ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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And it should be your choice to play that part of the game. We shouldn't be locked out of Odyssey entirely.
That's how they could get round it, but I'm sure it's not what fdev would prefer. I've no doubt they would think if they are going to do something, eg VR in Odyssey, they would want it done right, seamless. If we get the ability to come out of VR mid-game, it will be entirely a compromise done on our behalf.

(Im not sure it will happen)
That's how they could get round it, but I'm sure it's not what fdev would prefer. I've no doubt they would think if they are going to do something, eg VR in Odyssey, they would want it done right, seamless. If we get the ability to come out of VR mid-game, it will be entirely a compromise done on our behalf.

(Im not sure it will happen)
Sure but locking VR users out of Odyssey altogether and saying you lot stay in Horizons is a significantly larger compromise. VR FPS and flat FPS will never be comparable. Just like controller v keyboard/mouse but you don't say to controller users well because it's different for you you are excluded altogether. We have to put a VR headset on at the start of the game, should we be excluded from ED entirely because that isn't the same as flatty's with that heavy sweaty headset? Aren't flatty's compromised and should they be excluded because they don't have the depth of emersion that a VR player enjoys? Should FD ban all users with graphics cards under a 1070 cause they have to turn settings down, should all sub 4k monitor users be excluded because they have such poor stock HD? I could go on all day comparing and highlighting compromise. The problem is this "VR FPS compromise" is perceived, if it actually exists it's an accepted compromise by the very users they say will be compromised. What FD need to do is listen to the overwhelming argument from VR users that we are ok with certain compromises the same as flatty's are compromised with a sub standard "experience". It's like saying make ED:O VR only cause those poor flatty's have a compromised experience. I wouldn't be so arrogant! Sorry but the compromise argument is totally invalid, the real reason is something else.
I totally understand why he is leaving the game, it's the same for me, Elite dangerous is a multiplayer game ,not being able to play ED:O with friends or squadrons we know for 4/5 years is really hard for vr only players...
You still can, just not all of it. I find it a very bizarre thing to do t be honest. Do you think that your squadron mates and friends will stop flying their ships, stop doing CZs etc. Each to their own I suppose, I just find it strange.
Why stop playing. If you're enjoying the game as it is, why stop. I don't get it.
Because ED is more than a game, it's another life than runs alongside your real one. There are long term goals, grinding at whatever for weeks because you know some months down the road the grind will pay off. I spent months playing the get enough money to buy a FC, spent months getting the rank to buy a cutter, months to get elite and get access to founders world. I suspect the typical ED player doesn't go on for a quick FPS fix. So if I go on now it's not for a quick fix it's to carry on with this other life working towards a future. Now, based entirely on the only definitive part of FD's announcement there isn't a future, it will stay the same, stagnate. So I can't bring myself to continue the grind and effort required when it's all leading to a dead end.
Because ED is more than a game, it's another life than runs alongside your real one. There are long term goals, grinding at whatever for weeks because you know some months down the road the grind will pay off. I spent months playing the get enough money to buy a FC, spent months getting the rank to buy a cutter, months to get elite and get access to founders world. I suspect the typical ED player doesn't go on for a quick FPS fix. So if I go on now it's not for a quick fix it's to carry on with this other life working towards a future. Now, based entirely on the only definitive part of FD's announcement there isn't a future, it will stay the same, stagnate. So I can't bring myself to continue the grind and effort required when it's all leading to a dead end.
Nope, it's just a game and it should be treated like one. That is some bizarre way to treat a game.
You still can, just not all of it. I find it a very bizarre thing to do t be honest. Do you think that your squadron mates and friends will stop flying their ships, stop doing CZs etc. Each to their own I suppose, I just find it strange.
Because our flatty friends will be off doing new things in ED:O that we VR users can't play.
Ce qui m'inquiète le plus, c'est le silence assourdissant de FD. J'ai même écrit à l'adresse professionnelle de M. Braben pour lui expliquer ma consternation face à cette régression du développement, après plus de 5000 heures de jeu je m'arrête inutile d' investir mon temps de jeu davantage si l'EDO reste en 2D, quelle tristesse tout de même. ....
The most likely are, but I've had a huge amount of enjoyment for the last 5 odd years, it's well worth it. That's only been £16 a month.
Agreed but you make my point perfectly. How long does it take to complete call of duty, half life, doom, serious sam, lone echo etc etc. It's measured in hours. With ED people talk about years. I've got 2k hours in and was put in my place from someone with 10k hours! Oh and there is no end, it's keeps growing and evolving except now, for VR players, it's dying. So I don't describe this as playing a game, I say I have invested in a game both financially and with the most valuable commodity, time. Now I feel maybe I should have spent that time getting my key binding sorted in DCS!
Ce qui m'inquiète le plus, c'est le silence assourdissant de FD. J'ai même écrit à l'adresse professionnelle de M. Braben pour lui expliquer ma consternation face à cette régression du développement, après plus de 5000 heures de jeu je m'arrête inutile d' investir mon temps de jeu davantage si l'EDO reste en 2D, quelle tristesse tout de même. ....
Oui, c'est triste pour nous tous.
I am going to play Horizon for the time being. If and when FD says they are absolutely done with VR then I will be done with FD and ED.. I have spent about $3000.00 on VR equipment so I am going to play VR one way or the other.
Agreed but you make my point perfectly. How long does it take to complete call of duty, half life, doom, serious sam, lone echo etc etc. It's measured in hours. With ED people talk about years. I've got 2k hours in and was put in my place from someone with 10k hours! Oh and there is no end, it's keeps growing and evolving except now, for VR players, it's dying. So I don't describe this as playing a game, I say I have invested in a game both financially and with the most valuable commodity, time. Now I feel maybe I should have spent that time getting my key binding sorted in DCS!
It's not dying and it still may grow too. We do not know yet. Other planets may become landable if you have horizons and Odyssey in VR. There maybe other expansions that are VR compatible.

Gameplay may still get expanded like the base game did during the horizons update.
Is the existing design so fundamentally broken that a rewrite is less expensive than a mere expansion? I find that highly unlikely.

One scenario where that becomes more likely is if old design decisions are constraining what you want to implement. We don't know if that's happened, but it's plausible.
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