Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Update 9 Notes

Please update the loader so it shows the SIZE of the download update , last time i got hit with a $180 excess data charge , it is ridiculous that you don't show the size of the download not everyone has unlimited data .
So if the patch is too big you don't download it?

Really not looking forward to mount a 128t size 7 limpet controller on an Exploration Conda
Hope the team is really looking into make those taking the same engineering mods as the standard controllers
Yeah, I don't think I'm ever going to need a universal controller badly enough to lose a size 7 slot for it. Sounds a bit excessive.
  • Issues around "Raid Missions" not counting kills (needs further investigation internally before I can go into it further).
I've experienced these sorts of miscounts in conflict zones too when it tells you there are X people left to kill (or X of Y people killed during a raid/massacre) as well as during scavenger kill missions.

It seems to happen most often if I'm changing vehicle when the count is updated - for instance, on a scav kill mission, if some extra scavs arrive in dropships and I disembark as they're dropping, the counter for the number of scavengers will be wrong. With scavs it usually just ends up with some of them not counting for the mission and I just have to find the ones that do, but I've run into other occasions where the count hasn't updated. It mainly seems to happen if the counter should have updated at the moment that I'm still on the black screen with the footsteps sound.

With conflict zones, if I'm supporting from the air, then as long as I disembark before the reinforcements are depleted and do the rest on foot, the mission is fine. Another time, I deployed in an SRV, disembarked because the last few enemies were in a building, and the enemies despawned without updating the counter.

I'd need to research it more (and I'm sure your QA teams are better equipped for that kind of poking than I am) but I've never encountered this problem when I've done the entire thing on foot from start to finish, it's only happened when I've been switching back and forth between ship/srv/foot.
That all looks very good! Thank you to the FDev team for all your efforts with this. So….. Scarab cargo bay changed from 2 to 4 eh? That will be very useful! Thanks!
Fire groups on my Krait were reset also, i.e. nothing was set up after I updated. Is this expected behaviour due to the changes made to facilitate the Multi-Limpet Controllers.
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