Elite Dangerous | Powerplay 2.0 exploration and trade balance changes

I just sold 16 pages worth of exploration data. I only got merits for pages that had at least one system worth 1 million credits (give or take). So while that may be the number of merits per credit you get, there appears to be some kind of threshold for which systems give you any merits at all (as has been mentioned in this thread).

Or is the requirement that the system must have a terraformable, water world or earth-like? (Indeed, all those 1+ million credit systems had at least one of those.)

It would be very Frontier areas to have some arcane hidden requirement they forgot to tell us; or someone made a change during testing and never reverted it.
Greetings Commanders,

Following a review of the use of exploration data and trading on Powerplay 2.0 we will be making the following changes:
  • We will be temporarily disabling the merit and system score gains for Exploration and Genetic Samples data for Powerplay 2.0
  • You can continue to explore, gather and sell data but it will not count towards Powerplay 2.0
  • We have a deployed a fix to balance Powerplay 2.0 trading - Trades will no longer result in excessive merit generation. We will continue to monitor and adjust as needed.
  • We will be adjusting the Powerplay 2.0 ranks of Commanders who have excessively benefited from trading and exploration data
  • Once our review is complete we will announce when exploration data will be eligible to count towards Powerplay 2.0
We thank you for your patience.
Is this why trying to turn in exploration data is not moving the progress bar in my weekly task? If not, can anyone explain how to complete that?
Exploration is part of the system.

The defect is that the requirement is not documented, so you cannot turn in data and expect it to just give you merits, you have to be careful that you are turning in "good" data and we don't have any definition from FDev of what "good" means.

So the "bug" where there's no documentation is still current. But I don't know why you're saying "exploration is no longer part of the system" because we worked out that it was still somewhat viable about 15 pages ago?
Exploration is part of the system.

The defect is that the requirement is not documented, so you cannot turn in data and expect it to just give you merits, you have to be careful that you are turning in "good" data and we don't have any definition from FDev of what "good" means.

So the "bug" where there's no documentation is still current. But I don't know why you're saying "exploration is no longer part of the system" because we worked out that it was still somewhat viable about 15 pages ago?
Fair enough. But there's still an 11/1 Dev post on the topic that hasn't been revised.

It would be helpful to have some clarity as to what activities offer what merit rewards.
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