Further to Chris' reply earlier - here are a couple of screenies I've just taken. It looks like the new system is working wonderfully in full-fat VR but switches off in the virtual flatscreen. The difference is night&day in the HMD, but I think you can also clearly see the change even when flipping to the vanity cam:
View attachment 253231
View attachment 253232
I'll rustle up an issue report tonight, and also one for a non-VR problem: using an xbox controller is now a pain, in the SRV
Previously you could hold a button and the legend would appear with all the associated key-combos - this no longer happens and the "master button" activates its base function as well as whatever combo function is being attempted eg if I press and hold "A" button (for example) and dPad Left for my headlights, it still does the light change but it also activates the handbrake (which is "A" on its own). I've made sure it's not set to "press to hold" in the settings, tried resetting the controls to defaults etc. but stuffs not working correctly.