Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Hotfix 3

Elite was always consistent in human life meaning next to nothing, if you are suspicious Base security personal has the right to kill you
So consistent that if you escape a scan in the ship nothing happens, but on planets they have the right to kill you.
Especially when you're allied with the ruling faction!!!
Moreover the scanner is sold with that function integrated by the manufacturer. It's not something I installed "after market". So as I said, if guards don't find any cloned profile they should just warning you to switch mode, like they do when you have the gun and they warn you to holster the weapon.

That's consistency at its finest indeed :ROFLMAO:
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because you are a CMDR, who was told to stand still and get scanned, decided "nah i am not gonna do that" and runs off a few meters.
And "oh i only held this illegal item in my hands i wasnt planning on using it" isnt a valid defense.
Elite was always consistent in human life meaning next to nothing, if you are suspicious Base security personal has the right to kill you, and they do
Most bases dont have prisons either, and they seem more like holding cells for workers who tried to be funny
It's a bit inconsistent though, if you're being scanned in a ship you can just boost out of range and the other ship doesn't automatically try to kill you.
It is very similar to what has been in Carriers for about a year. I think you will find that everyone complaining isn't the same as 'everyone playing' - in fact I would hazard a guess that 'everyone complianing' is a very very small slice of 'everyone playing' - so to suggest that 'everyone thinks so' is a massive over statement.
To suggest that everyone playing thinks they are great is a massive overstatement. They are missing functionality and are harder to use making it more unappealling, the fact they match carriers is of no consequence, anyway take a weighted metric of the people praising the new UI vs criticising, I'm sorry but you are in the minority on this one.
Their priority now is to help people get into the game - meaning all connection and server issues are on priority.
I can't "get into the game" because
1. I can't see it it's so dark
2. the user interface us unusable. (not going to log out to Horizons to outfit my ship and back)
Good to see the patches coming in at a steady clip.

If they can keep this rate of hotfixes going, they'll add up to some real significant improvement to stability, performance and general slickness over the coming weeks, and we can finally start to approach the huge potential of Odyssey. 👍
UI seems unchanged, I guess it's going to take a bit longer to strip out all the unnecessary changes & put the Horizons one back in. Still going to be way, way quicker than trying to make the new one an actual upgrade though.

They should iterate on the new version to improve its functionality.
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