Elite Dangerous - Powerplay 2.0 Merit Changes

You clearly have not been put into a 20 hour timeout because you capped notoriety out at 10 after undermining for a couple hours only to switch task to load commodities onto a carrier and get into a literal fender bender in the mail slot in a totally unrelated ship, obtaining a 200cr fine that can't be paid for 20 hours then being forced to either leave your game client running for the next 20 hours or suffer the next 20 hours of gameplay without the ability to do anything you actually want to do for your objectives because you locked yourself out of all stations the faction controlling the territory you got into a fender bender.
Can't you shoot a ship there to convert the fine into a bounty, then hand yourself in? Sure you have to fly back from a prison ship but that doesn't take 20 hours.
Thanks for this. One issue that I've found when doing the initial missions is with SELL RARE GOODS IN ACQUISITION.
The info on the Powerplay Section in the ship menu isn't clear. It tells you to buy from the source and sell in Acquisition Systems.
Two points:
There are no Acquisition Systems listed under the subheadings in the Powerplay GalMap section and
Only in the Codex does it tell you that Acquisition means Systems in Conflict.

Regarding the latter: What it doesn't tell you is if that includes as yet Unoccupied Systems or any other systems. I found this intensely frustrating as I was completely in the dark as to where to go to be guaranteed a mission completion.
I think you need to make it clearer in the Ship Menu and the Codex. Something as simple as: Acquisition = (System where two or more parties are present and the system is in one of the following states...) and then list the states.
As a player what you want in a game that is deep is simple, effective and concise instruction. This seems to me to be an essential approach and something that is key if you don't want antagonise, frustrate and ultimately lose players. Forgive me if I've missed something obvious. Thanks.
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Something as simple as: Acquisition = (System where two or more parties are present and the system is in one of the following states...) and then list the states.
Acquisition [for your power]: any Unoccupied system within 20 LY of your Fortified systems or 30 LY of your Stronghold systems. The map does unfortunately lack an easy filter to tell the difference between your Power's Acquisition systems and Unoccupied systems more generally. [1]

Acquisition Conflict: any system meeting the basic Acquisition requirements for at least two Powers, where at least two Powers have already exceeded the Conflict Threshold in terms of merits put in.

[1] For any individual system, you can use the "Toggle Strategic View" button to see if you get lines leading back to your friendly Fortified/Stronghold systems. Systems where other people have put in some effort already (to pass the Conflict Threshold for at least one Power) get highlighted with a double circle, which makes them easier to spot but also means you may miss options if you only look for those.
Can't you shoot a ship there to convert the fine into a bounty, then hand yourself in? Sure you have to fly back from a prison ship but that doesn't take 20 hours.
I'll give that a shot. I typically have low to no notoriety so I don't have to engage with it often. I thought turning yourself in with notoriety wasn't an option but I can't even fathom the last time I would have actually tried to do that.
The map is a balls, I wish it had a 'top 5 active systems' button or something. I know it has an activity slider which (i guess) is supposed to provide that information, but nothing appears when I try it. I also miss the power play bubble view, i think they have removed it. It was a nice visual indicator of how things looked.
No mention of the disabled and broken merit activities again in the patch notes. Is this now what it is? By broken I mean trade and the apparently logarithmic reduction from 2t upward on sales making it weaker by far than any other activity btw.
Criminal behavior doesn't need to be incentivized unless the crime and punishment system is also revised to give it real consequence. People are already clamouring to do it, and in terms of lore/realism, terroristic activitiy isn't as effective as terrorists like to believe it is. It tends to galvanize opposition and put off moderate sympathizers.
When referring to PvP, true, consequences for destroying another ship are insignificant. I was destroyed once for a bank-breaking 200 cr bounty on my opponent.

On the other hand, if you are simply following your Power's instruction to gain leverage in a system, you could get fines, bounties, and notoriety. If I'm working at the behest of my Power as their agent, I should be protected by qualified immunity and have THEM pickup the tab for any crime/penalty I incur. And notoriety, while probably well-intentioned, is a pretty terrible mechanic to have for shooting NPCs.
Criminal behavior doesn't need to be incentivized unless the crime and punishment system is also revised to give it real consequence. People are already clamouring to do it, and in terms of lore/realism, terroristic activitiy isn't as effective as terrorists like to believe it is. It tends to galvanize opposition and put off moderate sympathizers.
o7 cmdrs,
Has anyone had a problem with turning merits in recently? I have 2 weekly tasks: 1. sell exploration data at reinforcement system and 2. deliver biological samples to the Tollan system. I did both tasks correctly, but my weekly tasks bar didn't even move a single point. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
o7 cmdrs,
I have the same problem not getting any merits. I have an assignment " SELL EXPLORATION DATA IN MBEGERA", I tried to sell the exploration data in starports, gorund ports in Mbegera but I cannot get any points for this assignment.

o7 cmdrs,
Has anyone had a problem with turning merits in recently? I have 2 weekly tasks: 1. sell exploration data at reinforcement system ...

o7 cmdrs,
I have the same problem not getting any merits. I have an assignment " SELL EXPLORATION DATA IN MBEGERA", I tried to sell the exploration data in starports, gorund ports in Mbegera but I cannot get any points for this assignment.
It appears that "Exploration data" actually means "one system at a time, of only high-quality exploration data" - and sell those systems one at a time - not by "sell page."

Reports vary but it looks like you need a system worth at least 500,000 and there need to be a couple of "interesting" bodies in there, ELWs and such, so the 500,000 can't just be a huge system of 40 completely average moons either.

Long discussion here in the PowerPlay subforum:

And another in the Exploration subforum - this thread is asking for people to gather data so the forum can figure out the rules...
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