It's so heartbreaking seeing all this.... FD's reaction and it's transparency policy, the effect on the community and the impact on Elite's future.... I wish all this was a bad dream...
There was an specific sentence that dissapointed me. When they say they share as much information about Elite's future as possible... There is no entity above FD that prevents you from releasing more information about your plans, it's actually you who decide to keep everything secret until the very last minute. The fact that they refuse to reveal a proper roadmap of Elite's future is a legitimate decision, but it's helping to make this situation of customer dissatisfaction worse and worse and risking the future of the game.
Many have put it better than me, but it's surprising how often you have to point out that you can't share information that doesn't exist, or is unclear in its meaning, or is so unresolved as to be useless, or isn't helpful unless the person your sharing with is already very familiar with the details of the subject, or on, and on, and on, and on.
It's not surprising, given the state of the at-the-core playful community here, that you would assume otherwise, and otherwise in the extreme - to where some malevolent entity is not only responsible for how you perceive are being treated, but also responsible for the relatively minor problems that this majorly difficult and in hindsight unluckily timed development excursion has wound up with, and now responsible for ongoing secret workings against the future of something you cherish.
I say, don't worry. There are guards in place that protect such things, and the chief defense the future has against destruction is when spreading despair is non-existent, or illegal, or a capitol sin. So don't despair, either.
I'll also say that in the end it becomes clear that rushing to take advantage of one market state or another usually just results in a giant mess, but a mess than can be cleaned up quickly for sure, and especially if there is much good will among the customer base to borrow on (and then faithfully repay). Trade between equals is it's own game, and that game is a vast and perilous space itself.