Elite Dangerous: Pay NOW play days later

Welcome to the forums, what with it being Christmas Day and all, it might be that 1000's of people are simultaneously downloading their ED pressies, but its much more likely to be an anti-virus, firewall or connectivity issue. Check those first. AVAST! gets a special mention somewhere on the forums, for example.

Advice: count to 10 before you post, reframe your opinion into a question. You're much more likely to get support (help and advice) as opposed to emotional reactions (flamed)

Happy Christmas.

I think your spot on with the 1000's of people are simultaneously downloading their ED pressies, and ill make a new years resolution to think before i type, its good advice.

this attitude is typical of a disgruntled customer, and ill choose whatever title i want but thanks for the inane advise, and as far as i can tell im not at fault as every other server i connect to in the world seem to work as expected, and as you seemed to have missed my point completely iim trying to become part of the community but the bloody game wont DOWNLOAD !


I really hope we attract more precious Princesses to our community like you.

Might enjoy PvP more then :D
"I just love how people ascribe to random assumptions that other people havent trouble shot the problem...... and where did i say the developers are to blame ?"

Hmmm, here?
"how can a company stuff this type of roll out up ?"

I am not blaming you for writing that and being angry, I'd probably be myself. Just answering to your question but I see that you already realised :)

merry Xmas and have fun, any doubt post here or drop me a PM (forums can be a bit.. toxic sometimes)
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Hmmm, here?
"how can a company stuff this type of roll out up ?"

As much as i hate assumptions i do fall down that hole constantly, i was implying that the lack of adequate bandwidth for the, in my humble opinion foreseeable load that would fall on the download servers would inevitably fall with the remit of a system administrator not the game developers as such, hence the "company" tag but as i have said this was an assumption and it seems i was wrong, thanks for the welcome and i look forward to battle within the game and forum.

As much as i hate assumptions i do fall down that hole constantly, i was implying that the lack of adequate bandwidth for the, in my humble opinion foreseeable load that would fall on the download servers would inevitably fall with the remit of a system administrator not the game developers as such, hence the "company" tag but as i have said this was an assumption and it seems i was wrong, thanks for the welcome and i look forward to battle within the game and forum.


BTW even in the past weeks I saw posts like yours (with more or less the same speed) and all the while I was downloading at high speed so maybe be some configuration issue? I think it's worth searching the forums for those threads and see if there was some working solution

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Mine downloaded and was running inside 15 minutes (Virgin XL) - it has to be your ISP's fault, not Frontier.

Not necessarily, it could be something else (configuration, stuck process, closed UDP port) but yeah if others download quickly can't be FD servers fault in this case
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This is a joke, the game has been downloading for 5 hours and its only half done, i have a 5MB connection stuck on 0MB/S, how can a company stuff this type of roll out up ? inept is the only word i can think of.

Worked fine for me.
@uggish.. we forgive you cos we is lovely people and we are mellow and its christmas. 6 gb will take a lot of downloading on anyones system. it seems to be doing it slowly cos there are lots of small files and it seems to be stuck on 0.09 but thats just the way they do it. leaving it overnight is a good plan IMO. enjoy commander
Mine as well as many others here works fine. On my 50mbps, got it downloaded within minutes really.

There is something up with your connection, perhaps your router is blocking it. Try placing yourself in the DMZ temporarily to bypass any firewall and try again.
Hi guys,

My connection is 10 mb could download the game, but it took more than a day - and that the game does not take up too much disk space. Indeed, the danwload speed is very low.
The Amazon servers [Yes, it runs on those - These servers for ED aren't located at the FD HQ] seem to top out around 5MB/s and I run a 8MB/s connection. You seem to have some issues, sir.

Check your router and software firewalls for blocked ports, etc.
Hi guys,

My connection is 10 mb could download the game, but it took more than a day - and that the game does not take up too much disk space. Indeed, the danwload speed is very low.

I just copied EDLauncher folder to another disk (it's just 5GB), uninstalled and now it's reinstalling at 3.0MBs. Dunno what to say more
I have the same problem when downloading - the client maxes out my bandwidth for a few seconds, then stops dead for a minute or so. It took an entire night for the initial download, but thankfully the patches have been fairly small. It's only with the ED launcher that I see this behaviour.
This is a joke, the game has been downloading for 5 hours and its only half done, i have a 5MB connection stuck on 0MB/S, how can a company stuff this type of roll out up ? inept is the only word i can think of.

I had the same problem (been playing since Beta) - I turned off Kaspersky while I was downloading and is downloaded a lot quicker...
@uggish.. we forgive you cos we is lovely people and we are mellow and its christmas. 6 gb will take a lot of downloading on anyones system. it seems to be doing it slowly cos there are lots of small files and it seems to be stuck on 0.09 but thats just the way they do it. leaving it overnight is a good plan IMO. enjoy commander

Thanks for the forgiveness, but i'll take my down the barrel of a gun with my boot on your neck, and mellow is for hippies that haven't found the benefits of crack.... but seriously thanks for the advice and ill get smashed on a bottle of blended whisky and play Dayz until the morrow and hope things improve.

cheers Merry Xmas.
Thanks for the help guys i do appreciate it, but i have cracked the whisky, it seems the problem sorts itself out eventually and ill be numb to all forms of disappointment shortly, anyway.

As much as i hate assumptions i do fall down that hole constantly, i was implying that the lack of adequate bandwidth for the, in my humble opinion foreseeable load that would fall on the download servers would inevitably fall with the remit of a system administrator not the game developers as such, hence the "company" tag but as i have said this was an assumption and it seems i was wrong, thanks for the welcome and i look forward to battle within the game and forum.


Ive played many mmo's over the years.. Just thought I'd respond to the above with an example of how 'These Guys' operate.. On the official game release i downloaded the game in 10mins, was online playing within the next 5, and was only disconnected once in the 1st 24hr period for a quick maintenance, I've never experianced an mmo release or expansion that has run so smooth. 'These guys' seem pretty on the ball, I have to agree with many of the previous statements.. Wrong way to introduce yourself to a community, a question is always going to be better received than an accusation, and make you look far less the fool.

Hope you get the dl sorted quickly, Merry Christmas

Whisky will make it all better.. Thats a singularly guarenteed warmth with a background fuzz that will sooth all and certainly reduce the time till you are selecting your Commanders name and hitting the play button :) Enjoy
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