Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Update 12 Update Notes

My experience of that one was/ is that it only happened when the FC was orbiting a gas giant (for some reason the giants gravity registers in the hangar), but was ok elsewhere. & could disembark from the landing pad regardless. Obviously that's not ideal either, but is yours affecting you in other orbits as well?
That's totally the thing that happens, I guess, because my FC is near Baris 4, gas giant, lol.
I'm still wondering if that's a part of gameplay, or just a bug connected to game physics.
Keep in mind that Odyssey is the futur of Horizon. The game will be merge like it was for Elite Dangerous and horizon. Same game, same engine jus more feature if you by the DLC.
This is a real lack of money to support 2 différent version of a same game, 2 technical stack, split of the servers for hosting the two version, each fix should be made twice (one on each version ) etc...
That's all speculation. Frontier has yet to confirm your theory since they announced that Horizons will remain as-is (no merge) on console for the foreseeable future. In other words, Frontier has already committed to supporting two different versions of the same game.

But I do agree that replacing Horizons with "Odyssey Lite" was the original plan. And I suspect, someday, some year from now, that will happen. But not today. So why not enjoy Horizons (specifically, the VR players I was originally replying to) while you still can?
Why is it that Hello Games can do it, without a song and dance, for free (sorry, no additional cost) and Frontier can't?

Why is it that with regard to ED Frontier have become a 'can't do' company?

Answers on a postcard.
It took them three years to put VR in NMS and they needed the goodwill. It was not a quick job to do.

People want VR quality up there with Half-life Alex and that takes time and money. But my point still stands, VR wasn't dropped. There's just as much VR in Odyssey as Horizons and since update 10, perfromance has improved so much I can now play VR in Odyssey so I don't have to switch back to Horizons for my VR fix.
Well, as I'm out in the black and don't have an auto-land feature, I'm in a position where my Anaconda cannot land on a planet surface.
If an when the blue circle does appear, it always changes to unsuitable terrain once below 25m off the ground.
As I'm essentially doing exobiology, I'm stuck and unable to play or stream this again until it's fixed which will hopefully be before the weekend as it's kind of a game stopper.
Just discovered the same problem as I’m in the same situation.
In the black, flying an Anaconda and trying to land to do exobiology.
Why is it that with regard to ED Frontier have become a 'can't do' company?

When you reach a certain company size you have to make choice. Because the bigger and bigger a company growth, due to the bigger management chain and process to ensure colaboration between teams, cheap think became more and more expensive. And as a company leader, you have to make choice to gain more and more money to pay salaries (and more likely the chairolders....)
So you have to go to the basic and looking for "minimum effort--> maximum value".
All the features with tags "nice to have" but not "mandatory" will remain in the backlog forever... And when your backlog is overflowed, you had to make decision of what you "can't do"
I'm verry confuse about this update... I don't know if I like it or if I hate it.

the good thing is that all the optimizations are welcome, and the game seems smother and more beautiful with medium graphics settings.

thinks that make me just... meh

using the on-foot interface while sitting is satisfying, but it sad to make it the major point of the update as it should have been a default feature when "sitting" have been implemented.

Think that’s just really disappoint me...

the first think that make me sad is fix that are not fix...

  • On-foot commander panel should now display notoriety correctly
Yes, but not, just make the test, get on foot, kill some dude in an installation, check your on foot notoriety it still to 0

Get on your ship check notoriety it's now 3...

get back on foot, check ok now it's 3 too.

It will be nicer it just synchronizes while on foot without having to board/off board ship... but it's something...

Go the think that really me of...

What the hell did you do with that thing -->

  • When a player's bounty is claimed whilst they're on foot, their active ship will be impounded at the detention centre they're sent to.
letting players having the abilities to choose to surrender from his ship or on foot if the result is the same.

Now you always be town away on your ship and have to transfer it from the detention center to your favorite system each time. Because smart people Always have fast travel ship park nearby their favorite detention center.

The game mechanic was so simple and well design:
you die on your ship or surrender on your ship --> you'll be impound at detention center on your ship

you die on foot or surrender on foot --> you'll be impound at detention center on your feet BUT your ship remains in place.
that All the point of adding shipyard terminal if you forgot your ship. Now what the point of it if your ship is now smart enough to follow you like a space dog...

please revert this change or add on option in the redemption screen to choose to be move with your ship or not.
Hmm the notoriety was updating on foot CMDR status display for me after the update...
it forces the GPU to redo the shader cache and the gpu worktable which resolves any conflicting or corrupted shaders
Also note Nivida by default sets a size limit on its shader cache that will be used by other games, so you may not be getting the performance advantage of the cache if it is full and constantly having to remove stuff to add stuff to it. Nvidia recently enabled uses to alter the size and also have no limit option via the Nvidia Control Panel recently.
Mostly noticed no change except the following:
One case of a mission that never acknowledged the mission point (it was supposed to be a containment system on a ground mission, reset didn't even wake it up).

One case of repeatable CTD trying to land at a ground base.

Something funny going on with game avatars. Not just the no hair problem. My holo-me looks correct, but everywhere else it looks like I have measles with a swollen face and my hair turned from chestnut (which is it still set to) to straight up orange.

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
Mostly noticed no change except the following:
One case of a mission that never acknowledged the mission point (it was supposed to be a containment system on a ground mission, reset didn't even wake it up).

One case of repeatable CTD trying to land at a ground base.

Something funny going on with game avatars. Not just the no hair problem. My holo-me looks correct, but everywhere else it looks like I have measles with a swollen face and my hair turned from chestnut (which is it still set to) to straight up orange.

Hey there, for the repeatable CTD, how are you triggering it? Can you let me know your ship/planet/system/settlement etc please!
You're an Apple boy, you must be used to a "can't do" company. Can't do your own repairs, can't do universal cords and appendages, et cetera.
Can't update opengl to keep games running, no let's do something new and screw the customers.. It used to be the same with audio software. New ios version equals spend hundreds/thousands to update your audio editor and plugins.. Of course probably appreciated by the companies producing audio software, less so by customers..
The screen attached to the Owner's Chair on the Fleet Carrier is now interactable (whilst seated) and will take the owner to the Carrier Management UI.
I've not read all 35 pages of this thread so don't know if this applies to everyone, but this sure isn't the case for me... even on the very rare occasions when my carrier interior is rendered properly and not like complete toilet...
@ factabulous : At least for me the CTD, while landing near a settlement, only occurred when there was an active mission in the settlement. Did you accept a mission to the settlement shown in the screenshot?
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