Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 5

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Patch 5 is a significant step down for me

The frame drops in stations are far worse than they were previously

The new jaggedy edge feature looks terrible, no matter what Upscaling is set to

Planetary generation still looks poor: a flat brown planet with uniform-sized rocks like white melted ice cubes plopped across its surface.

Interstellar Factors are broken and I can't pay my bounties

GPU usage is still extremely high and the card runs hot

Sorry, FD, but Odyssey is a failure. I don't know where you can go from here, to be honest.

Deleted member 182079

Mine was ok until this update but now mine spikes to 80+ - not even Cyberpunk 2077 taxed my system this bad and it looks a hella lot better. Gonna have to stop playing as I can't afford to just replace the card at the moment.

I'm beyond p...
Same here. I'm genuinely starting to worry about my hardware, constantly at full throttle. It's like redlining a car in 1st gear.
Let's face it -- this game is never going to perform well on current hardware. If there were any low hanging fruit they'd picked them by now. It's rather likely to be a structural problem with their whole architecture, one that they clearly had on the radar all the time during development and which they probably thought would solve itself given time and next gen hardware. It's too bad that the kind of gfx cards needed to run this pile of dogpoop code currently are unobtainable, and that's where things are now. We're more likely to see ship interiors than reasonable performance anywhere soon.

New hardware doesn't solve anything... Since update5, experienced 8fps near the ground (in ship) and on (the ground) on foot/srv. I've never seen that before with my RTX3070.
Patch 5 is a significant step down for me

The frame drops in stations are far worse than they were previously

The new jaggedy edge feature looks terrible, no matter what Upscaling is set to

Planetary generation still looks poor: a flat brown planet with uniform-sized rocks like white melted ice cubes plopped across its surface.

Interstellar Factors are broken and I can't pay my bounties

GPU usage is still extremely high and the card runs hot

Sorry, FD, but Odyssey is a failure. I don't know where you can go from here, to be honest.
Might be something else but just in case, check your settings. The new directional and spot shadow quality default to high for some reason, even if it was medium or low before.
From what I’ve been seeing on stream - working ok in Beta update 5. Can’t wait for it to come out of Beta
Might be waiting a while.


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To literally rip a line from UK gambling advertising regulations: When the fun stops, stop. Seriously, do you really suddenly feel cheated for the 3000 hours of presumably space-based combat just because they added some (very much optional) legs stuff that's not for you?
Let's recap: You can't do the only thing in space legs that you can do, with the base 'engineering' flow. It would be different if I could kill an NPC in reasonable amounts of time, or survive more than a few seconds. Instead, I have to use ships & SRV's most of the time. Because someone made the decision that un-engineered stuff is acceptable. I have to run back and forth to my SRV playing resource manager every few minutes because someone felt the un-engineered amount was acceptable. I already bought and paid for the premium edition, so yes, I want to get my fun out of it. And I can't have fun when masochists decide every game mechanic and ignore everything people have been saying for years in lieu of shareholder opinions based on 'player activity'.

Either way, you're right, only people who blindly praise developers should get to express their point of view. And clearly, me and everyone who is upset with the way this was released with these gameplay decisions (not even mentioning the actual performance issues) are the minority. And we're socially incorrect for expressing our concerns. And here I thought a system where people could share their thoughts was important. Given steam/amazon reviews, drawing entrances on the bottoms of receipts from stores, 'free dessert' if you fill out guest satisfaction survey from olive garden (when I worked there, anyhow), 'how's my driving' stickers on trucks, likes & dislikes on youtube, etc. Just to name a few.

I mean, hey, I'm just complaining because I have nothing better to do and revel in being an internet jerk. Not because I want them to heed the consequences of their actions and fix it so everyone could be happy. I'd much rather spend my day complaining, and explaining why I'm complaining than actually play the game I have supported all these years... for what it's worth.
Well, with tonight's mission attempts foiled by a) not being able to find a damn support mission to do because they seem to be bugged out and b) not being able to find a settlement controlled by a target faction, I've duly left the review on steam (no recommend) that I said I'd wait on until I'd had a go of this update. Which is still a buggy, underwhelming, poorly performing mess. Go have a look at my 'End of the Road(map) Comedically Bad Screenshots thread' (and if you have some, post some).

If I were Gordon Ramay I would be :
Source: https://media.giphy.com/media/ftdB6XY9fSYdxBTm3w/giphy.gif

Which frankly, FDev were pretty explicitly told during alpha. Don't worry, the trunk is more up to date they said.

But still:

Tomorrow, I think I'll start rebinding my controls for that other space game. About time I gave that another go.

Edit: Sorry, I'm over 40 and I've just discovered communicating with gifs. Fun!
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I will try to keep calm and express the best I can considering english is not my natural language.

I wana be very clear about this, my squadron and I appreciate with all our hearts the hard work and countless hours the developer team have invested trying to fix everything that is broken with Oddysey.
I just closed the game after testing patch #5, tried to "quit to the desktop"... All I got after a few seconds was a black screen, thats all, after about 1 min of waiting I got bored and did ctrl+alt+del to hand force the end of the game.

I saw that a few things have been improved but overall, when you put your sight on the many details ED have to offer, the performance, the npcs, the ships, the ui, everything, even going out of an elevator (and I write the following knowing is not the develper team fault we are here, trying to use an alpha+ version of the DLC), there are lots and lots of things in Oddysey that still look like if they were made by a 12 year old kid as an awesome homework for school. I repeat is not the developer team fault we are like we are with the DLC, I know they are working hard to try to patch/fix everything they can.
Then again the result is not enough for what Frontier insist on calling a profesional finished product. A product for what they charged us real money. From my humble point of view this is not even a beta yet.

Still a long, long way to go to be able to play oddysey the way my squadron and I used to enjoy Horizon (even with the known Horizon glitches).

A real pitty a DLC like this, which had the support, hopes and dreams of the entire ED community was rushed out.

I thanks once again to the developer team for their hard work, and to the communication team here in forum, for evetything they have to face and what they try to answer.

I really, really hope one day we will get the final product we all deserve.
Patch 5 is a significant step down for me

The frame drops in stations are far worse than they were previously

The new jaggedy edge feature looks terrible, no matter what Upscaling is set to

Planetary generation still looks poor: a flat brown planet with uniform-sized rocks like white melted ice cubes plopped across its surface.

Interstellar Factors are broken and I can't pay my bounties

GPU usage is still extremely high and the card runs hot

Sorry, FD, but Odyssey is a failure. I don't know where you can go from here, to be honest.
Me too - I enjoy Odyssey and am willing to forgive some of the bugs and updates. But the last patch has seen my performance drop. time to go and play with my settings again.
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