Those critiques to OA also have their place and I am even sure they are a valuable source of feedback for OA too. Pretty sure he can take it (weather he agrees or not, although I can obviously understand he does not). Up to us then to decide if we want to watch his content or not anyways. In my case I just prefer to watch other Elite content 🤷‍♂️
Feedback is always valuable. :)

It's not that you don't have a point, because in part you do. It's just that your point isn't 100% correct.

Of course there is an element of clickbait. YouTube is YouTube, and unfortunately that is how the platform works nowadays. I will link a video to Veritasium at the bottom of this post, he explains it very well. He is also spot on in his assessment, and that is clear for those of us YouTuber's who have been fortunate enough to visit Google HQ in London, and who also have a direct contact at YouTube (a YouTube Manager). YouTube thrives on clickbait.

So your point is that "OA shouldn't use clickbait." My point is that "Clickbait" thumbnails and titles are ok, so long as they are well balanced with the content of the video. (Also your definition of clickbait and my definition are clearly different).

Example: My "Sinking ship" video, wasn't about calling Elite a sinking ship. I've never once said Elite is a dying game. I do not believe it is dying.
However, it does "feel" like it is a sinking ship. And this is due to Frontier's communication policy. Taken together, my video title, thumbnail and content address this issue in the manner I perceive it. I appreciate you don't agree with that.

On a broader note, your opinion that I'm using clickbait to drive high levels of views is wrong. If I wanted to drive a lot of views by creating drama and abusing clickbait, I could be way more effective with it. Examples: Regularly using clips of CMs, Devs, Frontier Execs. Creating parody and satire. Quoting user forum posts, Tweet's and more that I disagree with. Creating "response" videos on other YouTuber's videos. All of these are proven techniques that generate many 100's of thousands of views. A lot of channels thrive on that content. I'm well positioned to take advantage of that, and could easily double (at least) my viewing figures.

I don't do that, because I'm not out to create drama. (Also, if I wanted to create drama for views, I wouldn't even post on these forums. Why would I even care what a few people here think?)

I'm also not out to target Frontier, or cause them problems. For those who are concerned about me causing "harm" to Frontier, or Elite. I know for a fact that Frontier don't have any issues with my content (even the most recent videos). Arf has said as much on a recent livestream - but over the years, I have also had many conversations with the CM team, devs and even some of the execs. They have no problem with my any of my content (even the current videos).

But all of this is besides the point. Anyone is 100% within their rights to critique my content. For those that don't like my style, that is completely fine. Feedback is also very welcome. For those who don't want to watch my videos and prefer to watch other content creators, that is also great, it's how it should be. There's a load of awesome Elite content creators.

The only reason I address a few points here, (like the ones you have raised), is because you are categorically wrong in saying that I'm out to generate drama to create views. Whilst some of my videos undoubtedly create drama, that is never my goal. My goal is simply to express my opinion.

So, the bottom line really is this: I always like to hear feedback on my content. There's always room for improvement. I will listen to feedback on that, and use it to improve my content.

But when someone questions my motivations, then that is a separate subject to questioning my content. I've told you my motivations. I've been honest, genuine and upfront about that. You are free to either believe or not believe that. Although I hope you can accept what I have said on that.

On the subject of questioning my content though, that's always welcome, and I appreciate the feedback. :)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2xHZPH5Sng
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he stated to his shareholders that the game would last about 7 years from 2015. So i'm not sure how the shareholders would be upset at the very thing they were told to expect is coming about. They could be upset about the awful odyssey launch but not the end of the game.

in the snippet below, the franchise they're talking about is elite dangerous and this was from their annual statement in 2015. No surprises to investors here.
View attachment 304529

I think (i might be mistaken) the 7 year period refers not to the precise lifetime of the franchise, but to the amortization period for the LEP money
(the 7 years mark happened last year btw)

That would also mean if they would actually to release another payed DLC, the LEP-ers will incur them costs.
Slim chances tho 😂


Volunteer Moderator
Feedback is always valuable. :)
Great to hear!

your point is that "OA shouldn't use clickbait."
Actually I mentioned that I have no major issues with you using it as it is your business to monetize after all. Be my guest.

On a broader note, your opinion that I'm using clickbait to drive high levels of views is wrong.

I don't do that, because I'm not out to create drama.
And yet you do indeed use clickbait that results in higher view videos for your Elite content thanks to the related drama.

Here is another quick view at your Elite videos tagged under 1 year by YouTube. As you will see the click bait videos generate on average double the views per video than the rest of your Elite content published in the same period. And click bait related views have risen to amount around 20% of all your Elite related views for videos created less than a year ago. Granted your click bait trend is relatively recent, as was my decision to watch other content.

Views in thousands

As mentioned I don’t have any major issues with you using click bait to enhance your viewership and monetization. It is a fair tool and it is your business to manage after all. I just opted to watch other Elite content when you started doing that.

The fact you insist in down playing it is not helping too much to change my mind, although that is just probably me. Happy to hear you welcome all feedback though.
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The fact you insist in down playing it is not helping too much to change my mind, although that is just probably me.
Nah, and its kinda odd. Most people feel a bit dirty using clickbait but do it anyway because it works. There is no real reason to use it unless it actually works, so no clue why he feels the need to downplay it. He could easily just say:"One day I realized I could earn a bit of money with my channel. At that point I decided to turn myself into a brand, ham up my voice acting and study how to get the most clicks on social media. It seems to work so I am happy my hard work paid off for me.". Perfectly fine.

Maybe there is some advice he found to always pretend to be Your Authentic And Genuine Self™ or something, you know the "I say it like it is" spiel that some people always fall for. :)
Great to hear!

Actually I mentioned that I have no major issues with you using it as it is your business to monetize after all. Be my guest.

And yet you do indeed use clickbait that results in higher view videos for your Elite content thanks to the related drama.

Here is another quick view at your Elite videos tagged under 1 year by YouTube. As you will see the click bait videos generate on average double the views per video than the rest of your Elite content published in the same period. And click bait related views have risen to amount around 20% of all your Elite related views for videos created less than a year ago. Granted your click bait trend is relatively recent, as was my decision to watch other content.


As mentioned I don’t have any major issues with you using click bait to enhance your viewership and monetization. It is a fair tool and it is your business to manage after all. I just opted to watch other Elite content when you started doing that.

The fact you insist in down playing it is not helping too much to change my mind, although that is just probably me. Happy to hear you welcome all feedback though.

You are right to point out there is a difference in views. But it's not enough to generate any significant amount of extra income.

Have you considered that maybe I feel those titles are more effective at expressing my opinion?

Definitely not trying to change your mind on what you believe is / isn't "clickbait" (happy to hear your thoughts / feedback on that). Just trying to clarify your view on my motivations. :)
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