ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous | Odyssey: Roadmap

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The roadmap is ok, and it's exactly what they've announced: a roadmap of fixes to get Odyssey in a better shape.

They couldn't do anything better until release.
This must be uncomfortable: having to push out releases every other week.

I'll be brief: By not committing to any performance or progression related issues, I will be repentantly murdering NPCs at settlements. Settlements that are on fire tank my frame rate so I really have no choice in the matter. I would be open to business transactions with these npcs but every time I go to the office to discuss it, they shoot at me! Oh well.
So nothing planned to fix the following:
  • Megaship looting broken
  • Thargoid tissue sampling broken
  • Broken "massacre infected ships"
  • Smuggling entirely broken

I mean, of course they aren't on the roadmap, because they're Horizons, not Odyssey, but things like that (and all the other bugs that were still in pre-Odyssey) should have been fixed before or when Odyssey went live.

Now the roadmap is just going to be full of Odyssey bugfixes and these sorts of issues will be choked-out of receiving any attention.
Player numbers being record high suggests otherwise.
What record numbers are you talking about?
Is it a record to have 28k players?
Maybe it is for Elite.
Is it also a record to have 50% of this peak of players actually playing?
So we agree that 50% are no longer playing?

I agree 100%!
After 5 years and almost 10000 hours (with several accounts) of playing, I just stopped playing.
I have only 8600 + hours and feel very similar. Elite Dangerous is suppose to be what we do as a hobby and for fun. With the current indication of things to come, future downgrades, and lack of attention to details, etc this is anything but fun and I have to ask myself what am I doing.

Pre ARX - I am not ashamed to say I spent an average of 40 dollars or more every few months or so, on ship skins, and similar. I did this as a way to help support and communicate to Frontier that they are doing something good.
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My take on the announcement is that they've got the will to correct the bugs, and will do so for as many of them as they can fit in the timeline mentioned. It's not specific on bugs fixed but it is on focus area. I'm lucky enough that the performance on my Ryzen 1500X, RX580 is OKish (40-55fps on the ground) so I can enjoy the game.

But, FD, please consider that names mean something for a reason: who thought it was a good choice to call this DLC "Odyssey"?
Sorry not record I stand correct but its a clear sustained increase either way.
They only increased the number of players by 3000 compared to the average of the other months.
And I don't think the Stand Alone and Epic Games version will bring in the missing 10,000 players.
So nothing planned to fix the following:
  • Megaship looting broken
  • Thargoid tissue sampling broken
  • Broken "massacre infected ships"
  • Smuggling entirely broken

I mean, of course they aren't on the roadmap, because they're Horizons, not Odyssey, but things like that (and all the other bugs that were still in pre-Odyssey) should have been fixed before or when Odyssey went live.

Now the roadmap is just going to be full of Odyssey bugfixes and these sorts of issues will be choked-out of receiving any attention.
This is the frustrating part. My main is on hold at the moment until they get megaship looting fixed.
The focus on the fixes, and on the UI and performance improvements is necessary, and should come before all else. But it’s also already expected, such that a “roadmap” detailing this alone is hardly necessary, being not particularly informative.

What is here listed as a roadmap should have been, if anything, the first phase in a plan that includes more significant changes and additional features. That is in large part what is lacking in terms of communication from Frontier, as the path forward remains dark to players. We need a real roadmap.

A roadmap should contain shorter term changes in some detail, and also give broad stroke projections of later planned features and changes. Perhaps what is here called a roadmap by Frontier would have been better termed an upcoming schedule of fixes. From my experience at least, defect fixes are a necessary part of development that take precedence over most or all other changes, and are addressed as and when they arise, making them quite separate from a product roadmap, which is supposed to deal with planned changes and features.

Whilst not really a big deal on its own, this poor choice of terminology is exemplary of communication issues causing a failure to manage expectations, which sadly Frontier has acquired a reputation for.

Thank you Frontier for committing to focus on the issues currently plaguing Odyssey’s release, and for considering player feedback on that. Monthly sessions that provide some development insights will also be welcomed. But insights into the development of what? I don’t think many would be interested in the internal process of defect fixing. What I believe many would want to know, is in which direction this ship is being steered, so we have a better idea of where it’s headed. That, in combination with being upfront about changes in direction as soon as any course correction is made, would be the kind of communication that is wanted, and would help better manage expectations.
The focus on the fixes, and on the UI and performance improvements is necessary, and should come before all else. But it’s also already expected, such that a “roadmap” detailing this alone is hardly necessary, being not particularly informative.

What is here listed as a roadmap should have been, if anything, the first phase in a plan that includes more significant changes and additional features. That is in large part what is lacking in terms of communication from Frontier, as the path forward remains dark to players. We need a real roadmap.

A roadmap should contain shorter term changes in some detail, and also give broad stroke projections of later planned features and changes. Perhaps what is here called a roadmap by Frontier would have been better termed an upcoming schedule of fixes. From my experience at least, defect fixes are a necessary part of development that take precedence over most or all other changes, and are addressed as and when they arise, making them quite separate from a product roadmap, which is supposed to deal with planned changes and features.

Whilst not really a big deal on its own, this poor choice of terminology is exemplary of communication issues causing a failure to manage expectations, which sadly Frontier has acquired a reputation for.

Thank you Frontier for committing to focus on the issues currently plaguing Odyssey’s release, and for considering player feedback on that. Monthly sessions that provide some development insights will also be welcomed. But insights into the development of what? I don’t think many would be interested in the internal process of defect fixing. What I believe many would want to know, is in which direction this ship is being steered, so we have a better idea of where it’s headed. That, in combination with being upfront about changes in direction as soon as any course correction is made, would be the kind of communication that is wanted, and would help better manage expectations.
Don't expect any additional feature until after the console release. That's why it doesnt bother me that it isn't there.

I wasn't expecting a big roadmap of all new features. We got exactly what they said we will get. A basic roadmap of the coming weeks. We now know when some of the issues will be hopefully fixed. They will be changed, but whether it's to everyone's taste is another thing.
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As a former Xbox Commander, I've been guessing at a December release for Console Odyssey long before now. Nothing I've seen since the release of 'Beta' has changed my mind.
To be honest, that's not much of a guess. Current release window is this autumn which ends mid December, anyway.
7 lines ... after 2 weeks ... some people are easily pleased, I suppose.
Where did I say I was pleased. I'm still waiting for the realistic answers to my post. What did you expect to be in the road map:

1. A list of new features - not realistic considering the consoles haven't been released.

2. A list of all the patch notes - not realistic as they won't know what will be in it before launch.

3. What the exact changes will be - again unrealistic as it's all likely still in planning and investigation.

So what else is there?

We got what they said they would give us.

Am I pleased that they game has come out with these issues, nope.

Can I still have fun and enjoy the game, that's a big yes.
Don't expect any additional feature until after the console release. That's why it doesnt bother me. That it isn't there.

I wasn't expecting a big roadmap of all new features. We got exactly what they said we will get. A basic roadmap of the coming weeks. We now know when some of the issues will be hopefully fixed. They will be changed, but whether it's to everyone's taste is another thing.
One of the points is that a list of planned features is what a roadmap is. Defect fixes aren’t planned, they’re simply fixed when they’re identified, or should be.

A roadmap this is not, as aside from the aforementioned, the term as commonly used in the industry is taken to mean what some have expected when hearing it.

Moreover, even if the use of the term should not in your opinion have generated such expectations, the argument is that they should in any case provide an actual roadmap of planned features for the reasons mentioned in my initial post.
One of the points is that a list of planned features is what a roadmap is. Defect fixes aren’t planned, they’re simply fixed when they’re identified, or should be.

A roadmap this is not, as aside from the aforementioned, the term as commonly used in the industry is taken to mean what some have expected when hearing it.

Moreover, even if the use of the term should not in your opinion have generated such expectations, the argument is that they should in any case provide an actual roadmap of planned features for the reasons mentioned in my initial post.

But they specifically said it would be a roadmap of the fixes they plan over the next few weeks. That's what we got. But people expected more, when they specifically said what we would get. If you were unhappy then, you should have voiced what you wanted then.

Hopefully these monthly Dev updates will give us a clue as to what's coming when they start. But for the time being, it's likely going to be just console related.

It's not Fdevs fault they people expected something which wasn't coming as we were specifically told what was coming.

Fdev said from the beginning it would a road map of the fixes in the coming weeks. That's what we got, and now people are upset it's not more then that.

I've come to the conclusion that most people are just completely insane these days.
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