Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 6

Looks like a heck of an update. Looking forward to trying it! One question - do the lighting fixes include anything about the visibility of space dust especially when out of immediate range of the local star? It can be seen again when you turn gamma all the way up, so I'm assuming this was a bug. But I haven't heard any direct reference to it being seen as a bug or if/when it might be fixed.
Like...this kind of...thoughtfulness and kindness really means a tonne because honestly I don't expect it but you take time to give this kind of feedback and it's LOVELY! Thank you! Truly enjoy time with you all.
It's tough to put a finger on, but for me, it's a bit like, I feel like we have one of "us" on the team again. For the longest Ed was the face of the game for us and he was there to answer questions and do the things. He moved on and then there was Will, and now we have Arf and that's all fine and good. And I've enjoyed all of them in different ways - and this is no way disparaging to any of them - but with you, from way back before you left and returned - there's a sense that you play the game like we do. From all those sightseeing streams with Paige and whatnot. At least I felt like, while you were on the team, you were one of us groundlings, too. And the little comments throughout the patch notes just further solidify that. There's an empathy there that belies your time in the game. Thanks for that. o7

And so it begins...
Hmmm, not sure I like that one second delay for illegal moves. When I'm trying to be sneaky I want stuff to happen quick. Can we just tell our clumsy Commanders to git gud? 😛
Yeah I’m not sure I’ll be a fan of this either. Panels is one thing. Looting is already intentional by pushing a button. Delaying grabbing loot will hurt stealth mechanics.

Also we need to address instant bounties when killing people. No one should know you murdered that innocent scientist if no one saw it. Or if someone sees it happen make them them try and radio in the crime. Too many needless bounties.
Fixed an issue that could cause AI to get stuck in conversations.

Can I get that as a DLC? I have a certain... let's call her.. "wife" that urgently needs it :)

Do AMD super-resolution and supersampling apply to VR? Do these effect on the flat window video only or will these improve VR resolution? Will it improve performance if I set supersampling to 0.5x and let AMD super-res up the resolution again?
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