Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 3

Scarlett Krait lots of times today. Then when these cleared my Commander could not be found. What the hell is wrong with you FDEV folks. The game is ruined. I was only trying to launch an AspX ship. So now I am jumping my FC to see what happens. I fully expect this to FAIL. The jump was a success but while waiting a Scarlett Krait hit me yet again. Game is ruined. What is wrong here with this picture. Scanning with the basic scanner and Scarlet Krait hit me again. Connection error could not connect to transaction server. Error code: Scarlet Krait. Press ok to restart and get yet another Connection Error
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But what was this fix really about, did they take them all out or just lower the points of interest?
they fix the spawn of human poi´s away from populated systems. When you are in a undiscovered system you don´t want human things in your undiscovered, unmapped planets, it´s inmersion breaking. With the release of odyssey they were everywhere, now they fix it, and keep it spawning to populated systems and their surroundings, not the entire milky way.
Was there ever an update on the NPC crew rebuy being broken? I know there are a ton of issues open in the track about it, so I assume fdev are aware at this point. I had been mid way through grinding up my first fighter pilot from harmless and no the poor lass is gone cause some a-hole ganked my ship while I was in a settlement :-(
Please fix the DSS Scanner Bug in VR. This can't be so hard and time consuming! For me as an explorer in deep space, the game is unplayable with this bug!
Please fix the DSS Scanner Bug in VR. This can't be so hard and time consuming! For me as an explorer in deep space, the game is unplayable with this bug!
VR unfortunately has been nerfed (in terms of any future development). Although I believe they are said to be fixing that particular bug.

It just seems to me that they've taken a wrong turn with Odyssey. It's now just a first person shooter with a tiny sprinkling of eye candy for exploration with very little else. In my view anyway.
VR unfortunately has been nerfed (in terms of any future development). Although I believe they are said to be fixing that particular bug.

It just seems to me that they've taken a wrong turn with Odyssey. It's now just a first person shooter with a tiny sprinkling of eye candy for exploration with very little else. In my view anyway.
And that shooter is terrible, as in players can completely wreck it by using ships and SRVs.
And that shooter is terrible, as in players can completely wreck it by using ships and SRVs.
To be fair, I'm a terrible shooter. I'm like the Sean Bean of Odyssey, I initially put on a good show but then die just as I'm getting going.

I do like that there's now "life" at settlements. They were always felt a bit pointless to me. Imagine if we could build our own base!.

But it no longer feels like it's all about the ships. Wouldn't it be great for instance if there was life aboard our ships. An npc crew on the bridge of your Anaconda. I mean in reality, a big ship like that would never be flown by one person.
I seem to remember from the early discussions that VR would be looked at for on foot play later on and that the cinema panel was a compromise until then, does anybody know if that has changed?
I seem to remember from the early discussions that VR would be looked at for on foot play later on and that the cinema panel was a compromise until then, does anybody know if that has changed?
Oh that's a black hole of depressing words... whilst that was the theme of the message, the new message, vocally said outloud by Arthur in the recent Supercruise Livestream was "We are not developing VR further. We will fix some bugs, but that is it". It was elaborated slightly with "never say never", but it safe to assume that VR on foot is a LONG way off, or never happening - at the moment.
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