Elite Dangerous | Thargoid War Epilogue


Senior Community Manager
The last Titan, Cocijo, has fallen.

The war is over. We vanquished the enemy at our doorstep and now is the time to rebuild.

Humanity will be unbounded, our light will shine out across the stars exploring the furthest reaches of our galaxy. Seeking new wonders and forging a new path on untamed worlds. This will be our triumph.

We owe to all that came before and all that comes after.

Let us begin again.
You know you must go on with AX here and there, right?
Too many people invested too much effort in learning the ropes, equipping the ships 'n all, for you to simply say "well, that's all, folks".
Just look at the numbers and enthusiasm shown here.

Keep them coming back.


Volunteer Moderator
Because we apparently didn't learn anything from expanding into the Pleiades Nebula...

Thanks a lot for the update and the video. Great work.
So no secret meaning in the last scream, no sleeper zombie army and no last ditch plan from the Goids, both disappointing and satisfying at the same time.

On the one hand endless twist after twist gets old, sometimes storylines just need to end, and this one has been going on for 2 years, so lets get into the colonisation which is clearly what FDEV whats, but on the other hand I really did want a much more indepth answer as to what the Thargoids were up to.
So no secret meaning in the last scream, no sleeper zombie army and no last ditch plan from the Goids
...for at least two weeks since Frontier will be away for the Christmas/New Year break and it's not polite to leave the skeleton crew on maintenance duty with the first run of something like that.

I really did want a much more indepth answer as to what the Thargoids were up to.
It has been impressive that we've been at war with the Thargoids for about three years now (counting from when Azimuth started to escalate hostilities a lot) and every theory we've come up with about what they want, what their strategy is, why they're doing it, etc. has turned out to be contradicted by future events so that we're now left with "eh, dunno, maybe Thargoids just do that"
It has been impressive that we've been at war with the Thargoids for about three years now (counting from when Azimuth started to escalate hostilities a lot) and every theory we've come up with about what they want, what their strategy is, why they're doing it, etc. has turned out to be contradicted by future events so that we're now left with "eh, dunno, maybe Thargoids just do that"
We kept on being reminded that we can't think like humans to determine what the Thargoids would do next.

A very satisfying story, thank you Frontier!
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