Oddly enough I went down the exactly same route, for the same amount only to a different end destination country (sunny Ireland )
Great minds, and all that.
Oddly enough I went down the exactly same route, for the same amount only to a different end destination country (sunny Ireland )
I also figured why be an ass when it wins you nothing, which was why I edited it
Hello, first post, just joined although I have posted a few times in the KS comments.
I actually just joined KS to make this one pledge too
I started by pledging £20, to get the game. I've got a little boy (1 yr old) and I thought it would be cool to have his name out there in the Galaxy somewhere, so one Friday when you were all doing +£1 Elite Friday I ended up bumping up to the £40 tier.
I'm getting more and more excited about the game though, so I keep thinking I'd like to pledge more! I can see myself playing this for years and years (hopefully we all can) and enjoying Multiplayer. I can see myself thinking "I was here from the start, funded on KS, I should be a founder member". It's really the only chance we have, is to do that now. So I'm seriously considering bumping up to £150. But like I said I have a tiny son, and I feel bad spending what little money we have on him. And as has been mentioned, Christmas is right here and there's lots of things which need paying for.... Car needs Tax and MOT in January too...
Do I sound like I'm trying to talk myself into it, or out of it?!
Switch the whisky to some good aged rum and I'm with you.And I think old men and whisky comment may be worryingly accurate
I'm one of the old timers who played Wing Commander and Star Wars space simulators in "the old days" and didn't like the route games took in the last decade and more. So I've waited for SC and ED a long time.
What brought me to ED was simply a coincidence. I was first brought to SC by an article in an online game magazine, then I heard about ED after pledging for SC. But even my visit at SC was a coincidence, because I gave up reading game magazines years and yeas ago, and it was only because that this game article was part of a collection of articles on a portal page that I saw it. I'd never seen it otherwise.
Hello, first post, just joined although I have posted a few times in the KS comments.
I actually just joined KS to make this one pledge too
I started by pledging £20, to get the game. I've got a little boy (1 yr old) and I thought it would be cool to have his name out there in the Galaxy somewhere, so one Friday when you were all doing +£1 Elite Friday I ended up bumping up to the £40 tier.
I'm getting more and more excited about the game though, so I keep thinking I'd like to pledge more! I can see myself playing this for years and years (hopefully we all can) and enjoying Multiplayer. I can see myself thinking "I was here from the start, funded on KS, I should be a founder member". It's really the only chance we have, is to do that now. So I'm seriously considering bumping up to £150. But like I said I have a tiny son, and I feel bad spending what little money we have on myself. And as has been mentioned, Christmas is right here and there's lots of things which need paying for.... Car needs Tax and MOT in January too...
Do I sound like I'm trying to talk myself into it, or out of it?!
Yes, but I imagine they will be in the form of first and surname, not name as a whole. So let's say you put in your name as "Kipper Fish" ... so the NPC's may be called:I'm sure the names will be recycled